Please see below for an invite from the City of Richmond, aimed at residents with lived experience of low income, to apply to become a member on its Community Poverty Reduction and Prevention Table.
The City is currently seeking residents with lived and living experience to participate on its newly established Community Poverty Reduction and Prevention Table. Three positions are available, with one position designated for a Indigenous community member.
The purpose of the Table is to help to advance actions identified in the 2021–2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond.
Table member’s will be asked to share their expertise by:
- Attending approximately six – 2 hours meetings annually
- Preparing for meetings by reviewing the meeting materials
- Participating in discussions, sharing insights and feedback on new initiatives to advance actions in the 2021 – 2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond
Meetings will be held bi-monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. with the first meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 14.
Meeting Day: Thursday
Meeting Time: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Frequency: Bi-monthly
Meeting Location: Richmond City Hall, 6911 no. 3 Rd
Meeting Format: In person (a hybrid option for online participation may be available at a future date)
Honorariums will be provided to recognize the contributions of resident Table members.
Interested residents should contact Melanie Burner at 604-276-4390 or to informally discuss the position.