Weekly Richmond PRC information round-up 2022

man using laptop

Seeing as how the pandemic is not over yet, and coupled with natural disasters caused by climate change, in-person and/or virtual services offered by Richmond PRC member organizations are more important than ever. Check back weekly for regular news and updates from service providers and the various levels of government. If you or someone you know would like to join the RPRC please visit our website for more information.

Monday December 19, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 40th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

From the Directors and all the people who make the Coalition work, we wish you all a very relaxing and healthy holiday season!

->Kudos: RCD board members recognized (Thanks to Richmond News)

RPRC member, the Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) paid tribute to a trio of long-serving board members. On Monday, December 12th, the RCD – with the help of Teresa Wat, MLA Richmond North Centre – bid farewell to Mark Bukata, Sarah Ho and Vince Miele. RCD presented them with certificates of appreciation to recognize their combined 50-plus years of service to the non-profit, which is dedicated to advocating for and improving the lives of Richmond residents with physical and cognitive challenges.

->Positive Discipline Parenting Workshop (Thanks to Bilquis Hirani and FSGV)

Join us for a free 6-week program starting January 17th, for caregivers of children ages 0–6. For registration or questions, call 604 279 1700 or email richceds@fsgv.ca. Through hands-on activities, guided discussions, and sharing, learn how to guide children in developing: Self-discipline • Responsibility • Problem-solving skills • Positive self-esteem. See the poster.

->The supply line: Volunteers ‘stretched to the limit’ helping Richmond’s homeless (Thanks to Richmond News)

Part two of the Richmond News’ feature on homelessness in the city highlights desperate calls for help. “Getting the food is not the problem. But we are stretched to the limit.” De Whalen can’t praise Richmond’s small battalion of volunteer-led faith communities and the Salvation Army enough. After all, they are, with their patchwork of community meals – one day here, one day there – quite literally keeping the city’s street homeless population alive. Allied with one or two local businesses, hundreds of hot meals pumped out weekly by the churches and charity and delivered direct by an after-hours outreach worker to people living rough on the street.

However, Whalen, as a member of the Richmond Food Aid Delivery Coalition which coordinates the vital aforementioned service, said the threads are starting to show. “These faith communities are having smaller and smaller congregations, but they keep putting out all these meals,” explained Whalen. “We’re all just stretched to the absolute limit. Food is not the problem. It’s producing it, making proper meals out of it, with volunteers.

“We simply cannot rely on these volunteers forever. It’s too much to keep on falling back on them, asking them to plug the gaps. “Luckily, we have the Salvation Army funding one position, Hugh Freiberg, as an after-hours outreach worker. But he needs help. The guy needs a day off.”

The story also includes a link to part one and the Union Gospel Mission’s report on outreach services in Richmond.

->Seeking Members for Richmond Partner and Family Advisory Committee for MHSU

The Richmond Mental Health and Substance Use Partner and Family Advisory Committee (Richmond PFAC) is currently recruiting people with lived and living experience of mental health and/or substance use, as well as family members, to join the committee.

The goal of the Richmond PFAC is to represent the diverse voices of clients and families within Richmond Mental Health and Substance Use. The group fosters a collaborative environment between patients and families and advocates for teamwork and responsiveness in improving access to services and quality of care.

->March 8, 2023 is the Richmond Homeless Count (Thanks to Richmond Homeless Count)

The RPRC will assist the 2023 Homeless Count team by helping to recruit volunteers for the March 8th Count. They are looking for volunteers, such as Outreach Workers, Peers with Lived and Living Experience of Homelessness, help with Mapping Routes and Locations, help with Food / Other Services. If you or your program would like to volunteer, please email info@richmondprc.org by January 9th with Richmond Homeless Count 2023 in the subject line.

->Youth want homes, jobs, friends before treatment (Thanks to Richmond News)

Young people struggling with drugs don’t necessarily want treatment before they have the rest of their lives figured out, namely housing, employment and romantic relationships.

When they access treatment without dealing with these issues first, leaving treatment often means going back to the social conditions that triggered their substance use, explained Danya Fast, a research scientist with the BC Centre on Substance Use and a professor at UBC’s Department of Medicine. “However, in the absence of desirable housing and adequate income, youth were often left with the crushing sense that, despite their efforts, treatment would not ultimately help them to ‘get somewhere better,’” the report noted.

Since 2016, 1,600 people in B.C. under the age of 30 have lost their lives to drug overdoses or drug poisonings. A study of young people who were using drugs in B.C., “Youth Voices on Treatment: In the Shadow of the Overdose Crisis,” was just published last week by the BC Centre on Substance Use.

->KinVillage rental apartment building project approved (Thanks to Delta Optimist)

If Delta can do it, Richmond should be able to build rent-geared-to-income units too.

Delta council has granted final approval for a major redevelopment at KinVillage in Tsawwassen. The first phase of an overall master plan for the site, the rezoning application involves the construction of a four-to-six storey seniors’ affordable rental apartment building with 152 units. The site will include three rent classifications: rent-geared-to-income units (50 percent of units), affordable market rentals (30 percent of units), and deep subsidy rentals (20 percent of units) with indoor amenity spaces, common balcony spaces and laundry rooms on each floor.

Council granted preliminary approval last year, but asked for several modifications to the proposal, including changing the design of most of the units to provide direct access between the primary bedroom and bathroom. All suites and common building areas, including the Day Program for Older Adults area, will include air conditioning.

The development is being funded and financed through BC Housing’s Community Housing Fund. Council in 2019 approved an Official Community Plan amendment for the long-term expansion vision for the entire KinVillage site. Delta’s Housing Needs Assessment identified the need for affordable rental and seniors housing. Read the article.

->Weave Human Rights into Mental Health Act, Urges Report (Thanks to The Tyee)

Enshrining human rights in British Columbia’s Mental Health Act should be a priority to improve outcomes for the rising number of people treated involuntarily for mental health and substance use, says an advocacy group. The act, which grants uniquely broad powers to B.C.’s health-care system to admit and treat people in crisis without their consent, is currently under review by the Ministry of Justice, The Tyee reported earlier this year.

The legislation as it stands lacks a clear purpose and appropriate safeguards for people at their most vulnerable, according to a report issued last week by Health Justice, a non-profit whose website says it aims to improve the laws and policies that govern coercive health care in B.C.“We need clarity with what we’re trying to achieve and what values we as a province hold,” said executive director Kendra Milne in an interview as the report was released. “B.C. really is an outlier even in Canada, because most other jurisdictions have a purpose and objective included in their laws.”

->BC government NEW appointments (Thanks to Vantage Point newsletter)

Announcing a new Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development and Non-Profits! PS Megan Dykeman is the former Chair of the Langley Board of Education. She has been asked by Premier Eby to support the Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction with a priority focus on liaising with the non-profit sector, being an advocate within government for the social impact sector, and providing support to food security initiatives, as well as non-market and co-op housing organizations. Read more in PS Dykeman’s mandate letter.

The new Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction is Sheila Malcolmson, who was previously the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. Among her key priorities, a focus on food security and coordinating efforts in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside have been highlighted in her mandate letter from Premier Eby.

Friend of the non-profit sector, Minister Niki Sharma is now BC’s Attorney General, and will continue to sit on the Treasury Board, where decisions about government spending are made. She will also serve as Vice Chair of the Priorities and Planning Committee, where decisions are made about the government’s agenda.

Premier Eby has indicated that affordable housing, safer communities, improved healthcare, and a sustainable, clean, secure, and fair economy are the top four priorities for the government.

Visit the Government of BC’s website for more information on the new cabinet, including the newly created Ministry of Housing.

-> BC has a Housing Minister! (Thanks to BC Non-Profit Housing Association)
On December 7th the Hon. Ravi Kahlon, MLA was sworn in as BC’s first Minister of Housing in over 40 years. With the intensity of the housing crisis growing across the province, BCNPHA applauds the provincial government’s action in the creation of a ministry with the sole purpose of delivering affordable and attainable housing. Minister Kahlon’s mandate letter includes:

  • Delivering a refreshed housing strategy, including a plan to build middle-income homes through BC Builds, develop a rental housing acquisition fund, implement taxes and regulations to ameliorate the impact of house flipping and short-term rentals on affordability, and more.
  • Working with Indigenous partners to identify and deliver on Indigenous housing priorities for the province.
  • Implementing a Development Approvals Process Review and a Housing Supply Act to set housing targets and support municipalities streamlining approvals and fast-tracking affordable housing construction.
  • Leading efforts to improve service-delivery coordination among all interested and affected parties in Vancouver’s DTES.
  • Expanding on homelessness supports launched in Budget 2022.
  • Supporting the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure to set affordability goals within transit-oriented developments.

->ICBC rates frozen for 2023 (Thanks to Aman Singh, MLA Richmond East)

For those who have a car, Premier David Eby recently announced that the government is freezing ICBC basic rates. A government media report states, ‘Our public insurance needs to keep rates low while people are struggling so that everyone has necessary insurance, at a good rate.’

->City of Richmond wants to hear from you on their 5 year financial plan (Thanks to LetsTalkRichmond)

The City is inviting Richmond taxpayers and residents to provide feedback on the City’s proposed Consolidated 5 Year Financial Plan (2023-2027) Bylaw No. 10429 which enables the City to meet the needs of the community and maintain civic service levels for the coming five years. Please visit LetsTalkRichmond.ca to read information on the budgets and complete the comment form by Sunday, January 8, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.

Tuesday December 6, 2022

​Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 39th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

->December 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Dec 6th marks the 33rd anniversary of the 14 women who lost their lives to violence at L’Ecole Polytechnic, the Montreal Massacre. This newsletter is dedicated to women lost to femicide in Canada; the 14 women in Montreal, and recently the 4 Winnipeg women, all victims of violence. Let us honour the women taken on the Highway of Tears. Let us not forget the courage of Mahsa Amini in Iran. We stand in solidarity and strength with women around the world who have lost their lives, just because they were women.

->We need to find poverty’s ignition switch (Thanks to Richmond News Editor Eve Edmonds)

Richmond News editor Eve Edmonds says we need to find out the root cause of poverty in the city. “It’s about to blow up in our faces,” is how outreach worker Hugh Freiberg put it. “It” being the horrendous conditions in which some people live, not in another part of the world, or even Vancouver’s Downtown East Side, but right here in this affluent city of Richmond.

Horrendous conditions include spending the night under a pile of blankets with nothing but an old golf umbrella to protect you from snowfall and icy winds. Our story (Page 13) was prompted by research carried out in Richmond by the Union Gospel Mission and presented to city council on Monday.

The report outlines the supports currently available to people in poverty. It recognizes the angels among us who trudge out in the middle of the night to bring a hot meal to some of those living rough. However, it also highlights the gaping holes in our social safety net and points to an untenable reliance on donations and volunteers.

This brings us to the question of charity. Right now, we’re in the throes of charity season. Everyone, including us, are hammering hard the charity/donation message. Two weeks ago we had on our front page a story about the Christmas Fund Toy Drive, last week we wrote about a blanket drive, in this week’s paper we have a story about a toy fund for BC Children’s. And if you logged into your email on Tuesday, you would have been inundated with “Giving Tuesday” requests. While it can be overwhelming, the need is real, people are truly suffering. Read the editorial.

->The front line: On the streets with Richmond’s homeless (Thanks to Richmond News and Alan Campbell)

It’s 10 a.m. and the mercury has yet to rise above -2 Celsius in Richmond. As we drive around the back streets of the city’s north end, one wonders what the temperature was like before sunrise for the people we see cowered into corners of vacant buildings and in the crevices under the Oak and Knight street bridges. What was it like a few hours ago for the man under a pile of blankets of various material, sheltered only from the Arctic blast by an old golf umbrella? Or the man sleeping behind a makeshift, eight-foot high wall of filled, black garbage bags?

And then there’s the 30-strong caravan of RVs on Vulcan Way, most in a state of disrepair, some mobile, although some clearly haven’t shifted an inch for a very long time. Most of them boast all manner of home-made contraptions, designed to convince the chilling breeze whipping off the nearby Fraser River to divert away from their “home.”
Our driver, Hugh Freiberg, knows most of the locals, many of them pensioners, bringing them a hot meal, amongst other vital items, six nights a week. Freiberg — an after-hours outreach worker — said he’s never seen it so bad in the 10 years he’s been seeking out those who need help on the streets of Richmond, noting that the RV train wasn’t there prior to the pandemic.

“I’ve witnessed a dramatic increase in homelessness and opiate overdoses,” and delivered “twice as many meals since pre-Covid,” said Freiberg, who works with the Salvation Army, with the support of the Richmond Food Aid Delivery Coalition. “The situation is really bad right now and is getting worse by the month. It’s about to blow up in our faces.” Freiberg’s stark assessment jives with a report – compiled by the local Union Gospel Mission – presented to Richmond city council this week by members of the aforementioned food aid delivery coalition.

At that presentation Monday evening, which Freiberg attended, council members were told of the gravity of the situation on the front line of homelessness in Richmond. The 20-page report was titled “One to Ten Minutes to Connect,” pointing to the notion that outreach workers, such as Freiberg, have that time window to connect with a person living on the street, assess their needs and gain a modicum of trust that might just save their lives. Much more to read here, including the need for after-hours outreach in Richmond: https://tinyurl.com/5n6vp52v

->Stuck in the middle of redevelopment (Thanks to Richmond News)

The Azure Road development was opposed by a large group of single-family homeowners, but city council still approved it. Some people don’t want 330 rental units in their neighbourhood while at least one housing advocate doesn’t understand why there’s such opposition to a rental complex.

But stuck in the middle are 50 families currently living in a townhouse complex on Azure Road who will have to pack up and move out when the property is redeveloped.
Wendy Torris moved into a two-bedroom unit at Sun Valley Terrace 30 years ago when she was married and expecting her first child. A few years later, she moved into a larger unit in the same complex where she raised her family and still lives there with her daughter and son-in-law. Read the whole story here: https://tinyurl.com/f5rv8urt

->The cost of renting in Metro Vancouver (Thanks to Richmond News)

Metro Vancouverites looking for a less expensive place to live may finally have some options this month, although they won’t exactly be cheap. For the first time since July, rent prices in the Lower Mainland have dropped. This month, the average cost to rent an unfurnished, one-bedroom unit is $2,227, down $90 from November when the average was $2,317, according to Liv.rent’s latest rent report.

While this is only the second time this year that rent prices have fallen across Metro Vancouver, the company notes that prices may continue to drop. “Depending on the outcome of the upcoming [Dec. 7] announcement [about interest rates] from the Bank of Canada, this could be the start of a return to normalcy for the region’s rent prices,” note the report’s authors. But it’s not all good news.

->Grocery bills rising in BC (Thanks to Richmond News)

An average family of four will spend up to $16,288 on food in 2023. British Columbians should expect to fork out hundreds of dollars more on food next year, as inflationary pressures continue to tax consumers’ wallets, according to the 2023 Canada’s Food Price Report. Overall, food prices are expected to rise from 5-7%, according to the food systems experts from Dalhousie University, the University of Guelph, the University of British Columbia and the University of Saskatchewan.

Last year, the experts underestimated the impact of inflation as they predicted an increase of up to 7%; whereas the actual numbers, to October, show increases of about 10.5% — although B.C.’s food price changes have rung in lower than any other province, at 9.2 %. “Canada also saw the highest rate of food inflation since the 1980s — a 40-year high. Adverse climate events, rising geopolitical tensions, high oil prices, and a falling Canadian dollar all contribute to retail food prices,” stated the experts.

->Trudeau and Eby celebrate childcare funding launch in Richmond (Thanks to Richmond News)

More Richmond childcare centres will be offering $10 a day childcare. A new childcare partnership between the federal and provincial governments came into effect on Dec. 1 and will see fees reduced by half for B.C. parents. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and B.C. Premier David Eby were at Richmond Jewish Day School to celebrate the launch on Friday morning. The private school on No. 5 Road – on Richmond’s Highway to Heaven – is one of the beneficiaries of this program at its in-house child-care centre.

Trudeau pointed out having affordable childcare means parents with young children can stay in the workforce. “Social policies like affordable childcare are also economic policies,” he said. He noted B.C. was the first to sign on to the $10 a day childcare program, in July 2021, and now all provinces have signed similar agreements with the federal government.

More Richmond child-care centres were announced on Friday as coming online with the provincial program. These are Baby Steps Infant & Toddler Care (10 spaces), Terra Nova Children’s Centre (25 spaces), Cranberry Children’s Society (34 spaces), Gardens Children’s Centre (37 spaces), Bowling Green Road Children’s Centre (49 spaces) and Riverside Child Development Centre (24 spaces). Learn more.

-> CORRECTION: Hydro OR Fortis tax credit and Affordability credit coming (Thanks to Kelly Greene MLA)

B.C. residents are going to get some reprieve on their home heating costs this winter. BC Hydro and FortisBC have each announced every customer will soon receive a one-time $100 “cost-of-living” credit to their electricity or gas accounts.

Monday November 28, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 38th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.
Please note the period from Nov 25-Dec10th marks 16 days of activism against gender-based violence.

-> Nov 25th – Dec 10th Against Gender-Based Violence (Thanks to YWCA Metro)
November 25th marked the beginning of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, an annual international campaign that calls for the prevention and elimination of violence against women, girls, Two-Spirit and gender diverse people.

Too little action has been taken to protect the lives and well-being of women and girls, especially those who are Indigenous. For the next 16 days, YWCA will be lifting up findings from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and highlighting 16 of the 231 Calls for Justice and sharing art, quotes and actions you can take. Learn about the Calls for Justice.

-> Dec 6th Vigil and March Brighouse Library outside at 11.45 am (Thanks to Susan Johnsen)

This event is in commemoration of the women killed at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnic on Dec 6, 1989, and all the women in Richmond killed in the last 33 years. Come to the library by 11.45 am Dec 6th, dressed for the weather, wear orange. The group will meet to remember women who have lost their lives to violence, then march around City Hall and back to the library.

-> Fair Trade Fair is back! (Thanks to KAIROS and Richmond Presbyterian Church)

Hosted by RPRC member Richmond Presbyterian Church, the popular Fair Trade Fair is back. Come on Dec 3rd from 10am to 2pm to see holiday gift items from local artisans, enjoy entertainment, ethnic food, and talk to Richmond non-profit providers.

-> 2022 Living Wage is up to $24.08 in Metro Vancouver (Thanks to Richmond News)

Rising costs for housing (rent), childcare and groceries are among the key factors resulting in a higher “living wage” in many B.C. communities, according to a new report from two research and policy groups. For a family of four to live “modestly” in Metro Vancouver, it now takes both parents working full-time and earning $24.08 per hour — a 17.3 per cent jump from last year’s wage of $20.52.

Living Wage for Families and Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-BC, say all B.C. communities are facing similar hikes to their living wage estimates, largely due to inflation of food prices and persistent rising housing costs.

The groups consider a living wage the amount needed for such a family of four to pay for necessities to live a “modest” life while supporting the healthy development of the children. Read the whole article.

-> Hydro/ Fortis tax credit and Affordability credit coming (Thanks to Richmond News)

B.C. residents are going to get some reprieve on their home heating costs this winter and lower-income families will get an additional tax credit this fall. BC Hydro and FortisBC have each announced every customer will soon receive a one-time $100 “cost-of-living” credit to their electricity or gas accounts.

In addition to the two credits, Premier David Eby announced a new “BC Affordability Credit” to help low- and middle-income earners with the rising costs of inflation.
According to a provincial government statement, the tax credit “will provide as much as an additional $164 per adult, and $41 per child, or as much as $410 for a family with two children earning $43,051, with a sliding scale of credits for families earning as much as $150,051.”

-> 10% “Affordable” Housing in Landa development (Thanks to Richmond News)

Landa developers squeaked under the wire and got a lower percentage of low-end market rentals (LEMR) than others going forward. A hotel and residential development next to the Olympic Oval got the go-ahead from Richmond city council Monday. Having passed first reading before Nov. 15, the Landa Oval development will only be required to build 10 per cent affordable housing units. As of Nov. 15, any new approved large developments in city centre will need to dedicate 15 per cent of their floor space to affordable housing units. More here.

->Teachers ask City for Truth & Reconciliation policy (Thanks to Richmond News)

This is the second time Richmond city council is asking its staff to look into reconciliation with Indigenous people. A motion from Coun. Michael Wolfe to create a Truth and Reconciliation policy will be added to an outstanding referral – from June 2021 – to see how the city can recognize First Nations groups and work toward reconciliation.
“I myself am quite confident that most of us are here without the full knowledge of whose lands we’re on or whose lands we’ve been responsible for utilizing and the privileges that have unfortunately come along with these lives that we live,” Wolfe said in introducing his motion to city council’s Monday committee meeting.

Two teachers, Alisa Magnan and Katherine Myers, from Spul’u’kwuks elementary, spoke at the meeting in support of Wolfe’s motion and presented a petition with more than 600 names asking for a Truth and Reconciliation policy.

They recounted how their school had been vandalized the night before Truth and Reconciliation events were to take place in September whereby all the orange ribbons around the school were torn down and thrown in the garbage.

-> BC Government Gig Worker Engagement (Thanks to Henry Yao, MLA)

The BC government wants to hear directly from gig workers about the work they do, their working conditions, the challenges they face, and how employment standards could address those unique challenges of app-based ride-hail and delivery workers in BC. There will be a worker-only roundtable discussion taking place as below, with Parliamentary Secretary for the New Economy, Adam Walker.

The event is in Richmond – Tuesday, November 29, 2022 from 12-1.30 pm at KPU Richmond Melville Centre for Dialogue (room 2550A). If you’re unable to attend, there are two other ways to participate:

  1. There is a survey is on government’s public engagement site in English, French, Punjabi, Chinese, Tagalog and Arabic until 4 p.m., January 6, 2023:
  2. Written comments can be emailed to: precariousworkstrategy@gov.bc.ca

-> Unite Here YVR workers ratify agreement (Thanks to Richmond News)

The RPRC supports the workers of Unite Here Local 40. The nearly 300 Gate Gourmet workers who make meals for airlines that fly out of Vancouver International Airport have voted 94 per cent to ratify a new contract.

The new three-year contract raises workers’ pay by nine per cent to a level where most are making around $25 per hour, according to a Unite Here Local 40 spokesperson. That puts those workers among the highest paid airline catering workers in Canada.

The new agreement also comes with improved health-care benefits, improved seniority rights for long-term workers, a quicker path to top wage rates and an increased shoe allowance, according to the union. The new agreement is to be in place through July 31, 2025. Check out the story.

-> Foundry Richmond opens its doors to young people (Thanks to Deb Turner)

Young people in Richmond will have access to more mental-health and substance-use services with the opening of the Foundry centre’s permanent location. Foundry Richmond provides young people 12-24 and their families free and confidential age-friendly services to fit their unique needs, such as mental-health and substance-use counselling, medical services, peer support and social services.

Foundry Richmond is operated by Vancouver Coast Health and is open at 101-5811 Cooney Rd.

-> Independent Audit of BC Housing called for (Thanks to The Tyee)

On Nov 21st B.C. Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon called for an independent audit of BC Housing and Atira Women’s Resource Society, the largest provider of supportive housing in B.C. The BC Liberals released a leaked 2018 report that showed major financial management problems at Atira, which operates almost 2,000 supportive housing units and received $41.7 million in BC Housing funding in 2021.

Falcon said he had received the information from multiple whistleblowers who had previously worked at BC Housing. He also said he had received a series of text messages that are also a concern.

-> Standalone ministry to tackle housing crisis (Thanks to Deb Turner)

Housing will become its own standalone ministry as part of Premier David Eby’s plan to address the housing crisis in British Columbia. “For too many British Columbians, owning or even renting a good home feels out of reach,” Premier Eby said. “The housing crisis deserves the attention of a full ministry and the resources that come with it. As premier, I am committed to making meaningful progress to make sure everyone in B.C. can afford a good home.” Read more at: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022PREM0092-001755

-> Seeking members for Richmond Advisory Committee (Thanks to VCH and MHSU)

The Richmond Mental Health and Substance Use Partner and Family Advisory Committee (Richmond PFAC) is currently recruiting people with lived and living experience of mental health and/or substance use, as well as family members, to join the committee. The goal of the Richmond PFAC is to represent the diverse voices of clients and families within Richmond Mental Health and Substance Use. The group fosters a collaborative environment between patients and families and advocates for teamwork and responsiveness in improving access to services and quality of care.

-> New toolkit aims to support overdose prevention in public bathrooms (Thanks to VCH)

Every month, approximately 50 people experience an overdose in a bathroom setting in B.C. As many people who use substances face stigma, despite the risks associated with using substances alone, many consider bathrooms a private place where they won’t face judgment. Restricting access to bathrooms or implementing measures to discourage substance use in bathrooms also does not work. Instead, doing so increases risks for people who use substances.

-> Newcomer Video Series (Thanks to City staff Dorothy Jo)

The City has launched a Newcomers Video Series. “The City recognizes the unique experiences of newcomers and the ongoing need to strive towards inclusion for all residents,” said Mayor Malcolm Brodie. “This informative video series celebrates and highlights the opportunities for newcomers in Richmond.”
There are five short videos in the series that highlight the different ways newcomers can experience Richmond: Richmond is My Home, Settlement Services, Exploring Richmond, Richmond’s Heritage Places, Getting Involved.

All videos have subtitles available in Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Punjabi and Ukrainian to reach diverse community groups. Subtitles in Arabic and Farsi will be available soon. The videos can be viewed on the City’s YouTube channel and website.

Monday November 14, 2022

​Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

We hope you and your friends and family participated in some way, in Remembrance Day ceremonies on November 11th. Lest we Forget.

This is our 37th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Richmond Centre for Disability (Thanks to Ella Huang)

RCD is happy to announce that we are hosting a Together We Care – 2022 RCD Fundraising Dinner on Friday, December 2, 2022 at Continental Seafood Restaurant in Richmond.

We hope to have your participation and support in joining our fundraising dinner, which will be a heart-warming and reuniting event with good food, amazing entertainments and loaded with fun activities.

Tickets are on sale now – $98 per ticket or $700 for a table of 8 guests. We also welcome donation of dinner tickets to our volunteers and participants. See attachment or click here for Ticket Order & Donation Form. Order your tickets now and we look forward for a fun night together. More information on the fundraising dinner can be viewed at RCD website.

-> Dec 6th Vigil and March for Ecole Polytechnic (Thanks to Susan Johnsen)

A Vigil and March will be held on Tuesday December 6th from 11:45 am to 12:30 in the library square in front of the Brighouse Branch of the Richmond Public Library.

This is to remember and honour the 14 women who lost their lives at Montreal Polytechnique on Dec 6, 1989 and to raise our voices against Violence against Women and Girls.

If you are joining as a group, please bring your banner. All are welcome. Dress for the weather as we will be outdoors for the full time. For further information contact Susan Johnsen at susanjohnsen@gmail.com

-> New Richmond City Council sworn in (Thanks to Richmond News)

Madam Justice Mary Newbury administered the Oath of Office for the city council of 2022-2026 term at a special meeting on Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. at Richmond City Hall.

Richmond City Council is seeing the return of Mayor Malcolm Brodie and re-elected councillors Chak Au, Carol Day, Bill McNulty, Alexa Loo, Michael Wolfe and Andy Hobbs. They are joined by newly elected councillors Laura Gillanders and Kash Heed. More here.

-> Richmond trustees blanketed by Musqueam elder (Thanks to Richmond News)

Three newly elected trustees and four incumbents were sworn in at the inaugural meeting of the board of education. The Richmond Board of Education was sworn into office Wednesday amid an Indigenous blessing and a promise from the newly chosen board chair to keep working toward truth and reconciliation.

Four out of five incumbent school trustees seeking re-election were chosen by voters to serve on the board of education in the Oct. 15 municipal election. They are joined by former trustees Alice Wong and Rod Belleza and first-time trustee David Yang.

Debbie Tablotney, who has served as a trustee for almost 20 years, was acclaimed as board chair and trustee Heather Larson was elected as vice-chair. See the story.

-> Registration opening for Richmond Christmas Fund (Thanks to RCRG)

Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives (RCRG), which runs the Christmas Fund program, will be accepting applications in-person at the Richmond Caring Place every Saturday starting Nov. 19 to Dec. 10. Every year, the program helps low-income residents celebrate the holidays by providing them with grocery vouchers, toys, books, and gift cards.

To register for the Christmas Fund, eligible individuals will need to bring a picture ID for themselves, CareCards for all family members being registered, proof of Richmond residency and an original document showing they are enrolled in a government-approved income assistance program.

“With the rising cost of living, we know that more people are struggling,” said Ed Gavsie, president and CEO of RCRG. “We’re prepared to meet the need, but, as always, we ask everyone using the Christmas Fund to be patient and respectful – with our volunteers and each other – so we can help as many people as possible.”

-> Promoting awareness of Disability Programs (Thanks to Disability Alliance of BC)

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) was created by the federal government as a long-term savings plan for people with disabilities and their families. “Less than one-third of eligible residents in Canada (up to age 59) have a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)—about 31.5% in 2020″ (source).

Disabled people can benefit from an RDSP even if they cannot put any money into the plan and it will not affect their other disability benefits. Individuals who qualify for the RDSP, can gain up to $90,000 in grants and bonds for their retirement from the government.

Additionally, the DABC recently updated their Practitioner’s Guide to the Disability Tax Credit, which provides medical practitioners with information about the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), how it can benefit their patients, and how they can help their eligible patients apply for the DTC.

-> Canadian Competition Bureau investigates food prices (Thanks to CBC News)

As Canadians are being forced to find ways to stretch their budgets or turn to places like food banks for the essentials, the biggest grocery chains have seen profit increases of tens of millions compared with 2019.

Statistics Canada’s latest figures showing overall inflation cooling down for the third month in a row and yet food prices in Canada rose at the fastest pace since 1981. Economist Jim Stanford described Canada’s supermarket industry as “a cosy oligopoly” — a market dominated by a small number of suppliers. “Three major chains have a dominant market share, and they are able to exercise price power both over consumers, but also over their own suppliers and their own workers,” Stanford told The Current.

The Competition Bureau, Canada’s consumer watchdog, said that it would investigate the sector, with a view to recommending measures to improve competition.

-> Stats Canada Report on Poverty based on 2021 Census

On November 9, 2022, Statistics Canada released a new Study: Disaggregated trends in poverty from the 2021 Census of Population. Here are some highlights:
Based on data from the 2021 Census of Population, the poverty rate in Canada was 8.1% in 2020, down from 14.5% in 2015.
Poverty declined among all ages, but especially so for children.
In 2020, the poverty rates of children aged 0 to 5 years (9.1%), 6 to 10 years (8.5%) and for youth aged 11 to 17 years (7.9%) were all less than half their levels in 2015.
More than one in five non-binary people live in poverty.
The poverty rate of immigrants declined by more than half from 2015 to 2020, falling from 18.8% to 9.1%.

The report also notes that much of the decrease on poverty was due to government supports offered to families and individuals during COVID. If you have questions or want to speak to an analyst, please contact infostats@statcan.gc.ca.

-> City of Richmond Seniors Strategy approved (Thanks to City staff Dorothy Jo)

The City of Richmond Seniors Strategy (2022-2032) was adopted by City Council on September 26, 2022. The strategy will guide the work of the City and community partners in supporting seniors living in Richmond over the next ten years. If you would like a printed version of the strategy, please contact Jennifer Sanders at JSanders@richmond.ca. Please distribute the strategy to your networks as appropriate.

The RPRC is encouraged by the report’s addition of definitions for ‘vulnerable housing’ and ‘vulnerable seniors’ which allude to the need for suitable and appropriate housing for our aging low-income residents.

-> Changes to family doctors’ compensation in BC (Thanks to Aman Singh MLA)

The government has heard from British Columbians about how we can best support family doctors and ensure patients can get the care they need. One thing has been clear: the current fee-for-service payment model hasn’t been working and needs to be updated to address medical care of patients in B.C. The government has been working with Doctors of BC to come up with a new model that will help doctors better support the health needs of British Columbians.

This new opt-in model will take effect in February, and instead of being paid only based on the number of patients seen each day, the new system will also take into account a number of factors:

  • the time a doctor spends with a patient
  • the number of patients a doctor sees in a day
  • the number of patients a doctor supports through their office
  • the complexity of the issues a patient is facing, and
  • administrative costs currently paid directly by family doctors.

This will raise the average wage for a family doctor in B.C., and ensure doctors can give patients the care and time they deserve. Read more about the model and agreement.

-> Hey Man, Meet You in the Shed – Coquitlam style (Thanks to The Tyee)

An idea for Richmond’s men? For older men, mental health can be a struggle. Here’s how thousands built their way out. The shed is tucked away at the end of a cul-de-sac in a residential neighbourhood. It’s about six metres high with dark blue panels on its side and a red cursive sign hanging from the roof that reads “Coquitlam Men’s Shed.”

Outside, you can hear cars zooming by on Lougheed Highway. Inside, there are tools on the wall, saws on wheels, measuring sticks, and six men chatting around a workshop. Sitting in the back right corner of the workshop is Cal Smith. At 64, he’s the youngest member of the 35-member club.

“He’s not 65, if you can believe it,” says Doug Gale, one of the founding members of the Coquitlam shed. “He has quite a bit of energy.” Each person in this shed has their own unique qualities. While Gale brings lightheartedness to their weekly meetups, Smith is a calming presence who makes members feel at ease.

Thursday October 20, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 36th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

Note: Yours truly will be out of town for the next two weeks. The Roundup will continue every two weeks or so after my return. DeW

->Congratulations to our new Richmond City Council and Mayor

The RPRC applauds the efforts of every candidate who ran in the Oct 15th civic election – 27 council candidates and 3 mayoral candidates and 15 candidates for school trustee. It is hard work, and every candidate should feel proud of standing up for their community.

Richmond returned Malcolm Brodie to the mayor’s chair and six previous councillors – Chak Au, Carol Day, Andy Hobbs, Alexa Loo, Bill McNulty and Michael Wolfe, and added two new councillors – Laura Gillanders and Kash Heed. School trustees elected are Rod Belleza, Ken Hamaguchi, Heather Larson, Donna Sargent, Debbie Tablotney, Alice Wong and David Yang.

Congratulations All! Now the real work begins!

->Come to RCD’s Online Funding Concert October 21, 2022 (Thanks to Ella Huang

Only 2 days to the 2022 Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) Online Funding Concert !! This Friday we’ll bring you, for the third year, our RCD Got Talent Show on YouTube again. We have installed many performances that will bring your immense enjoyment and admiration for the talents of our volunteer performers, who support our fundraising year after year; and the same appreciation to you for contributing to a great cause in supporting service provision for people with disabilities. Here is a glimpse of the Concert Program. Click here to view the full Concert Program online.

->Richmond Family Place Thrift Store closed (Thanks to Ruth Taverner)

We have closed the Richmond Family Place Thrift Store for a two-week (it may be more!) reorganization, restock and deep clean. At this time there is no access to shopping and we are unable to support the needs of our partner agencies.

If you distribute our gift certificates, please do not give them out at this time. However, you can hold on to them as they will be usable once we reopen. We are not accepting any donations at this time, as we have no capacity to store them. If, for any reason, you have an urgent need during this time, you may reach out to us and we will consider if we have the capacity to help. Please call 604.278.4336 and ask for Valerie.

->Food banks get little attention on municipal campaign trail (Thanks to Richmond News and Hajira Hussain)

Food banks across Metro Vancouver have received varying degrees of attention from municipal council candidates, with Richmond and Vancouver food bank directors noting few candidates have heeded to the rapidly rising need for their services.

South of Vancouver, Hajira Hussain, executive director of the Richmond Food Bank, says she is “not busy meeting any of the candidates,” despite how “things are busier than ever before, serving over 2,000 individuals on a weekly basis and the need continues to grow. “Food security,” said Hussain, “doesn’t seem to be a priority on most candidates’ list.

“Affordable housing was, which if addressed, may help alleviate food insecurity in our community. Many people are paying more than half of their incomes on rent and after paying off the non-discretionary bills, there is hardly anything left for a discretionary expense like food and therefore the higher numbers at our food bank. It’s all related,” she said via email. “Other than a couple school trustee candidates, no other candidate has approached me or the food bank,” she added. Check out the whole story.

->Seniors Advocate speaking at Richmond KPU campus (Thanks to Richmond News)

BC Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie will deliver a presentation on seniors’ issues in B.C. at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) next week. Mackenzie will speak at Third Age Learning at Kwantlen (TALK)’s Annual General Meeting to present to TALK members about issues affecting seniors, such as affordability challenges, in the community on Oct. 24 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The presentation will be in-person at KPU’s Richmond campus and online via Zoom. Attendees for the presentation must hold an annual TALK membership and register here.

->How some B.C. youth can get $600 per month for rent (Thanks to Richmond News)

B.C.’s rent supplement program meant to avoid homelessness will provide $600 a month to young people transitioning from government care to their own homes. The program, run by the Ministry of Children and Development, is meant to help vulnerable young adults avoid falling into homelessness. “Finding and maintaining safe housing can be a significant challenge for young people in care,” wrote a ministry spokesperson in a press release Monday.

According to a report tallying 25 homeless counts across B.C. in 2020 and 2021, 8,665 individuals were experiencing homelessness in the province. Of those, 36 per cent of survey respondents said they had been or were currently in foster care, a youth group home or an Independent Living Agreement. Another 39 per cent identified as Indigenous, despite Indigenous people only accounting for just under six per cent of the province’s total population in 2021.

A more robust project to tally homeless populations across B.C. found 23,000 people experienced homelessness at one point in 2019. And while more recent data is not yet available, the BC Coroners Service warned last week that deaths of homeless people in the province jumped 75 per cent in 2021 compared to the previous year.

“This report reflects the risks and realities that people experiencing homelessness face every day,” chief coroner Lisa Lapointe said in a statement Oct. 12.

The coroner’s report says 85 per cent of deaths last year among people experiencing homelessness were accidental, and 93 per cent of those accidental deaths were caused by the illicit drug supply.

In a press release, the Ministry of Children and Development said a second application period for the rent subsidy program will open in the spring of 2023. Applications to the rent supplement program can be submitted online or requested by email. Read the article.

->Latest Policy Notes on Housing and more (Thanks to CCPA newsletter)

BC’s housing affordability crisis needs action now more than ever from all levels of government. The CCPA–BC has written about many of the policy solutions: vacancy control, upzoning, financing of public housing and much more.

The latest Policy Note gives five reasons why the overall supply of housing must significantly increase as part of any serious action on housing affordability. Evidence shows the current housing shortage can be a boon for landlords and real estate investors, while tenants suffer from higher rents. Addressing the supply issue with a particular focus on building public and non-market housing and doing so on a large scale is necessary to help bring down rents across the board.

->$10 a Day Childcare Survey in (Thanks to Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC)

The results are in from the first-ever $10aDay Supporter Survey – conducted this past spring. The purpose of the survey was to better understand the extent to which $10aDay supporters reflect the diversity of BC families, children, and educators, and to identify supporters’ priorities for making BC’s child care system more inclusive. Download the full results.

->Seeking Members for Richmond Partner & Family Advisory Committee (Thanks to CEAN Newsletter)

The Richmond Mental Health and Substance Use Partner and Family Advisory Committee (Richmond PFAC) is currently recruiting people with lived and living experience of mental health and/or substance use, as well as family members, to join the committee. The goal of the Richmond PFAC is to represent the diverse voices of clients and families within Richmond Mental Health and Substance Use. The group fosters a collaborative environment between patients and families and advocates for teamwork and responsiveness in improving access to services and quality of care. Learn more here: https://tinyurl.com/2ram9vjf

Monday October 10, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 35th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy time with friends and family on this holiday. Let’s also remember early settlers to North America took a lot more than they gave. What can we all do towards reconciliation?

News items this week include Homelessness Action Week, VOTING in the Civic Election, All Candidates Meeting highlights, housing, flu shots, and RPRC member programs. And did I mention VOTING?

->VOTE on October 15th !!

Voting 101: Courtesy of the RPRC: A little known rule of voting is you don’t have to vote for all 8 Council candidates. The Council ballot says, ‘vote for not more than 8.’ On the School Trustee ballot it says, ‘vote for not more than 7.’ So, you don’t have vote for 8 candidates (or 7). You can choose carefully and vote for the one(s) you believe will best serve you and the community.

-> October 9-15, 2022, is Homelessness Action Week (Thanks to Richmond Homeless Connect, City of Richmond, and Our Community Bikes)

October 9-15th is proclaimed by Richmond City Mayor and Councillors as Homelessness Action Week. The proclamation is posted at the west entrance to Richmond City Hall. Note the ‘whereas’ statements. These are commitments the City has made to improve the lives of homeless Richmond residents.

Richmond Homeless Connect is hosting a bike servicing event and luncheon for homeless Richmond residents at St. Alban’s Church on Friday October 14th from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. Pedals for the People – Our Community Bikes will be on hand to provide mechanical servicing to our homeless neighbours. Thanks, Our Community Bikes!

-> RCD hosting a Flu Vaccination Clinic Oct 13th (Thanks to Ella Huang)

RCD’s annual flu clinic is on Thursday October 13th from 11.30 to 3.00 pm at RCD offices inside Lansdowne Centre near the Customer Service Centre. You must preregister to attend. Call 604.232.2404 or email rcd@rcdrichmond.org Please bring your picture ID care card and wear a mask!

-> Richmond Women’s Resource Centre (RWRC) is enrolling for the Fall (Thanks to Kelly Sidhu)

Recruiting now for all the above programs. Please call 604.279.7062 for more information.
o Hot Ink Creative Writing Program for High School Girls starting October 15th
o RWRC Youth Committee – Empowering Girls – ongoing
o Work Ready Program starting October 4th
o Empowering Single Moms Group starting October 2nd
o Farsi Speaking Grandma’s Group starting October 5th

-> See “Home is…” at Brighouse Library (Thanks to RASC, Keely O’Brien and Ginny Dunhill)

Homeless Action Week is October 9-15th. Come and experience the RPRC’s and RASC’s (Richmond Advocacy & Support Committee) art installation ‘Home is…” as part of the Richmond Brighouse Library’s Community Art exhibit highlighting the experience of homelessness and home and in recognition of Homeless Action Week.

Visitors to the Brighouse branch will see a 3D art installation entitled “Home is…” created by members of the RASC network of low-income Richmond residents, as well as a series of photos taken by guests of the Richmond Drop-In Centre with the prompt “What is important in your life?” The photos are taken through the lens of someone with the experience of homelessness with the goal to capture what “home” means.

From now until Oct. 12, community members can vote for their favourite photo by dropping a completed ballot in the ballot box at the second-floor information desk at Brighouse library. Winners of the photo contest will be presented with a gift card at the community celebration ceremony and poetry workshop on Oct. 15th.

->Housing, racism, the future of Richmond debated at all-candidates meeting (Thanks to Richmond News)

Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) and Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC) co-hosted a successful All Candidates Meeting on Oct 4th at the Minoru Centre for Active Living. Richmond News editor Eve Edmonds moderated the event and the Richmond News livestreamed both the Mayor candidates’ debate and the Council candidates Q&A on various issues including housing, please see link below.

The housing crisis was tied to many issues, including the difficulty businesses have retaining employees because they can’t afford to live in Richmond. From a call for large-scale change to ensure next generations can live in Richmond, to building on city-owned land, to the need for more rental and co-op housing, candidates pitched their vision of what Richmond should look like in the future.

Even questions on supporting businesses or the food bank circled back to the housing crisis. And, sometimes, candidates got emotional on the topic. Independent candidate Evan Dunfee called for “foundational change” to reach the city’s housing goals, instead of just “tinkering around on the edges. I heard so many of my fellow candidates say how they raised families here in Richmond,” Dunfee said, then choked up. “I want to raise a family here in Richmond and that is getting so untenable,” he added, his voice wavering.

(See the full video including the half-hour mayoral debate.)

One audience member asked about the Caring Place, which has a proposal to redevelop the city-owned land it leases to include affordable housing. Coun. Bill McNulty said the proposal the board brought to the city wasn’t “palatable,” although, in principle, he agreed city land should be used for low-income and co-op housing.

Sheldon Starrett, running for council with the Richmond Community Coalition, said he’d like to see rent-to-own housing as well as co-op housing. In the meantime, RITE candidate Jerome Dickey said businesses are hurting because they can’t get employees, largely, because they can’t get housing. “We’ve heard from a lot of business people that if we don’t create affordable housing, they’re not going to have employees here.” He added many current councillors are saying a lot is being done for housing, but that’s “delusional” and very little is being done because of the divisive nature of city council. Read the entire story.

-> How old should you be to run in Richmond elections? (Thanks to Richmond News)

Candidates under 40 years old in the upcoming civic elections are tired of being asked if they’re “old enough” to run. At Tuesday’s all-candidates meeting at Minoru Centre for Active Living, council candidate Bill Han introduced himself as one of the youngest candidates, saying he was told he was “too young” to get elected.

And Han is not alone. Other younger candidates including Evan Dunfee, Keefer Pelech, Mark Lee, Jasmine Piao and David Yang have all been asked the same question — aren’t you too young to run? “I have had to preface a lot of conversations by explaining that I am an experienced and credentialed professional in my field, because some may mistake my enthusiasm and passion for naïveté,” said Lee.

-> Eby’s Housing Plan Gets Mixed Grades from BC Municipalities (Thanks to The Tyee)

First UBCM analysis warns of erosion of local autonomy but praises some measures. The organization representing municipal governments in British Columbia is raising “significant concerns” about parts of the housing plan NDP leadership hopeful David Eby announced last week. The Union of BC Municipalities applauds other aspects and wants to discuss others more.

“The scope of the proposals that MLA Eby has advanced are broad and warrant local government attention,” said the UBCM’s preliminary analysis for its roughly 200 members. The plan could have “near-term implications for local governments,” the UBCM warned, even though it noted the plan isn’t yet official government policy and the details available on each proposal are limited. More here.

-> Here are the cheapest neighbourhoods for rent in Metro Vancouver this October (Thanks to Richmond News)

Metro Vancouver rental prices have only increased an average of $9 this month over last — but neighbourhoods across the region still continue to see some of the highest prices in Canada. According to the most recent data, the average cost to rent an unfurnished, one-bedroom unit in the Lower Mainland this October is $2,256, up from $2,176 in August.

Metro Vancouver renters are now spending over half (51.37 per cent) of their monthly income on rent, which the rental company notes is “considerably above the recommended 30 [per cent] income-to-rent ratio.” Average Richmond rent looks to be about $2,200 for a one bedroom. Check out the story and map for all Metro neighbourhoods here.

Monday September 19, 2022

​Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 34th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates. Over the summer, yours truly will continue the Roundup but it may be twice a month instead of weekly, depending on the news.

Lots of news this week including courses offered by RPRC coalition members and a moving tribute to ‘Cowboy.’ Also see course posters below. Enjoy!

-> FSGV Free English Conversation and Family Cooking Classes (Thanks to Bilquis Hirani)

Join Family Services weekly in October from 1-3 pm for free family cooking classes and conversation at their Caring Place locations. See poster for details.

-> RWRC English Programs (Thanks to Tammi Belfer)

The Richmond Women’s Resource Centre (RWRC) proudly presents its popular English programs, English Conversation and English Writing. The English Conversation programs are divided into Beginner and Intermediate levels, which aims to provide a fun and stress-free environment for women to learn vocabularies, Canadian culture and practice speaking.

The English Writing is a program for all who desires to learn various aspects of basic English writing e.g. sentence structure, grammar etc., in a creative way with the use of different media and resources such as magazine, newspaper etc. For enquiries and registration, please email or WhatsApp at 604-671-3799 / WeChat RWRC_1976. Also check out out the Instagram posts on conversation and writing.

-> New publication on mental health by RPRC (Thanks to RASC group)

The RPRC is releasing its special publication Inside/Out – a Book on Mental Health, produced by the project group Richmond Advocacy & Support Committee (RASC). It contains artworks, poetry, written word, and musings on mini art projects the RASC did during Covid. Please email info@richmondprc.org if you would like a copy. In line with the book, you can check out this link from University of Calgary that shows arts do really promote mental health!

-> Richmond’s second modular housing opens Tuesday (Thanks to Richmond News)

A second supportive housing complex for people in Richmond who are experiencing homelessness officially opens on Tuesday September 20th . The three-storey temporary modular housing (TMH) building features 40 self-contained units, each with a private kitchenette and washroom, and is located at Aster Place, 2520 Smith St., just south of the Bridgeport Canada Line Station. BC Housing provided approximately $9.5 million while the City of Richmond put in $250,000 and provided the land on a temporary basis.

Support services such as employment assistance, daily meals, life skills training and mental health and addiction recovery services will be provided under the operation of Community Builders Group with staff onsite 24/7. This supportive housing building is replacing Richmond’s temporary Emergency Response Centre, located at the former Minoru Place Activity Centre, which has housed vulnerable people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Aster TMH was initially set to open in the spring of 2022, but “slight delays” with building permit coordination, according to BC Housing, the opening was pushed back to the fall. Richmond’s first TMH opened three years ago on Alderbridge Way and is operated by RainCity. It faced fierce opposition from the neighbourhood during the planning stages. There hasn’t been any notable opposition for the second TMH.

->Ascot Wynde to be redeveloped into 100% rentals (Thanks to Richmond News)

A 100-per-cent rental complex with 338 units, which will replace a 40-year-old condo building in city centre, got first reading approved from Richmond city council on Monday September 17th. 66 units out of the total of 338 will be for moderate income earners with fixed rents.

The condo complex has fallen into disrepair and four years ago the strata council decided to wind it up and sell it to a developer. Thirteen owners voted against the windup. Some went to court during the windup process and tried to argue the buildings and strata shouldn’t be shut down, claiming the process had been undemocratic and they weren’t getting fair compensation. But the judge disagreed with them and allowed the windup.

According to the city staff report, the development application for the former Ascott Wynde strata is from a numbered company, BC1165225, whose directors are Yechuan Wu and Hongda Wu. Court documents show the property was sold to Everbright Properties after the strata windup. More here.

->Meanwhile how other Richmondites live (Thanks to Richmond News)

Real estate prices might be cooling in some markets, but mega-mansions in Richmond’s farmland still seem to be turning a tidy profit. A 14,000-square-foot mansion on Finn Road sold in August for $13.5 million – almost $6 million higher than what it sold for just two years ago. The property is in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), which is protected for farming by provincial law.

However, for years, there was no house size limit on ALR properties, and mega-mansions proliferated on farms across Richmond. In 2018, the province limited the size of homes in the ALR to about 5,300 square feet, but Richmond city council imposed a bylaw limiting homes within its municipal boundaries to about 4,300 square feet.

->Richmond residents remember the man called “Cowboy’ (Thanks to Richmond News)

A tribute to Cowboy – we’ve lost another of our beloved residents who lived in tough circumstances. The loss of Daryl Netzlaw, known simply as “Cowboy,” has had a profound effect on many people in the community. He has been called a “legend,” a “wonderful man” and a “hero.” Daryl passed away just over two weeks ago, age 64, according to his daughter, Jen Netzlaw.

Known for helping people whenever he could, despite his own situation, Cowboy touched the lives of countless Richmondites. And judging by the comments on social media, he was respected by hundreds of locals, who remembered him with fondness. “His familiar face and amazing spirit should be immediately recognized by most of Richmond, as he has many, many friends in the community he loved so much for most of his life,” said Jen.

Jen said she wanted to spread the word of her father’s passing, as she wanted everyone who knew him to attend an outdoor celebration of life for Cowboy, scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. at Garry Point Park.

->Upcoming FREE Richmond Public Library Events (Thanks to Kelly Thoreson)

This is to highlight a few upcoming programs for adults with the community, and we hope they will be of interest to the RPRC network. Please see program details below. All library programs are free, and you can find even more offerings on our events page.

  • Indigenous Author Talk with David A. Robertson
    Tuesday, September 20 from 6:00-7:00pm Online, via Zoom
  • Hiring Fair (in partnership with Richmond Multicultural Community Services)
    Thursday, September 22 from 1:00-4:00pm at Richmond Public Library, Brighouse Branch – Launchpad (1st floor)
  • Film Club – monthly on a Tuesday evening
    Next film is Everything Everywhere All at Once on Tuesday, September 27 from 6-8.45 pm
    Location: Richmond Public Library, Brighouse Branch – Community Place (2nd floor)

->Applications for Neighbourhood Small Grants now open (Thanks to RCRG)

The fall round of Neighbourhood Small Grants in Richmond is now open for applications until Oct. 21, 2022. Richmond Cares Richmond Gives (RCRG) is encouraging Richmondites to apply for the grant, which provides funding of up to $500 to support projects that build community connections.

Both in-person and online events are eligible, and the projects can be for sharing skills, meaning, or resources with the community. Projects for the fall round are expected to be completed by March 15, 2023. Details and the application form are available online and those with questions can contact Richmond’s community coordinator Summer Zheng at szheng@rcrg.org.

->What resolutions passed at this year’s UBCM conference? (Thanks to Richmond News)

The annual Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) conference in Whistler dealt with hundreds of resolutions: from ferries to hospice to childcare to cannabis. Here’s a list of some that passed. The full book of resolutions can be found on the UBCM’s website. See the article.

  • o Extreme heat response
  • Support for at-risk seniors at home
  • Hospice services
  • Expanding the child-care sector workforce
  • Aid for elderly renters (from City of Richmond)
  • Alternative crime reduction strategies
  • Sustainable funding for libraries

->UBCM: Safety regulations sought for those forced to live in RVs (Thanks to Delta Optimist)

Changes are being sought for the B.C. Building Code, Motor Vehicle Act and Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act to keep those living in RVs safe and healthy. The Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) is calling on the province to modify various regulations to make it easier for those forced to live in recreation vehicles year-round.
A resolution proposed by the Sunshine Coast Regional District said that, as the province has responsibility for housing, there needs to be modifications to unclear aspects of the B.C. Building Code, the Motor Vehicle Act, and the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act.

The resolution further asked that the B.C. government develop regulations for ensuring health and safety for the use of RVs for year-round living, and for their inclusion within the BC Housing Action Plan. Some delegates spoke against the resolution, saying RVs are not meant for year round living. Others said this could ensure vulnerable people are safe. Read the whole story.

->More housing news out of Burnaby (Thanks to YWCA Newsletter)

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting, alongside Qualex-Landmark™, the ground breaking of our new affordable housing community, YWCA Grange Street, in Burnaby. This new community will offer 32 new two- and three-bedroom units for single mothers and their children at very affordable rents, starting at $570 per month for a two-bedroom unit.

Conveniently located near Metrotown, grocery stores, parks, schools and transit, the building will include an outdoor children’s play space and an amenity room for residents to gather and foster community. The expected opening date is spring 2025. Housing for women and children in Metro Vancouver is desperately needed. There are more than 2,100 single mothers on our waitlist for affordable homes. Please help provide a foundation for women and children to reach their goals and dreams by donating to this exciting project.

->City seeking feedback on heat events (Thanks to City of Richmond)

As the end of summer approaches, we’re reflecting on the number of heat events we have experienced in the region, and the support that we, the City of Richmond, have provided to members of the public looking to beat the heat. We are seeking your feedback on the City’s actions. Visit LetsTalkRichmond.ca by Sunday October 2nd to learn more and share your thoughts. The information collected will help direct efforts for emergency planning, response, and recovery in Richmond moving forward.

->Orange Shirt Day/ National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Thanks to CEAN newsletter)

As we get nearer to September 30th, there are a number of events being offered by the community. Here are some of them:

Monday September 4, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 33rd Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates. Over the summer, yours truly will continue the Roundup but it may be twice a month instead of weekly, depending on the news.

Items this week include info on courses offered by RPRC coalition members, as well as items on food security, housing, and homelessness. Enjoy!

Happy Labour Day! Here is an interesting read from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) – Show me the money: It’s not a worker shortage, it’s a wage shortage.

->R.E.N.T. Campaign – Voter Registration poster (Thanks to RPRC Housing Committee)

The RPRC is engaged in the R.E.N.T. campaign (Richmond Electors Needing Tenancy) through their Housing Committee. The Committee wants everyone to know the rules around voting, and to encourage everyone in Richmond who is eligible to VOTE On Saturday, October 15, 2022. Eligible voters in Richmond will be electing one Mayor, eight Councillors and seven Richmond School Board Trustees. Those elected in 2022 will serve in office for four years.
Local elections are a way for the people to influence their local government and school district. By voting for candidates with the ideals and qualities that are most acceptable to the electors, citizens can directly impact their community. Support your clients and members – encourage them to vote! Please post and forward this info.

->RPRC Panel Discussion on Non-Market Housing September 22nd by Zoom (Thanks to RPRC Housing Committee)

As part of the R.E.N.T. campaign, the RPRC is hosting a Zoom panel discussion: Best Practices in Non-Market Rental Housing in Metro Vancouver on Thursday, September 22nd from 6.30-8.30 pm. Our moderator is Jean Swanson, long time Vancouver anti-poverty activist. Our speakers are from Brightside Homes Foundation, Community Land Trust, and BCGEU Affordable Housing. The RPRC believes Richmond City Council needs to look beyond for-profit developers and encourage non-market housing developers to build and operate in Richmond. Save the Date! Learn how other cities in Metro Vancouver are building non-market housing in their cities.

->Richmond Women’s Centre ‘Work Ready’ program (Thanks to RWRC and Tammi Belfer)

Work Ready Fall 2022, a 3-month program, offered by the Richmond Women’s Resource Centre now invites interested women to join. In this program, essential work skills such as Business English, Computer for Work and Job Search will be taught to empower you for your next career development. Even more, you will get to know other beautiful hearts who aspire to learn new skills. If that’s what interests you, don’t hesitate and join it now! See attached poster. For enquiries and registration, please email info@richmondwomenscentre.bc.ca or WhatsApp at 604-671-3799.

->RCD September Activities are Open for Registration (Thanks to Ella Huang)

After Labour Day the Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) is getting back to a hectic schedule of activities. Check out the 2022 Sep-Dec activity calendars on the RCD website. Register early, as many classes have limited space! For enquiries and registration, call or email Tom at 604-232-2404.

Activity Highlights:

  1. English class all levels – Reading & Writing, Conversation and Fun with Words
  2. Two Computer courses- iPad Class, and Content Creation Club (an introductory class for people who want to learn how to use virtual platforms effectively, such as social media and podcast), limited spots
  3. Job Club – Louise is looking for motivated individuals to prepare for, or do better in the labour market
  4. Ongoing activities – Tom Talks, Photo Club, Relaxation, Games Club, Fun Exercise and Relaxation

->Thanksgiving Food Drive starting on September 10th (Thanks to John Roeder and the CJCLDS)

The BC Thanksgiving Food Drive began in 2008, and in 2021, over 500,000 lbs of food were donated and sorted and then delivered to community food banks. This year close to 14,000 community volunteers, hundreds of businesses with several thousand business employees’, all assist to collect and bring food to their nearest food bank.

Our goal this year is to collect over 600,000 lbs of food. The 2022 food drive begins with businesses on Saturday September 10th . The door-to-door food collection portion of the drive begins September 20th and all concludes on Saturday September 24th . We welcome the participation of businesses, churches and volunteer organizations and schools, who will visit some 400,000 addresses across the province during those two weeks. To volunteer in Richmond or South Delta, please contact Zach.

->New FREE Community Meal in Richmond (Thanks to St. Joseph the Worker and Belinda Boyd)

All are welcome! All belong! Please join us at St. Joseph the Worker Parish Centre at 4451 Williams Road every Saturday beginning September 24th for a meal together with community. This community table is open to all who wish to come for a meal and to spend time together with your neighbours. Doors open at 5pm. The meal will be served beginning at 5:15 pm. For more information, please contact view the poster or call the Parish Office at 604.277.8353.

->Just Launched: Food Insecurity in Canada (Thanks to Homeless Hub)

This report provides an overview of food insecurity in 2021. It details what food insecurity rates looked like through the height of COVID-19, the state of the problem before this period of record inflation & the policies needed to address it.

Highlights are, 15.9% of Canadian households are food insecure. People on social assistance or pensions are more at risk. Food insecurity was finally added to the Official Poverty Dashboard as an indicator of poverty. Read the short version of the report.

->Breaking Down the Canadian Housing Stats (Thanks to The Tyee and Andy Yan)

Statistics Canada’s latest survey goes into detail about what Canadians are experiencing when it comes to their homes. Andy Yan, director of the City Program at Simon Fraser University says this survey gives us a better picture of what people are experiencing when it comes to their housing situations.

With B.C.’s municipal elections on the horizon, there are lots of findings for candidates to take note of.

Called the Canadian Housing Survey, Statistics Canada usually conducts it every two years. But because of the pandemic, the agency did the latest in 2021 rather than 2020. The results of that survey (which only cover provinces and not territories) were just released in July. Here are the findings, with a focus on B.C.

BC has the highest share of ‘forced moves’ – In B.C., the percentage is the highest of all provinces; 3.6 per cent of households were forced to move, representing 75,400 households.

Longer waitlists for social and affordable housing – In B.C., about 26,800 households — 1.3 per cent of all households in the province — in 2021 were waitlisted for social and affordable housing.

Renters say their ’hood is good – People are not happy in rental units, but they’re very happy in renter neighbourhoods.

Fewer households in ‘core housing need’ – In B.C., the percentage of households in core housing need fell from 14.8 in 2018 to 12.5 in 2021.

Groups struggling with ‘core housing’ – Compared to the percentage of the total population in core housing need (7.2), there are higher percentages of racialized people (9.2) and First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit (13.1).

Back to the toolbox. With a growing population of renters and increasing rental precariousness, Yan says there is a lot in the municipal toolkit for candidates to campaign on this election season, such as: creating policy for family-sized units, cracking down on short term rentals, mandating rental tenure zoning, and fining landlords with vacant suites.

->BC government helps Delta homeless in wake of pandemic (Thanks to The Delta Optimist)

The provincial government is spending more than $15 million in 44 communities as part of the Strengthening Communities’ Services Program. The provincial government is directing $279,111 towards Delta to help with homelessness as part of the Delta COVID-19 Homelessness Response project.

“The unhoused community is still feeling the many impacts of the pandemic and it’s essential that we continue to strengthen supports,” said Ravi Kahlon, NDP MLA for Delta-North, in a news release. The intent of the funding, according to the province, is to help vulnerable and homeless people during the pandemic and recovery phase.

The money will go towards expanding the Mobile Outreach Team, training city staff in culturally safe and trauma-informed responses, developing an anti-stigma public awareness campaign and improving food security for unhoused people and those at risk of homelessness in Delta.

Monday August 22, 2022

​Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 32nd Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates. Over the summer, yours truly will continue the Roundup but it may be twice a month instead of weekly, depending on the news.

-> FSGV Richmond Online Financial Workshops in Sept 2022 (Thanks to Maylen Crespo and Joanne Montaro)

Family Services of Great Vancouver -Richmond office is starting up their Money Matters financial skill building workshops again on September 9, 14, 15, and 19. These workshops are on Budgeting, and one is in Vietnamese. You are welcome to forward the link below to your clients. These workshops are open to everyone. Below is the link, so your clients can register for online financial workshops. Upcoming Events – Family Services of Greater Vancouver (fsgv.ca)

-> FSGV Richmond Nobody’s Perfect Parents Support Group (Thanks to Bilquis Hirani)

The next Nobody’s Perfect program starts September 12th. This is a free program offered in English for parents/grandparents with children (age 0-5) MEET with other parents of young children. SHARE questions, concerns and ideas about being a parent. LEARN about child development, safety, health and behaviour. DISCUSS real-life parenting situations. DISCOVER positive ways of parenting. Email richceds@fsgv.ca for more information or contact Bilquis Hirani at bhirani@fsgv.ca.

-> Accessible parking problems (Thanks to Richmond News and RCD’s Vince Miele)

One thing that frustrates Vincent Miele, of the Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD), when he looks for parking is when he sees someone in van-accessible spots simply walking away. “It really frustrates me when all they have to do in some cases is park two or three spots over in a normal spot — it’s not much further to walk,” he said. These wider spots are a “necessity” for some, said Miele who is a wheelchair user himself.

Those who use wheelchairs, be it manual or motorized, often need more room around their cars to deploy sideloading ramps as well as to navigate around the car to get on and off. Sometimes, these wider spots could be taken up by those who need accessible parking for a different reason. That is not to say that only wheelchair users need a wider spot, said Miele, as they are also a necessity for people who use leg braces and walkers.

-> Metro Vancouver has a housing problem and it’s across all income levels (Thanks to Richmond News and Tracy Sherlock)

The RPRC echoes Ms. Sherlock’s concerns! In Tracy’s words: In my last column, I wrote about measures the provincial government is taking to address the affordability of owning a home, arguing the government must do everything it can to make housing more affordable.

But recent events have illustrated the housing problem at the other end of the spectrum – people living on the streets – and revealed the absolute dysfunction of the housing situation in the Lower Mainland. Dozens, or perhaps even hundreds, of tents stretched along Main Street from Hastings Street south for more than a block, housing low-income people who have nowhere else to live. The people living there lack even basic services, such as toilets or running water.

“The conditions in the Downtown Eastside are representative of a systemic failure to meet the needs of low-income, marginalized residents and communities, a crisis requiring urgent cooperation of all levels of government,” the city said in a news release. “We have and will continue to advocate to senior government partners who have the jurisdiction, funding, and responsibility for meaningful, life-changing interventions that are needed.” Learn more.

-> Richmond kids better immunized than rest of province ( Thanks to Richmond News)

Another vaccine tool has been added in the fight against COVID-19 – Pfizer booster shots have just been approved for children aged five to 11. It’s the first booster – which is given after two initial vaccine doses – approved by Health Canada for this age group.

However, the one-dose vaccination rate of children remains much lower than that of adults – across B.C., 92 per cent of people have received two vaccinations while this number for kids aged five to 11 is just 46 per cent, according to the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC).

The number of vaccinated kids, nevertheless, is on average higher in Richmond than in the rest of the province. In Richmond, the rate of kids (aged five to 11) who’ve received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine hovers between 66 % and 79 %, varying by neighbourhood. Across the province, the one-dose vaccination rate for kids (five to 11 years old) is 58 %. (BCCDC doesn’t list Richmond numbers for two-dose vaccinations in this age group.) Read the rest of the article.

For information about registering your child for a COVID-19 vaccine, click here.

Tuesday August 15, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 31st Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates. Over the summer, yours truly will continue the Roundup but it may be twice a month instead of weekly, depending on the news.

News this week includes Jobs, Health, Housing, and more. Enjoy!

->RCD Hosts Job Fair on August 19th, 2022 (Thanks to RCD and Ella Huang)

Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) and Lansdowne Shopping Centre are collaborating to host a free Job Fair in the Kiosk Court of Lansdowne Centre (right outside of RCD and Langley Farms. If you are looking for work, volunteer, or education opportunities, please bring your updated resume(s) and come on by on August 19th to Lansdowne Centre from 12 pm to 5 pm.

For Job Seekers: Drop off your resumes and fill out job applications on the spot. Get ready to network with employers and organizations for different programs and services. We welcome all job seekers for part-time or full-time employment. Meet Employers such as Amazon, Costco, Starbucks, Walmart, T&T Supermarket, Winners, Homesense, and many more! Hundreds of positions!

->COVID-19 rapid tests and masks for community organizations (Thanks to Red Cross)

Help keep your organization and your community safer through the Stop the Spread and Stay Safe! program. The Canadian Red Cross, working in partnership with Health Canada and provincial and territorial authorities, is providing free take-home COVID-19 rapid tests and masks to eligible non-profits and charities to help keep their personnel and the people they serve safer.

The Stop the Spread and Stay Safe! program provides individuals and families with tools to manage their risks and health decisions in the pandemic, in addition to getting vaccinated and following other public health measures. Eligible non-profits and charities will receive free COVID-19 rapid antigen tests and masks for them to distribute to their personnel, clients and partner organizations for them to use at home.

Note: The Stop the Spread and Stay Safe COVID-19 workplace screening program has officially wrapped up. Participating organizations received rapid tests and support for their screening program until June 30, 2022. These organizations are invited to apply to receive take-home COVID-19 rapid and masks to distribute to their personnel and clients through the Stop the Spread program.

The current deadline for submitting applications is November 18, 2022. Find out if your organization is eligible.

->Prescription eyewear too expensive, poll shows (Thanks to Richmond News)

More than half of British Columbians say they cannot afford to buy prescription eyewear, according to a recent survey by Specsavers, conducted by Research Co. Due to increasing living costs, many people say that price is the main factor when considering a new pair of glasses or seeking an eye exam. In fact, one in three British Columbians haven’t seen an eye doctor in the past three years, the poll shows. The survey also found that 56 % are seeking inexpensive alternatives when buying glasses. Another 48 % of British Columbians say they’re significantly reducing or foregoing eye exams altogether.

High-cost eyewear remains to be one of the main barriers for people. On average, basic lenses and frames cost British Columbians $150 to $300. And while B.C.’s Medical Services Plan provides some coverage for routine eye exams for children under 19, and seniors older than 65, most patients will have to pay the difference for a visit. See the full story.

->BCGEU Poll on Housing Needs (Thanks to BCGEU)

New polling shows that a majority of British Columbians support stronger investments in public housing, mandatory inclusionary zoning and tying rent increases to units. The poll was commissioned by the B.C. General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) as part of Affordable BC – the union’s ongoing campaign to address housing affordability. Read the Affordable BC Plan here.

The soaring cost of housing is the single biggest component of the affordability crisis in B.C. This poll showed that an overwhelming number of British Columbians believe all levels of government need to do more to address this crisis – with 78 per cent, 81 per cent, and 73 per cent respectively saying that the federal, provincial, and municipal governments need to do more.

“While high inflation is now affecting economies worldwide, years of inflated land values in B.C. have created the housing crisis we have today,” said Paul Finch, BCGEU treasurer and chair of the union’s Affordable BC campaign. “This polling underlines what has become a divide in our society – between creditors profiting on the housing market and working people who must pay significant portions of their income on rents and mortgages. Unless we take action now, what is increasingly becoming a generational gap will only grow.” Check out the BCGEU media release containing the poll results.

->ID Bank a Success in Vancouver (Thanks to The Kettle Society)

We need this service here in Richmond! ID Bank assists low income, homeless, and/or marginally housed individuals in obtaining and safely storing ID. This service is available to individuals living in Vancouver and operates on a drop-in basis. No appointment is necessary. The ID bank can help you to apply for:

  • Canadian birth certificate
  • Canadian Citizenship Certificate (REPLACEMENT ONLY)
  • Permanent Resident Card (REPLACEMENT ONLY)
  • BC Government issued Photo ID.

The ID Bank is a free service and will cover the cost of Canadian birth certificates, replacement Canadian Citizenship Certificate and replacement Permanent Resident Cards.

->City of Richmond Social Development Strategy ( Thanks to City staff Dorothy Jo)

The City of Richmond has completed a 2021 progress report on Building Our Social Future – Social Development Strategy (2013-2022). The Strategy will be due for an update and/ or overhaul in 2023. The RPRC will be reviewing it with the aim of filling gaps in service for our residents experiencing poverty.

->BC Government – Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Relations (Thanks to Teresa Murphy)

The RPRC made a submission to this BC government select standing committee that includes Richmond MLA Henry Yao as a member. The RPRC recommendation to include psychologist visits in MSP was echoed by others and it is included in the 216 recommendations made by the committee to the BC government.

Also notable are recommendations on more funding for BC Housing for non-market housing, more funding support for municipalities for housing, and overnight homeless drop-in centres. It remains to be seen which recommendations will be accepted and acted on by government. Learn more.

Tuesday August 2, 2022

​Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 30th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates. Over the summer, yours truly will continue the Roundup but it may be twice a month instead of weekly, depending on the news.

News this week includes human rights and health and safety items, including rental scams, walkability, disability, and drag story time. Enjoy!

-> City of Richmond (Thanks to Emergency Programs Branch and Sarah Hunn)

As you may have heard, the Heat Warning has ended. This will be the last update about this heat event. The City of Richmond is demobilizing our heat-related responses and have updated the website from response to general hot weather safety information. At this time, the City will be running an internal After-Action Review of our response. If you have any feedback or questions about the City’s response, please call (604) 315.4231.

->Tips for When the News Stresses You Out (Thanks to The Foundry)

This article gives great tips when you are feeling overwhelmed. “Events around the world can be scary. If you’re feeling anxious about what’s going on around the world, you’re not alone. Your feelings are valid, and there are things you can do to take care of yourself.” The Foundry offers people aged 12-24 health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centres in communities across BC.

Richmond Foundry is at 101-5811 Cooney Rd, Richmond, BC V6X 3M. Call 604-674-0550 or visit the website.

->Watch out for rental scams this summer: BBB (Thanks to Richmond News)

With rising costs, low vacancy rates, and high demands for both short and long-term rentals, BBB anticipates that rental scams will be on the rise this summer. “Students are looking to find their first homes after graduating from school, add that on to the pressure of families looking for vacation rentals, and this is the perfect storm for a scam artist looking to cash in on,” explained Simone Lis, president and CEO of BBB Serving Mainland BC.

Scammers will advertise online fake rental listings luring consumers into making bookings and sending money. Once the renters send payment to secure the listing, they often find out that the property doesn’t exist, is unavailable for rent, or isn’t the scammer’s property to list in the first place. BBB has also noticed a significant increase in the average consumer losses from rental scams this year. Since January 2022, Canadian reports to the BBB had an average loss of $1,230, which is a 160 % increase compared to the same period last year.

Some BBB tips to keep in mind when looking for a rental property:

  • Be weary of deals that sound too good to be true

Scammers lure you in by promising low rents, extra amenities, and a great location. Spend some time finding out how much other rental properties in the area cost before signing a lease. If it seems too good to be true, it just might be.

  • Search online for similar properties

Do a quick search for the listing, listed email address, or phone number. If you find the same ad listed in other cities, that’s a huge red flag.

  • See the property in person

Don’t send money to someone you’ve never met for an apartment you haven’t seen. If you can’t visit an apartment or house yourself, ask someone you trust to go and confirm that it is what was advertised.

  • Never pay with cash, wire transfer or Bitcoin

These forms of payment are impossible to track. Instead, use bank cheques or money orders, or email money transfers, but only when you are certain of the legitimacy of your rental arrangement. Always ask for a rent receipt once payment is made.

  • Don’t provide confidential info that can be used for identity theft

Avoid handing over confidential information such as your Social Insurance Number (SIN) or bank information to the wrong hands. A landlord can check your credit history with just your full name, current address and birth date.

  • A written lease helps prevent fraud and lays out rights and responsibilities of both parties

Landlords are legally required to use the provincial standard lease form. Ensure the price and any amenities that should be included as part of your monthly payment are listed in the lease.

  • Ensure you are dealing with an authorized representative

The written lease is also required to include the names and contact information of the landlord (owner or management company). Ensure that it indicates the person you are dealing with. Ask them to show a picture ID as proof that they are who is named in the document if you have any doubt. You could also ask to see previous utility bills for the residence to confirm they are indeed the landlord.

  • Ask for a second opinion

Don’t be embarrassed to consult with friends, family members or your local BBB, who may be more knowledgeable on the subject if there are doubts or questions.
If you encounter a rental scam, you’re encouraged to report it to the BBB’s scam tracker, or the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Read whole article here: https://tinyurl.com/yddpreyy

Monday July 25, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 29th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates. Over the summer, yours truly will continue the Roundup but it may be twice a month instead of weekly, depending on the news.

I am sending this to you this week because of the Extreme Heat Warnings and things you can do to mitigate, see below as well as this poster. Other News: housing and homelessness, Covid shots for kids, Election in October. Enjoy!

->What You Can Do During Extreme Heat Warnings (Thanks to VCH and Alice Miro)

Although a heat warning has *not* been issued at this time, information we have received from Environment and Climate Change Canada indicates that a heat warning will likely be issued as early as Sunday. Next week’s heat is not expected to be as extreme as June 2021; however, it still poses a risk of heat related illness. Here are some sharing resources that you can use to prepare in advance:

->Heat Checks for your Clients (Thanks to City of Richmond)

City of Richmond is expecting hot weather starting this Sunday, July 24th and into next week. Temperatures are not currently expected to reach the same levels as the 2021 Heat Dome; however, they will likely be high enough to pose a health risk, especially for our heat-vulnerable populations.

Performing check-ins, particularly for those who are more vulnerable to heat-related illness, is a proven way to reduce injury and possibly death. If your organization has direct contact with individuals, consider incorporating health checks during extreme heat events using the following guides:

When a Heat Warning or Heat Related Emergency is officially declared, we will update you with the response steps the City of Richmond is taking for you to share with your networks. At any time, you can access information and updates on heat-related City services and other resources at richmond.ca/heat.

Children under 5 can be registered for COVID-19 vaccine (Thanks to CEAN Newsletter)

Approximately 208,000 eligible infants and children in British Columbia between six months and four years of age will soon be able to receive vaccine protection against COVID-19. Following Health Canada’s approval of the Moderna vaccine, and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization’s (NACI) recommendation on its use, for those aged six months to four years, regional health authorities will start offering this vaccine at clinics throughout the province on Aug. 2, 2022. See more: news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2022HLTH0165-001115.

->Celebrate Pride Week July 25-31 (Thanks to Richmond News)

Richmondites are invited to celebrate Pride Week from July 25 to July 31 by participating in various events and activities held by the city. To celebrate the vibrant LGBTQ2S+ communities, the City of Richmond has partnered with community associations and societies to launch a series of inclusive and engaging activities next week, featuring local artists and performers.

Everyone is welcome to attend and some of the event highlights include story time with Bryan Bone in Hamilton, a picnic, a concert, workshops, fitness classes and printmaking activity.

-> Speculation Tax Pays for Affordable Housing (Thanks to CBC News)

B.C is expanding the speculation tax on homeowners who keep their properties vacant to 6 more municipalities starting next year. The BC government says the speculation tax, introduced in 208, has resulted in thousands of new rental units. Currently, any homeowner with a vacant residence will pay 0.5 % of their property’s assessed value under the tax, with the tax jumping to 2 % for foreign homeowners.

The tax applies to most municipalities in the Lower Mainland and southern Vancouver Island, as well as Kelowna, West Kelowna, Nanaimo and the District of Lantzville. Now, the provincial government says it will expand it to Lions Bay and Squamish, as well as the Vancouver Island communities of North Cowichan, Duncan, Ladysmith and Lake Cowichan.

“People in these communities have been vocal. They’ve been vocal about the intense housing pressures that they are facing, including speculation and near zero vacancy rates,” said B.C. Finance Minister Selina Robinson on Wednesday. “This expansion will help prevent speculation from moving from one community to another in a region.”

-> Top Issues for Oct 15th Election (Thanks to Richmond News and Tracy Sherlock)

Housing, homelessness and poverty are the top issues on voters’ minds going into fall’s civic election season in British Columbia, a new poll by Research Co. has found.

Anyone who has been in the market for a new home in Metro Vancouver recently can certainly relate to this. Rents are sky-high ($1,800 a month for a one-bedroom, $2,400 for a two-bedroom, according to liv.rent) and home purchase prices have surged over the pandemic. Those increases may be slowing now as the economy slows, but interest rates are going up, which increases the cost for anyone who needs a mortgage.

Housing concerns and poverty were the number one issues across all genders, ages and demographics, the poll found. “The need is great, and the research shows that voters will be prioritizing candidates that will commit to taking concrete action to address local housing needs,” said Mario Canseco of Research Co.

->Civic (City) Election upcoming – Check the Voters List (Thanks to City of Richmond)

All local civic elections take place on October 15. If you haven’t registered to vote, please do so at elections.bc.ca/voting/register-to-vote. The City of Richmond has a resource for checking if you are on the Voters List: www.richmond.ca/electionservices/voterservices/voters/SearchVotersList.aspx.

The RPRC, RCD and other agencies will be co-hosting an All Candidates Meeting in early October, where we will ask social justice-themed questions to all candidates as the election approaches. More info to come!

July 18, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 28th Roundup for 2022. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates. Over the summer, yours truly will continue the Roundup but it may be twice a month instead of weekly, depending on the news. Enjoy the summer everyone!

->RCD Inaugural Super Summer Giveaway on Instagram (Thanks to Ella Huang)

RCD’s Super Summer Giveaway closes tomorrow (Tue July 19) at 11:59pm PST! If you haven’t entered yet, make sure to enter for the chance to win a $25 gift card to Save-On-Foods or 1 of 4 $10 gift cards to Tim Hortons. Winners will be announced on RCD’s YouTube channel on July 20, then on Instagram 24 hours later. To enter:
1. FOLLOW RCD on Instagram if you are not already
2. LIKE this post
3. TAG a friend in the comments
4. BONUS ENTRIES: share this post on your story or tag up to 3 additional friends (one entry per person tagged)

->Richmond Rental Rates among Top 3 in Canada (Thanks to Richmond News)

Richmond became the third most expensive Canadian city to rent in June. It might not come as a surprise to that many locals, but the average monthly rent in Richmond has risen once again. According to Rentals.ca – a national apartment rental website that serves up to 100 cities across Canada – the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom home in Richmond went up to $2,144 in June, a staggering 21.89 % increase from last year.

Meanwhile, two-bedroom apartments in Richmond settled at $2,703. This makes the City of Richmond the third most expensive Canadian city to rent in last month. However, Vancouver still took the top spot for being the most expensive city to rent in that month, with the average monthly rent of a one-bedroom home inching higher towards $2,412 and a two-bedroom at $3,597. Across all Canadian properties, the average rent in June was $1,855 per month, a decrease of 0.2 per cent from May.

>Celebrate Special Olympics Global Week of Inclusion (Thanks to Richmond News)

An upcoming virtual event calls for people to make their communities more inclusive. Richmondites are being invited to celebrate the Special Olympics Global Week of Inclusion. Running from July 18 to 24, the virtual event calls for people to make their communities more inclusive by volunteering with the Special Olympics’ year-round programs or donating to the organization. The City of Richmond has also issued a proclamation to honour the Special Olympics Global Week of Inclusion.

According to Special Olympics British Columbia (SOBC), many Special Olympics athletes knew the pain of isolation and exclusion long before the pandemic. Special Olympics athlete Ashley Adie was one of them. “Before the Special Olympics, I didn’t have many friends and had trouble making friends,” she said.

->MSDPR Reinstates Minimum Shelter Allowance (Thanks to Disability Alliance of BC)

The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction recently announced that they have reinstated the “minimum shelter allowance.” Recipients of income assistance, disability assistance, and hardship assistance are eligible for a minimum shelter allowance based on family unit size [see Rate Table here].

The Ministry has clarified¹ that “policy and procedures have also been updated to reflect that a “place of residence” is not limited to living arrangements in places such as houses or apartments for the purposes of determining actual shelter costs.”

In some cases, actual shelter costs may be below the minimum shelter allowance. For example, a single individual who has actual shelter costs of $40 (fuel for heating) is entitled to the minimum shelter allowance for a single person ($75). If actual shelter costs are below the minimum shelter allowance, documentation of shelter arrangements and costs is not required. The minimum shelter allowance is not provided to individuals residing in special care facilities as their shelter costs are paid for by the Ministry through facility user charges.


->To Fund Major Repairs, Landlords can Raise the Rent (Thanks to The Tyee)

In 2018, the BC NDP lowered the annual allowable rent increase from 2% plus inflation to just inflation. As a trade-off to landlords, the government introduced a new way for B.C. landlords to cover the cost of major repairs. Property owners can apply to the Residential Tenancy Branch for a rent increase allowance for capital expenditures. The permanent rent increase can be as much as 3% in addition to the annual allowable rent increase.

It was designed to help prevent renoviction by giving landlords who are financially struggling something to help them recoup the cost of operation. B.C. landlords who want to apply for the increase have to apply to the RTB, and tenants must be informed and are able to dispute the increase at a series of hearings. Read the Tyee article. To be eligible, the capital expenditures have to fall into one of three categories:

  1. Installing, repairing or replacing a major system or component such as electrical, mechanical or structural that is necessary;
  2. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions or energy use; or
  3. Improving the security of the rental property.

One of the things that’s not eligible is repairs due to lack of maintenance. If your landlord tries to increase your rent beyond the law, contact the Residential Tenancy Branch.

->Why can’t Richmond do this? Burnaby Co-ops purchased (Thanks to CHF BC – Co-operative Housing Federation of BC)

It’s been a challenging two years for the residents of Post 83 and 115 Place, who have been waiting to hear whether their buildings would be sold to a private investor. CHF BC has been working hard to ensure that wouldn’t happen and Thom Armstrong, CEO of CHF BC reported that these homes are secure for current and future residents.
Armstrong said, “The members of these co-ops have lived in fear for the last two years, and now they can enjoy the security of tenure that co-ops have always promised. It’s a great day for the co-op housing movement – we’ve saved 425 co-op homes in two very vibrant communities.”

In the $162.4-million deal, the Community Land Trust of BC (CLT) has purchased the two properties at 9380/9390 Cardston Court and 4221 Mayberry Street from the International Union of Operating Engineers’ (IUOE) pension plan. The City of Burnaby provided an unprecedented $29.75-million grant, while the provincial government financed the balance of the purchase – $132.6 million – through its HousingHub program. The financing includes $20.5 million for capital improvements in the co-ops’ buildings. Burnaby will own the 4221 Mayberry Street property and lease it to CLT for a nominal fee for 60 years. Learn more.

->How to Beat the Heat in Social Housing (Thanks to Richmond News)

Metro Vancouver Housing has begun canvassing its 3,400 households with information on how to stay cool during heat waves under a new policy developed following the 2021 ‘heat dome’ that killed over 600 people in B.C. According to the B.C. coroner, one in 10 of those deaths occurred in social or subsidized housing, not unlike the 49 sites managed by the Metro Vancouver regional government for seniors, families and people with disabilities.

The new “extreme heat protocols,” outlined in a July 7 report to the Metro Vancouver housing committee, call for Metro staff to disseminate heat wave-related information to each apartment building in May. Memos encourage tenants to stay in touch with a person during hot weather. Housing technicians will also evaluate each apartment’s air exchanges.

->Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST) Newsletter

Seniors on the Move is a program of BEST. This organization finds ways to remove barriers to active transportation (walking, rolling, bicycling). The R.O.V.I.N.G. documentary has officially launched! Screenings on June 6th and June 8th were followed by engaging presentations from BEST and partners, panel and group discussions, and Q & A sessions open to all.

Special thanks to Seniors on the Move‘s Seniors’ Advisory Committee (SAC), whose members have been with us every step of the way to help us plan these activities and projects, and to our fantastic speakers, panelists, and R.O.V.I.N.G. video interviewees for sharing their knowledge. Thanks to partners United Way BC, the Provincial Working Group on Seniors’ Transportation, ICBC, TransLink, and HandyDART. Thanks also goes to the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver, River Market, and Silver Harbour Centre for generously contributing space for us to hold these events, and the Vancouver Foundation and New Horizons for Seniors Program for funding this project.

->Another Transportation Option amid Rising Gas Prices (Thanks to Richmond News)

Have you heard of electric bike subscriptions? Because four cities in the Lower Mainland have just gotten access to Canada’s first e-bike service subscription. Zygg Mobility, a Toronto-based company, launched the service along with at-home e-bike care in Richmond, Burnaby, New Westminster and North Vancouver. The subscription includes an e-bike, full repair and maintenance work, at-home swaps or delivery as well as theft and damage protection in a package called “Zyggcare.” Delivery rider subscriptions start from $54 a week and personal riders are charged $49 per week or $99 a month.

->Celebrate Pride Week July 25-31 (Thanks to Kelly Thoreson at the Library)

Celebrate Pride Week in Richmond with events featuring local leaders, artists, performers and community members. These inclusive and engaging activities are open to all members of the community and take place throughout Richmond. They are presented by the City of Richmond in partnership with Community Associations and Societies, and the Richmond Public Library.

Pride Week is a celebration of the vibrant LGBTQ2S+ communities. The City of Richmond is committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion by fostering a welcoming and inclusive community for everyone through various events and activities. See poster attached to this email or call 604-231-6413 for more information and to register. View all the activities.

->Financial Literacy Workshops at the Library (Thanks to Alex Friesen)

There is an upcoming Financial Literacy program series that is starting next week about working in the financial industry, as well as in August about homeownership.

-> How was your care experience at Richmond Hospital? (Thanks to CEAN Newsletter)

Richmond Hospital will be adding a new nine-floor acute care tower, the Yurkovich Family Pavilion, which includes an emergency department, intensive care unit; a fully equipped medical imaging department; a pharmacy; and short-stay pediatrics. The Richmond Hospital Redevelopment Clinical Project Team wants to ask you about your care experiences at Richmond Hospital to help inform the care experience when the new tower is built. While care experience at Richmond Hospital is preferred, other hospital experiences may be considered as well. Deadline: Ongoing.

->Civic Election October 15th (Thanks to Richmond News)

The City of Richmond has set a date for the next municipal and school board election – Saturday, Oct. 15. Richmond residents will once again be asked to vote for a mayor, eight councillors and seven school board trustees. All eligible voters are asked to register through Elections BC, where they can find out if they are already on the voters list using the “Am I on the Voters List?” search on the City’s website. Eligible voters will be able to vote in-person at their designated voting place on General Voting Day or at any of the advance voting locations which will be offered over five days (Oct. 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8).

->Share your Ideas for Capstan Village park (Thanks to City of Richmond)

Hello there: A new neighbourhood park is being planned and designed for Capstan Village. We’d like to know how you think the park should be designed and programmed. Visit LetsTalkRichmond.ca by 11.59 pm on Sunday August 7th to learn more, complete a short survey, and share your ideas.

July 6, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 27th Weekly Roundup for 2022, a special edition entirely about housing. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

Over the summer, yours truly will continue the Roundup but it may be twice a month instead of weekly, depending on the news. Enjoy the summer everyone!

->RPRC has successful ‘kick off’ to RENT campaign (Thanks to Richmond News)

“When you’re living in your car, you’re thankful you’ve got a car – somebody else only has a tent. When you have a tent, you’re thankful you have a tent, because there’s a guy on the sidewalk who doesn’t even have a tent.” Richmond resident Scott Newcombe calls himself a “military brat” – in other words, he grew up on naval bases, moving from town to town with a new home and a new school every year.

This ability to adapt quickly taught him resiliency – something he needed later in life when he was struggling to find a home in Richmond and Vancouver. The first time he was evicted from his home on Vancouver’s westside, his van became his home. When he finally got into BC Housing six years ago, it was “like winning the lottery,” Newcombe told the Richmond News. But this was after a 12-year wait, going from one teardown to another, moving every 12 months or so, taking in roommates to cover the rent and, at times, sleeping on someone’s couch.

On June 29th, the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition and the Richmond Food Bank hosted their own community roundtable to gather feedback on homelessness with about a dozen people speaking about their “lived experience” trying to find a stable, affordable home. It was also the kick-off event for their R.E.N.T. campaign or Richmond Electors Needing Tenancy.

The sessions started with collecting words that represented how it felt looking for housing – frustration, discrimination, discouragement, long waitlists, high rents, shame and barriers were just some of the words that came up quickly for the participants.

Along with Newcombe, Nooria Ali also took part in the community forum on Thursday evening. Ali and her husband, both in their sixties and struggling with their health, are losing sleep over the stress of not having a stable, affordable home for their senior years. They are currently living with their eldest son, but Ali knows her son wants to live his life independently.

Ali said she loves Canada, having immigrated from Afghanistan, “a very poor country,” several decades ago, and she’s grateful her children were able to grow up here. After working as a farmworker and then in retail for decades, Ali was diagnosed with cancer several years ago, and her health has never bounced back. Now all she asks from the government is a “room.” Ali has been told the waitlist to get into BC Housing is three to four years.

->St. Alban’s marks its’ 9,000th free meal (Thanks to Richmond News)

The volunteers at St. Alban’s Outreach and Advocacy reached a very special milestone on Canada Day. The group runs a weekly, free Friday Lunch program for the less fortunate in Richmond and, at the last count in 2019, they had served an incredible 4,000 meals.

Last Friday, however, they dished out the 9,000th free lunch to a very lucky recipient, who received a gift basket of chocolate and goodies. The “winner,” said the program’s Dianne Woodhouse, was a new guest “whom we have never seen before. “It was his very first time coming to Friday Lunch, a homeless man who lives in his vehicle. “He had been found by Hugh, the outreach worker who delivers hot meals in Richmond every night.”

Woodhouse explained how five different faith organizations also prepare a minimum of 40 meals five days a week, which Hugh delivers under the FAD banner (Food Aid Delivery) which was also started by St. Alban’s. “Hugh advised the gentleman to come to St. Alban’s on Fridays for a hot lunch and what a surprise he got…not just a meal of baked chicken, rice and Greek salad, but a big basket of goodies.” Every guest also received a zip lock baggy of sweets to celebrate. Here’s a photo.

->No Federal housing funds for Richmond (Thanks to Richmond News)

Richmond residents might complain the city isn’t doing enough to build affordable housing for its residents, but at least one federal program – worth $148 million – was off the table for the City of Richmond. This was the “cities stream” of the Rapid Housing Initiative, to create 440 new housing units in B.C., which only went to four municipalities: Vancouver, Greater Victoria, Burnaby and Surrey.

At a recent meeting, Joe Erceg, general manager of planning and development with the city, repeated a message he’s relayed before to city council that federal and provincial money is needed to build affordable housing in Richmond. “The fundamental problem is there’s not enough senior-level money and the bulk of the money that has been allocated is not available to communities like Richmond,” Erceg added.

However, CMHC has a second program, the “projects stream,” worth $242 million, which was an open application process, allowing all cities, provinces, territories, non-profit groups and Indigenous communities to apply for funding. (The News has asked for clarification on the criteria used to determine who received this “projects stream” funding.)
Another $1.5 billion has been approved in this year’s federal budget to continue the Rapid Housing Initiative to build 4,500 new housing units across Canada. Twenty-five per cent of this housing fund will go toward women-focused housing. Learn more.

->Why are we tearing down perfectly good houses? (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thanks to Richmond News, letter writer Ulla Hauser for her heartfelt observations. Dear Editor, My husband and I moved to Richmond in 1996. At that time there were changes starting in the housing market. Prices were going up, but people didn’t buy houses at that time to tear them down. Over these past 26 years the changes are remarkable and not in a good way.

As I’m writing this, I’m hearing the demolition of a beautiful, well-maintained, well-loved home which was built by the owner in 1958.The listing for this house showed rooms that were spacious and beautifully updated. A large backyard with a patio and a deck, a double detached garage, trees and shrubs pruned and cared for every year. It was repainted a few years ago and the fence mended and painted just last year.

It breaks my heart to see this home being literally shredded to be replaced by a much bigger house with a front yard replaced by a three-car garage and just a hint of a backyard. Read the rest of this letter.

June 27, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 26th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

Note, during the summer, yours truly will endeavour to continue the Roundup but it will be twice a month instead of weekly. Enjoy the summer everyone!

This week’s Roundup has news on rental housing, food security, transportation, and a special tribute to Harold Steves, retiring from City Council after 50 years. You will have already received the Heat Warning email this morning, about locations to keep cool. Enjoy!

->Richmond City Council expands rental requirements (Thanks to Richmond News)

A new City policy to achieve more rental housing passed at a June 20th public hearing, with some reluctance from Richmond city councillors. Some councillors expressed concerns or were ambivalent about a new policy requiring 15 per cent rental units in all new large developments.

While a policy is already in place to require rental units in large developments in Richmond’s City Centre area, the new policy would apply that principle across the entire city.
Apartment and townhouse developments that have 60 or more units will be required to have 15 per cent of the homes as market rental units. This is in addition to the requirement of large developments to have 15 per cent low-end market rental in City Centre, and 10 per cent elsewhere in the city. Learn about the councillors who had concerns with adding more rental.

->Meanwhile, Burnaby Council forges ahead (Thanks to The Tyee)

Burnaby is considering a bold solution: the creation of its own housing corporation. It’s a rare move as the bulk of municipal housing corporations in B.C. were formed during the 1960s, when federal funding flowed. Most of their housing was developed up until 1993, when the Chrétien Liberals pulled the federal government out of their responsibility for funding social housing.

If it goes ahead, Burnaby’s municipal housing corporation will be the newest after Tofino’s, which was created five years ago. Burnaby may not be a vacation destination struggling with affordability for locals like Tofino, but there are increasing concerns that the Metro Vancouver region itself is becoming home to “resort” cities for the wealthy. As a result, Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley says, “unusual times” need unusual solutions: “Everything has to be on the table.”

->New housing approved; another rental duplex demolished (Thanks to Richmond News)

Coun. Alexa Loo cautioned against making housing developers guess where the “goalposts” are when they’re in the middle of planning a project. Pakland Properties was asking city council to approve subdividing a property in south Richmond that currently has a duplex, in order to build two single-family homes with secondary suites in each.

The project, at Williams Road and Fourth Avenue close to Manoah Steves elementary, was the subject of a rezoning application on June 20th. Coun. Carol Day – who eventually voted against the project – urged council to “think outside the box,” questioning how many of their friends and family could afford what the developer was proposing. “Shouldn’t we be building housing that we need, instead of what’s easiest?” Day said.

->Richmond pop-up market in Hamilton (Thanks to Richmond News)

Many people are dealing with hunger and food insecurity because of skyrocketing grocery costs, but two local organizations are trying to ease the burden by teaching and encouraging people to eat healthy — on a tight budget. Hamilton Community Centre will partner with Urban Bounty (formerly known as Richmond Food Security Society) to launch a weekly pop-up market, starting Saturday, July 9th. Richmondites are encouraged to shop at the market, which will be located at the community centre every Saturday, to purchase low-cost, fresh fruits and vegetables from local suppliers.

Ian Lai, executive director of Urban Bounty, said their aim is to address the ongoing challenge people have accessing fresh, local produce that’s also affordable food.

->E-bikes in Richmond (Thanks to Richmond News)

More people are opting for e-scooters and e-bikes as a way to get around. However, safety needs to be a top priority warns the City, and riders who violate the rules will be slapped with fines. In May the City initiated an e-scooter sharing service with Lime. Since then, more than 85 bright green e-scooters and 25 e-bikes are available for use in the city centre area. To use the EVs, people can download the app and start riding. However, operators need to know how to ride safely before hitting the roads, according to Mayor Malcolm Brodie, who was at a recent training session. Within Richmond, e-scooters are permitted to operate on:

  • off-street shared, paved pathways;
  • designated cycling lanes;
  • local streets defined as a street without lane lines or a directional dividing line with a speed limit of 50 km per hour or less;
  • streets with a directional dividing line and a maximum speed of 30 km per hour.

Unsafe riding behaviour should be reported to the Richmond RCMP non-emergency phone line at 604-278-1212. Fines for infractions range from $95 to $175. See the whole story.

->Biking by Bus to the Island? (Thanks to Richmond News)

Looking to cycle out to the Tsawwassen ferry terminal this summer? If so TransLink has you covered. On Friday morning at the Tsawwassen BC Ferry terminal, TransLink launched a new summer service for cyclists. The bike bus had room for 9 bikes and will operate out of the Bridgeport station from July 1 to Sept. 5, 2022 on Fridays, weekends, holidays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Hourly departures align with ferry sailings to Swartz Bay. More details here.

-> Harold Steves retires from City Council (Thanks to the Richmond Sentinel)

The RPRC congratulates Harold Steves for his 50 years of service. Cllr. Steves championed people and the environment. The retirement of Cllr Harold Steves will leave a huge gap in leadership at the municipal level. Harold Steves says, “After 50 years as a Richmond Councillor, the time has come for me to step away. This is my final column and I look back with various emotions at the issues we fought, battles we won, and those we lost.”

Read his farewell story and the incredible legacy he has left on the fabric of Richmond.

June 20, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 25th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

->RPRC Roundtable on Affordable Housing (Thanks to RPRC Housing Committee)

The RPRC invites you to a community roundtable on affordable housing in Richmond. See poster attached.
Date: Wednesday June 29, 2022
Time: 5.00 pm to 7.30 pm
Location: Richmond Food Bank, 5900 Cedarbridge Way

Learn more about the R.E.N.T. campaign (Richmond Electors Needing Tenancy), what the City of Richmond can do for you, and share your experiences trying to find affordable housing. Limited seating. Light dinner and snacks. Register by June 27th or email info@richmondprc.org.

->Food Bank clients increase by 16% (Thanks to Richmond News and Hajira Hussain)

Earlier this month, Food Banks Canada released a startling statistic – 23 per cent of Canadians are reporting eating “less than they should” due to inflation. This survey matches what Richmond food bank volunteers have also seen recently. Last month, the number of clients Richmond Food Bank served increased by 16 per cent, according to Hajira Hussain, executive director of Richmond Food Bank. This translates to an average of 1,900 individuals being served by the local food bank each week, noted Hussain.

“Staff and volunteers are working extended hours to meet the increased demand for grocery assistance. The food bank is experiencing a higher volume of clients and the need will continue to grow in the coming weeks,” said Hussain, noting that other food banks across Metro Vancouver are experiencing the same. Meanwhile, donations to the food bank have dropped recently – also because of the 6.8 per cent inflation rate, according to the Hussain. “People are more careful with their money. In terms of a message, I want people to know we need their support now more than ever,” said Hussain.

->Sharing kitchens: Popular concept for foodies (Thanks to Richmond News)

Sharing kitchens is on the rise in Northern America and is now starting to pick up in popularity globally. In Metro Vancouver, there is a growing community of shared commercial kitchens – also called commissaries or community kitchens. They are fully equipped with cooking equipment and usually have well-divided co-working kitchen spaces that allow multiple food entrepreneurs to operate at the same time. Many of them charge on an hourly basis, so it’s flexible for new food business start-ups.

Amy Gifford, the co-founder of Richmond Community Kitchen told the News they have had incredibly high demand in recent years. “We were for a while getting several calls a week with people interested in renting our kitchen. Throughout COVID, there’s been a lot of interest,” Gifford said.

Currently, four restaurant brands are operating regularly in the Richmond Community Kitchen on weekends and during evening hours. Gifford said they provide more than just a kitchen and prep space for rent, they also try to promote these food entrepreneurs through social media and community events. “We really have a lot of respect for the businesses that are in our space, and we try to promote them and help them grow,” said Gifford, “The idea behind our whole model is to build a community around food in any way we can, and we definitely develop personal relationships through sharing.”

->Scholarships for skilled trades (Thanks to Richmond News)

A global company is offering a total of $10,000 in scholarships to students pursuing post-secondary in the trade industry this year. Metal Supermarkets, which has a location in Richmond, is awarding four students $2,500 each to support their interest in the learning and developing their skills in their chosen area of the trade industry while making an effort to lessen the global shortage of skilled trade workers.

“We are honored to make such a positive commitment and help individuals who are pursuing a career in valuable trade industries,” said Stephen Schober, president and CEO of Metal Supermarkets. Scholarship applications are being accepted online from now until Thursday, June 30, 2022.

->City of Richmond Rental Tenure Zoning

Please note City Hall will be discussing Rental Tenure Zoning for the Spires area, at the planning committee agenda for June 21 at 4.00 pm. This is an encouraging move by the City to accommodate more rental in city center and to ensure land is not used for profit. See the Agenda.

->City of Richmond Let’s Talk

The City of Richmond’s City Snapshots: Planning for Growth and Development returns for the fourth year, online. The spring 2022 edition provides a glimpse of how Richmond is planning for growth and change to offer a thriving place to live, work and do business now and for generations to come. It is available on LetsTalkRichmond.ca until Sunday, July 3, 2022, and gives an overview of initiatives in four City departments:

Planning and development
Community social development (includes affordable housing and child care)

Visit each section today to explore, ask questions and leave comments.

->Five Facts about Inflation (Thanks to Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

  1. Inflation isn’t only a Canadian issue: it’s a worldwide problem created by a perfect storm of global supply chain issues related to the pandemic and Russia’s war on Ukraine. The high cost of food, gas and other goods are mostly being driven by external factors. Until those factors go away, prices will remain high
  2. Canada’s economy is strong: it’s growing, and employment is better than pre-pandemic levels, but we are seeing a historic realignment of who benefits from an economic recovery, shifting away from workers and toward corporations
  3. Workers’ wages are often blamed for inflation, but it’s not the case right now: average wage gains in Canada are well behind inflation
  4. Corporate profits, however, are soaring: the corporate profit-to-GDP ratio is the highest it’s been in any of Canada’s six post-recession periods in the past 50 years. That’s part of what’s driving inflation in Canada today
  5. Inflation doesn’t cause recessions: inflation is higher than normal right now, but whether Canada plunges into a recession in the coming months is in the hands of the Bank of Canada—if the Bank increases interest rates too high and too fast it could cause an economic downturn.

June 13, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 24th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

June is National Indigenous Peoples Month and Pride Month. Check out local listings for events in Metro Vancouver. This week’s Roundup includes news on food security, housing, health, labour, and heat preparedness.

->RPRC reports on 2022 AGM (Thanks to Deb Turner and Benjamin Yong)

The RPRC had its 2022 Annual General Meeting on June 2nd, where the membership passed two resolutions and celebrated the increase in organizations joining the coalition – a total of eleven local non-profits! Read the report.

->More people than ever needing food (Thanks to Hajira Hussain and Richmond FAD)

Richmond Food Aid Delivery (FAD) is a volunteer coalition including faith communities, the food bank, and individuals and is concerned with providing free hot meals to our street entrenched homeless population. They also collect statistics on the numbers of food bank clients, guests at community meals and hamper programs provided to Richmond families.

The FAD uses the statistics to advise local decision makers on food insecurity in Richmond and advocate for change. The numbers are up, even accounting for Covid disruptions. Currently, there are the equivalent of 4,400 free meals provided each month by the food bank and various faith community members. The Richmond Food Bank provides food to about 800 households weekly, comprised of about 1,900 individuals including a rising number of seniors and families.

-> Steveston Community Cupboard grows (Thanks to Richmond News)

The Steveston Community Cupboard has grown in size – and it’s all thanks for a Grade 5 student. The Richmond News reported last year how the big red cupboard sprung up outside the village’s Best of British Store on First Avenue and Chatham Street as a kind of impromptu mini food bank.

With its motto “take what you need, leave what you can,” it has become a very popular fixture for village residents looking to help out or needing discreet help themselves. Now a young boy called Ash has added to the cupboard’s capacity and inventory capability by building an extension on top for toiletries. Heartwarming story here.

->Construction costs eat into funds for affordable housing projects (Thanks to Richmond News and Metro Vancouver newsletter)

Metro Vancouver regional government planners have advised directors that an “unprecedented” rise in construction costs is now “significantly impacting the development of new housing and in particular, affordable rental housing.” They report construction costs have risen 15% per year since January 2020, whereas the annual rate of inflation over the 10 years prior to the onset of the pandemic was just 2.6%, on average.

These added costs will eat away at the $100 million the regional government has budgeted for the next decade to build affordable housing projects, according to the planners.
Metro Vancouver Housing states online it provides affordable rental homes for more than 9,400 people on 49 sites across the Metro Vancouver region. The 10-year plan aims to add 1,350 new and redeveloped units. Another $90 million is earmarked for renovations, according to the plan. Read more.

->Testing kits available in Richmond to detect poisoned drugs (Thanks to Richmond News)

Three people died in Richmond in April because of poisoned drugs and the health authority is hoping more people will test their drugs to lower this number. The BC Coroners Service released its April statistics this week of people who died from illicit drugs that had been cut with other chemicals – many with fentanyl – and Richmond is on track to lose as many people this year as last year. Last year, 32 people – the highest recorded – died in Richmond because of toxic drugs. This year, so far, between January and April, 11 people have died in Richmond.

Fentanyl testing strips are available at the Ann Vogel Centre – at Alderbridge Way and Lansdowne Road – and a recent study has shown at-home drug testing is virtually the same as drug-testing at regulated sites. See the article.

->City boycotts Pacific Gateway Hotel (Thanks to Richmond News and Unite Here)

The RPRC sent a letter of supporting the 143 UNITE HERE members on strike at the Pacific Gateway Hotel to City Council in April. The City is now acting to boycott the hotel. Richmond city council has adopted a resolution to not give any business to the Pacific Gateway Hotel on Cessna Drive until hotel management reaches an agreement with the workers’ union, UNITE HERE.

A delegation of striking hotel workers appeared and spoke before city council in April to urge them to cease spending any public money at the hotel. According to the union, the city informed the hotel owner, the PHI Hotel Group, of city council’s resolution in a letter this week. Treva Martell, a terminated server from Pacific Gateway and a Richmond resident said, “Their decision sends a strong message that they will not condone the hotel’s actions. Thank you to Richmond city councillors for standing behind us workers. It means so much to me.”

->Province’s preparedness plan for Heat Events, Heat Alert (Thanks to Premier’s office)

This week, the Province launched the BC Heat Alert and Response System (BC HARS) to ensure communities have the tools to be prepared and stay safe during heat events. Please see the news release d and consider sharing to get the word out to your communities. Your network may also find the following links helpful:

June 6, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 23rdWeekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

June is National Indigenous Peoples Month. Last week also marked National Accessibility week. See vents celebrating both, below!

->RCD art show to celebrate National AccessAbility Week (Thanks to Richmond News)

RCD’s office has been transformed into an art place, with dozens of paintings being displayed there. RCD members and generous community members donated these artworks, said Ella Huang, RCD’s executive director. Huang added that people interested in these artworks are more than welcome to bring them home and all proceeds from sales will be used to keep the centre’s programs running.

National AccessAbility Week, from May 29 to June 4, provided an opportunity to recognize the efforts of people who are actively removing barriers and ensuring people with disabilities have an equal chance. Read more.

->Richmond Family Place newsletter (Thanks to Ruth Taverner)

Gardening: Summer is struggling to arrive! However, with sunnier days we are beginning to see the plants bloom in our gardens. Stop by anytime during our programs to help us water, weed, and (when they’re ready) harvest the plants. Stay tuned to our social media for news of some gardening workshops we’re working on. We have wonderful guests lined up to share with you!

Parenting Groups: Have you tried out one of our conversation circles yet? These informal groups are an opportunity for parents to come together and share their parenting questions and knowledge. Facilitated by our Family Support Workers, we want you—the parents—to tell us the topics you’d like to chat about. Share your successes and challenges while making new friends. This is the place to ask all your parenting questions. Best of all, you’ll discover you’re not alone. There are two ways to join a conversation circle: In-person at Friday’s Play & Learn Drop-In at our Main site from 9:30-11:30 AM, or On Zoom, Thursdays from 1-2:30 PM. We hope to see you soon!

->Minimum Wage increases to $15.65 per hour (Thanks to Richmond News)

Minimum wage workers in B.C. will earn 45 cents more per hour, but a Richmond News poll shows more than 50 per cent of respondents think the increase is “absolutely not” high enough. As of June 1, the minimum wage in B.C. went up from $15.20 to $15.65 per hour, which is the highest of any province, according to B.C. Ministry of Labour.
As B.C.’s inflation rate spikes to 6.7%, hitting a 31-year high, many Richmondites have been struggling to cover the bills. “No way is it enough to offset the increase in the cost of living, and especially increased rent,” said De Whalen, president of Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition.

“If you were to pay what they call ‘affordable housing rent’ on that kind of a wage, the rent would be about $750 a month. And where can you ever find that in Richmond?… You’re paying at least twice that,” Whalen added. “If they’re paying way more than 30 per cent on their housing, then the money’s got to come from somewhere, from their food budget, from the transit budget…(or) gas budget. And there’s really nothing left for saving, for even going out for coffee with your friends,” said Whalen, “It’s called a minimum wage for a reason. I guess it’s a minimum wage way of living.”

->100% Rentals above one-storey businesses? (Thanks to Richmond News)

Two closed 7Eleven sites are examples of where commercial and rental housing could mix, said Coun. Carol Day. The 7Eleven at No. 1 Road and Steveston Highway is closed and boarded up. And it’s not the only one – the 7Eleven at No. 3 Road and Williams also recently shuttered its doors. Coun. Day is suggesting these types of commercial properties are “prime sites” for rental housing and she has a motion coming to the June 7th planning committee meeting suggesting that such buildings, when redeveloped, should be required to have 100 per cent rental above the ground floor commercial units.

The RPRC supported the Mosaic development, a 100% rental building over commercial on No. 3 and Williams. The 7Eleven across the road would be a logical site for more rental housing. See the story.

->Cheapest home in Richmond under $200K! (Thanks to Richmond News)

If you are hunting for affordable property in Richmond, you might not be completely out of luck. A condo located on Lindsay Road is listed for just under $200,000. But there’s a catch — it’s a leasehold property. A leasehold property means that the owner owns the house or condo itself but not the land it is built on. The land is leased to the homeowner by the landowner for a determined amount of time. The lease for this ground-flour, one-bedroom condo, with a fenced yard, is good until 2087, at which time, the lease can be renegotiated or terminated.

The other catch is that the landowner can demand payment for building repairs. Richmond-based realtor Wilson Chiu said there are currently 15 leasehold condos for sale in Richmond and nine of them are listed under $300,000. “I believe the cost is a factor and some people choose leasehold because of that,” said Chiu.

->First city-owned early childhood development hub opens (Thanks to Richmond News)

Sprouts Early Childhood Development (ECD) Hub is located next to Capstan Neighbourhood Park by No. 3 Road, and it’s the first of its kind. Sprouts ECD Hub is operated by YMCA of Greater Vancouver, which has received $98,000 from B.C.’s New Spaces Fund to purchase furniture and equipment for the facility. The facility provides 92 licensed child care spaces for infants, toddlers, and children up to 12 years old, as well as space for community-based family strengthening and support programs. The 24,597 sq. ft. location also has a toy and resource library, a commercial kitchen, and an outdoor amenity space.

Child care spaces in Richmond are in high demand but a shortage continues to be seen. According to a report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives in April, the city ranks second to Toronto for the most expensive toddler and pre-school aged child care fees in the country. Click here for the article.

-> Richmond events for National Indigenous Peoples Month (Thanks to City of Richmond)

June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. There are a variety of in-person and virtual events and activities taking place in Richmond to recognize the heritage and strength of Indigenous Peoples. Events include movies, videos, public artworks, story time.

->Gas rebates coming (Thanks to Aman Singh, Richmond MLA)

British Columbians have faced increased fuel prices at the pump so government wants to get gas rebates into people’s hands. Many British Columbians have already received their rebate cheques ($110 for regular drivers, and $165 for commercial drivers). Other drivers should receive their cheques this month.

“People are facing increased costs through no fault of their own, but as a chain reaction that started with Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine,” said Premier John Horgan. “As a result of our work to fix ICBC, we’re in a position to put money back in people’s pockets to help a little with these increased costs.”

->Feds open Office of Federal Housing Advocate (Thanks to Donna Colpitts)

The Office of the Federal Housing Advocate opened an online submission process for people to share their experiences with systemic housing and homelessness issues in Canada. For the first time, anyone in Canada who has faced inadequate housing or homelessness can make a submission and tell the Advocate about their experience. Organizations can also use the online submission platform to submit relevant information to the Advocate.

While the Advocate does not provide remedies for individual cases, the submission process will enable the Advocate to amplify the voices and experiences of people who have been impacted by inadequate housing and homelessness. The Advocate will use these submissions to examine key systemic housing issues more closely and make recommendations.

May 30, 2022

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 22nd Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

News this week on homelessness, financial literacy, healthcare, lobbying, period poverty, and more. Enjoy!

->Richmond residents are invited to talk about homelessness (Thanks to Richmond News)

The City of Richmond is hosting a free, two-part community conversation to address what makes a home and what homelessness means. Discussions will address topics such as what contributes to the circumstances of homelessness and ideas on how actions, big or small, can help build a more connected and inclusive community.

The RPRC encourages you to register and attend! The online registration is not straight forward – you may want to phone 604.276.4300 to register. There are 2 parts/ 2 sessions- see below. There are three opportunities to attend Part one of the conversation:

  • June 6 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Richmond Cultural Centre (registration # 159620).
  • June 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Richmond Cultural Centre (registration # 159942).
  • June 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at City Centre Community Centre (registration # 159948).

Part two of the conversation will take place on June 28 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at City Centre Community Centre (registration # 159636). The City says, “When people find home, they find belonging, stability, and well-being. Engaging in community conversations about homelessness is a priority initiative of the city’s Homelessness Strategy.” Registration is required through the city’s events page or by phone at 604-276-4300, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

->Rescheduled Money Skills workshop in Chinese Now July 12th (Thanks to FSGV and Murray Baker)

This is from Family Services of Greater Vancouver (FSGV) regarding their Budgeting and Goal Setting Workshop in Chinese. Mea culpa! It was noticed that the link for the May 30, 2022 workshop was a wrong link, which perhaps explains why we did not have signups for that workshop. We have re-scheduled the workshop for July 12th, 2022.

Please note the date and link for the Workshop on July 12, 2022 @ 2pm -4pm. Below is the revised registration link along with the translated information. Please register here for the workshop being held in Cantonese.

->Senior evicted while hospitalized – now homeless (Thanks to The Tyee)

The RPRC has been following several incidents where vulnerable Richmond seniors were released from hospital into shelters or other temporary housing with no care plan in place. In the following story, this Vancouver man was evicted while in hospital.

For some vulnerable seniors in BC, a hospital stay can lead to having nowhere to live. In December 2021, Athanios Collias collapsed at a SkyTrain station in New Westminster. The 78-year-old would spend the next three months at Royal Columbian Hospital recovering from a painful pinched nerve. But while Collias was in hospital learning how to walk again, his landlords — a family in Burnaby he rented a room from — sold their house. Because Service Canada didn’t know where to reach him, Collias’ Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits had also been cut off

According to the 2020 Metro Vancouver homeless count, people over the age of 55 now make up around 25 per cent of the region’s homeless population, compared to just nine per cent in 2008 and five per cent in 2002. According to the 2020 homeless count, 45 per cent of unhoused seniors first experienced homelessness when they were over the age of 55.

->Delivering food to pay for your food bill (Thanks to Richmond News)

As the inflation in Canada reaches a 31-year high, some Richmondites have turned to side hustles to bring in extra cash to cover the bills. “Doing a side gig won’t earn you six figures a year, but the additional income can make life easier and help you pay off your credit card debt,” said Richmondite William Wang. In addition to working a full-time job Monday to Friday, Wang said he needs to work as a personal grocery shopper on the weekends to feed his family of four.

With the annual inflation rate shooting up almost seven per cent, the highest since 1991, a study from the Angus Reid Institute found more than one-third (36 per cent) of Canadians surveyed said they are in a worse financial situation than they were a year ago. While salaries have inched up in some sectors, they’re far from keeping pace with inflation. To make ends meet, some people are resorting to everything from grocery shopping for others to standing in line at the passport office.

->Impacts of the Lobbyist Transparency Act on Non-Profits (Thanks to Corey Tymich and Vantage Point)

Vantage Point has been working in partnership with Board Voice, the United Way, and the Vancouver Foundation to call on the BC Government to improve the Lobbyist Transparency Act (LTA). In February 2022, we submitted this brief to the Attorney General and the Registrar of Lobbyists.

In the brief, you will find a description of some of the unintended impacts of the Act on not-for-profit organizations, a call for a comprehensive review of the legislation, and proposed short-term solutions that could immediately improve the existing approach. The brief also recommends that our sector be meaningfully engaged in shaping any amendments, regulations, and materials to come.

->A Period Poverty Task Force for BC (Thanks to United Way and the BC government)

On May 27th the Government of BC and United Way British Columbia announced a brand-new collaborative effort to address the issue of limited access to menstrual products. Together they are going to build a Period Poverty Task Force.

What does that mean? For the next 18 months we’ll be convening a small group of experts from various sectors and across the province to help us define long-term goals for ending period poverty in BC. This is a major step in helping to identify and build the systems or policies needed to close gaps on access to free product in our community. Learn more. https://uwbc.ca/blog/period-poverty-task-force/

->Richmond Primary Care Network understaffed (Thanks to Richmond News)

Ministry of health documents show that, as of March, only one doctor had been hired into the Richmond Primary Care Network (PCN) out of 32 that were announced three years ago. In total, of the 77 health-care workers who were supposed to be hired into these primary care networks, only 32 positions were filled in Richmond as of March.

In 2019, the ministry of health announced there would be three primary care networks in Richmond which would bring in 32 new doctors, 14 new nurse practitioners and 24 other health-care workers such as nurses and pharmacists. In addition to the lack of doctors, only four nurse-practitioners out of 14 had hired into the system. The Richmond News recently reported how several family doctors in Richmond are feeling burned out with large patient loads and high overhead costs such as rent and administration.
Keep reading here.

->City of Richmond appoints new staff leader (Thanks to Richmond News)

The City of Richmond has appointed a new administration leader. Serena Lusk, who has been the city’s deputy chief administrative officer (CAO) since 2020, will take over from the retiring George Duncan in July. The city said it searched the country for Duncan’s replacement, but ended up promoting from within with Lusk, who joined the city in 2005 and progressed through the organization within the Community Services Division. She joined the city’s senior management team as general manager of Community Services in 2017 before taking on some more duties as the deputy CAO three years later. See the article.

May 23

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

aThis is our 21st Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

News this week on culture, heritage, literacy, transportation, and of course, housing! Enjoy, friends.

->Honouring Jewish Heritage Month (Thanks to BC Alliance for Arts & Culture)

Jewish Heritage Month, shares the month of May with Asian Heritage Month. Despite Canada being the country with the 4th biggest Jewish community in the world, Jewish Canadians today continue to experience a rise in the acts of antisemitism and xenophobia. Jewish Heritage month is a time for all of us to reflect on how we can take a stand against antisemitism, violence ,and xenophobia. It is also a moment for us to commemorate and honour the memory of those lost to the violence of the Holocaust.

We encourage everyone to self-educate, reflect on and learn about the profound contributions of Jewish Canadians to Canada, and to find ways of supporting and celebrating Jewish-led organizations, events, and communities.

->There is still space for Team Members in the Vision Zero Project (Thanks to Athena Estremadura)

The RPRC’s current project is “Improving Pedestrian Safety in Richmond through Vision Zero Strategies.” The project is twofold: to talk to people who walk and roll about creating safer streets, crosswalks, and sidewalks, AND to provide on-the-job training to people who walk and roll, on participating in and completing a project. Project team participants will receive and certificate of completion and a modest honorarium. Email info@richmondprc.org to register!

->Heart of Richmond AIDS Society needs Board member! (Thanks to Angela Noel)

Heart of Richmond AIDS Society (HORAS) is seeking a volunteer who would like to become a member of the Board of Directors. HORAS is a member of the RPRC and is a Richmond non-profit that provides one-on-one and group support, counselling, and advocacy services to people living with HIV and AIDS. HORAS offers support to their family members, partners, and friends. HORAS also provides grocery assistance and supplementary health programs for Richmond residents. See their posting for a Member of the Board of Directors.

->Richmond Centre for Disability upcoming events (Thanks to Ella Huang)

It’s a busy time for RCD members! See their entire schedule at www.rcdrichmond.org. Here are three highlights.

May 25, Wednesday – RCD at Abilities Expo
May 31, Tuesday – NAAW Celebration – Virtual Conference
June 3, Friday – RCD “Joy of Giving” Fundraising Campaign Launch

->Update about the Seniors tax deferment program (Thanks to Pat Morin)

Reader Pat Morin wrote in, ”Thanks for your great weekly update. The one point that people should be aware of is the downside to the ‘tax deferment’ program which I feel the province is maybe a bit too silent about.” The downside is​ regarding a natural disaster – this from the government itself, “Please be advised that tax deferment program provides a low interest loan to homeowners to pay their taxes and there is no further advantage of this program. Unfortunately, it has be paid back.” In other words, if your home is destroyed by a natural disaster (fire, floods, etc) the owner must still pay back their loan. So, beware out there, seniors!->Five myths that put unhoused people at risk (Thanks to The Tyee)

In March, a list of people who have died in supportive housing buildings in Maple Ridge started circulating on Facebook, catching the attention of media and B.C.’s Attorney General David Eby. The list was posted by Diedra Lucas, who was formerly homeless and remains a part of the local street community. In response to the list, Eby announced an independent review focusing solely on the Royal Crescent building. Lucas’s action and the independent review may offer a chance to critically examine supportive housing, which is widely viewed as a solution to homelessness.

The list also pointed out five myths around supportive housing. As examples – Supportive housing is not a solution to homelessness (20% of homeless people placed in supportive housing remain in it for less than six months). – Supportive housing is regulated under the Residential Tenancy Act but residents are often deprived of their rights. Here are the BC government policy guidelines.

->Rapid Bus coming to Richmond, eventually (Thanks to Richmond News)

A 10-year plan includes several future rapid transit routes through the new George Massey Tunnel. A new bus route, called the “R7,” could connect one of the Canada Line Stations in Richmond to the Expo Line on a still unidentified route. This “Bus Rapid Transit” (BRT) is meant to be fast, frequent, and reliable, explained TransLink CEO Kevin Quinn, with dedicated bus lanes and transit signal priority. He pointed out bus lanes, which take over a lane previously used by cars, are the most effective way to deliver rapid transit service. Read the whole article.

->Reading and Physical Literacy activity at McLean Park (Thanks to Richmond Arts Coalition and Richmond Sentinel)

A new literacy activity is now available in the Hamilton neighbourhood starting with the launch of a new permanent StoryWalk® circuit in McLean Park. The library and the city collaborated on the installation which was funded in part by a Rotary grant. A StoryWalk® is an interactive activity that combines reading and physical literacy and is designed to guide participants through a picture book story in sequence while outdoors. The StoryWalk is free to enjoy rain or shine.

“The Rotary Club of Richmond Sunrise is pleased to be a partner in the permanent Story Walk at Mclean Park in Richmond,” said Marg Dixon, the club’s past president and current administration chair. “This was enabled through funding from Rotary District 5040 and Decoda Literacy Solutions, with both organizations believing in the power of literacy to change lives.”

->City of Richmond Cultural Harmony Plan (Thanks to City staff Dorothy Jo)

The 2019–2029 Richmond Cultural Harmony Plan Progress Report for 2019–2021 Update outlines the initiatives that the City undertook in the last two years to enhance intercultural connections among Richmond’s diverse population as well as to address the impacts brought about by the pandemic and related public health measures, such as approving the flexible uses of the City grants, pursuing partnerships to address racism in Richmond, and celebrating Richmond’s diversity and unique heritage.

If you would like copies or more information on the 2019–2029 Richmond Cultural Harmony Plan Progress Report for 2019–2021, please feel free to contact me. Copies of this report can also be downloaded from the City of Richmond’s website.

May 16

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 20th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Support Richmond Food Bank (Thanks to Keefer Pelech and Hajira Hussain)

May is Food Bank month so now is your chance to support the incredible work of the Richmond Food Bank! The Richmond Food Bank currently serves 2,400 clients per week, up from 1,800 per week during Covid. Make a don​ation, challenge your friends and family, and show how much you care for our local food bank! You can donate online at: https://richmondfoodbank.org/

-> Spotlight on The Kehila Society of Richmond (Thanks to Lynne Fader)

  • Kehila Society supports and assists the following Food and Basic Needs programs in Richmond:
  • Light of Shabbat – produces 140 -150 meals per week.
  • Kehila weekly meals – provides and delivers 30 hot kosher delivered meals once a week.
  • Community Fridge – Kehila partners with Richmond Food Bank, Jewish Federation of Vancouver, and the Richmond Jewish Day School to fill a community fridge with healthy and nutritious food in a way that promotes privacy, easy access, and inclusiveness.
  • The Kehila Seniors Monday – provides a hot kosher meal with social educational programming
  • JFS Food Bank – provides a meal program for students at RJDS and within our community and a weekly hot nutritious plant-based meal to all students at the school.
  • Richmond Multi Faith Food Aid – provides 50 street entrenched individuals within Richmond with meals, meal cards, personal hygiene items, and clothing.
  • Roses Angels – purchases and distributes grocery gift cards and bulk items to select agencies within Richmond every year.

-> More Rentals in City Centre? (Thanks to Richmond News)

Richmond City Council will consider whether to require more rental suites in large residential developments and less parking in new buildings close to transit. Proposed changes, if approved by city council, would mean housing developments in Richmond’s City Centre could have 30 per cent rental units, half of them regular market rentals and half low-end market rentals. Furthermore, all other new large developments throughout Richmond could be required to have 15 per cent market rental suites as well as 10 per cent low-end market rentals, for a total of 25 per cent rentals. This item comes to the City’s Planning Committee on May 17th at 4 pm. See the article.

-> And if you think rent is expensive, how about childcare? (Thanks to Richmond News)

Richmond has the second highest child-care fees in Canada, ranking just behind Toronto. And Richmond could struggle to meet a federal target of cutting fees in half from what they were in 2019, according to a report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released earlier this week. These high fees​ mean the city will have to make bigger cuts to reach the federal target of a 50-per-cent reduction of 2019 median fees.

By the end of this year, infant and toddler fees will have to go down by $850, and pre-school fees by $797. The most expensive fees for childcare in Richmond were $1,450 for toddlers and $1,275 for preschool-aged children in 2021, with increases of $250 and $320 respectively from 2019. Monthly infant fees also rose from $1,200 in 2019 to $1,450 in 2021, which ranked Richmond ninth-highest in Canada. The report suggested this increase could be due to new for-profit centres opening during the pandemic. Currently, for-profit fees for preschool-aged children in the city are 49 per cent more expensive than not-for-profit.

-> Some help for Seniors and their Housing (Thanks to Deb Turner)

Just a friendly reminder:

Owners: Eligible property owners may defer their property taxes they owe.

Renters: Seniors can apply for rental housing supplements called “SAFER”. Additional useful information on this site for both renters and​ homeowners.

->City receives funding for poverty reduction actions (Thanks to Richmond News)

Monthly drop-in sessions at Brighouse library will aim to provide more flexible service. A provincial grant of $50,000 will help vulnerable groups such as newcomers, refugees, and lone-parent families access resources that could help improve their digital literacy and employment readiness.

As a part of its strategy to reduce and prevent poverty, the City has been working with community organizations such as the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC). One of the main issues that community members raised was that they didn’t always know how to access these services, or even that they existed, said city spokesman Clay Adams. People have also noticed that there is little to no support available after hours and on weekends, except for the RPRC’s food delivery program. “Outreach actually has to be reaching out into the community, not, ‘You can come to my office on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30.’ That’s more in-reach,” said De Whalen, the president of the RPRC. But the City still has a long way to go in preventing and reducing poverty, according to Whalen. “There’s still gaps in this, but we do understand it’s a long-term strategy, and it’s going to take time,” she said.

-> Urgent need for family doctors in Richmond (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thousands of Richmondites currently don’t have a family doctor. Many family doctors are carrying large caseloads and can’t take any more patients despite daily calls from people desperate for a GP. When the BC NDP won the election in 2017, they took a different tack by introducing an alternative to the traditional fee-for-service funding system. In fact, Dix recently called the private practice model a “very 1960s style” system.

Instead, he touted solutions like “team-based” practice, primary care networks, nurse-practitioners and Urgent and Primary Care Clinics (UPCC). Dix was recently in Richmond to announce the opening of the permanent location of the UPCC. For those looking to connect with a family doctor, the Richmond Primary Care Network has provided a registration process. Learn more.

->More on health care in Canada (Thanks to Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

Canadian health care systems aren’t getting the support they need from the federal government in its latest budget, according to economist Majorie Griffin Cohen. Marjorie—who is a long-time collaborator with the CCPA–BC Office—notes that the recent Federal budget fails to reverse the deterioration of our health care. In some crucial areas, it does nothing, including the critical need to improve the quality and availability of long-term care beds.

-> Voting in municipal election Oct 15th (Thanks to Richmond News)

This just in from City Hall: On the agenda for the general purposes committee meeting this week, the city staff is looking for approval to make amendments to Richmond’s civic election bylaw, which will allow for more mail-in ballots during election time. If this motion is passed, city staff reported, any elector, not just people experiencing physical disability or are expecting to be absent from the city during voting days, could request and vote via mail-in ballots. The report added that the Citty will “ensure the public is fully informed on all voting options” on the city’s website along with all the procedures being followed during 2021’s By-Election.

->City’s plan for flood protection (Thanks to City Staff)

The City of Richmond invites you to learn more about flood protection in Richmond, and its growing importance​ considering climate-driven flood risks. During May and June, a series of in-person and virtual events are being offered and we encourage you to join us. Visit LetsTalkRichmond.ca to:

  • Learn more about flood protection in Richmond
  • See dates and times of upcoming in-person and virtual events
  • Ask questions, post ideas onto an online map, and answer our weekly quick poll question.

May 9

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 19th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org ​​and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

The RPRC hope all you mothers out there had a lovely Mother’s Day. As well, May is: Asian Heritage Month, Food Bank Month, and Child Care Month. Lots to celebrate – Enjoy the feast of newsy items below!

-> The month of May is Food Bank Month! (Thanks to Hajira Hussain)

Throughout the month of May, the Mayors of Vancouver, City of North Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, Port Moody, Chilliwack, and White Rock have all come together for the Mayors’ Food Bank Challenge. They are challenging the Mayors in each of these cities to rally their communities to raise funds for food banks in their neighborhoods. Donations made to the cities of Vancouver, City of North Vancouver, Burnaby, and New Westminster will be supporting the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, while donations made to the other participating cities will go to their local food bank. Although Richmond’s Mayor Brodie is not competing, you are most welcome to donate online to the Richmond Food Bank.

-> May is also Child Care Month! (Thanks to Richmond News)

The City of Richmond is kicking off Child Care Month with two planned events in May. Child Care Month, which is celebrated every May in B.C., recognizes the work and dedication of early childhood educators and child care providers who support the well-being of children. Child care was emphasized as an important essential service during the pandemic, according to Mayor Malcolm Brodie. “The city is committed to working in partnership with child care stakeholders to ensure the needs of Richmond families and children are addressed,” said Brodie, adding that currently, there are over 7,700 licensed child care facilities in Richmond. The first event is a Child Care Symposium that is scheduled to take place virtually on Zoom on May 7 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more information email childcare@richmond.ca.

-> Build the right homes in Richmond and community will come (Thanks to Richmond News)

Richmond News editor Eve Edmonds weighs in on the whole giant homes debate in Richmond. Almost the moment we posted our story on housing and changing neighbourhoods it started trending. That surprised me, not because it isn’t a great story — it is, but because it feels like an old one. About seven years ago, there was a particularly high wave of anxiety regarding older, modest (in other words affordable) homes getting demolished and replaced with three-story mansions — grain elevators as some called them. At the time, the city blamed “a loophole” that allowed certain properties to be developed far larger than what municipal bylaws allowed. That loophole was eventually closed, but the deadline was set for some time in the future, which resulted in a rush of applications. And if the application got in on time, developers still had time before they had to actually start building.

-> Who are we building these giant houses for in Richmond? (Thanks to Richmond News)

Where have all the people gone? The Richmond News took a tour around the city to witness and report on the big changes in some of our neighbourhoods and it’s not all for the better. Driving around some neighbourhoods in west and central Richmond, there is, with regularity, something odd. There is something connecting many of these quiet, residential streets, yet there is also something conspicuous by its absence. What connects them is the proliferation of massive homes – some relatively young – being torn down and/or rebuilt into even larger properties. What’s missing is life. People. Families. Children.

-> Generous Futures: ‘Destigmatizing Mental Health’ webinar May 17th 110-11 am PDT (Thanks to Cory Tymich)

Free online event! “The pandemic has served as an urgent call to action for increased mental health support. How do we challenge the stigma associated with mental health and move towards greater acceptance? How do disability, poverty, racism and sexual orientation impact access and resourcing? This panel of leaders in the field will discuss these questions and shed light on what has been done and what the future holds.” Register here.

-> Apply for a City of Richmond Neighbourhood Celebration Grant (Thanks to City Staff)

Are you a Richmond based neighbourhood group, not-for-profit community group, Parent Advisory Committee, Community Association or Student Council with a creative idea for an event that will build community connections and neighbourhood pride? Richmond’s Neighbourhood Celebration Grant Program provides funding up to $2,500 to support the delivery of initiatives that will reconnect residents through grassroots community events and shared experiences that can be delivered safely throughout the summer and fall of 2022. Examples of events that are eligible for funding include neighbourhood block parties, community picnics and inclusive cultural celebrations.
Deadline for submissions is May 23, 2022. Visit the website to apply.

-> Richmond Community Protocol on Anti-Racism (Thanks to Alan Hill and Richmond News)

The RPRC is a member of Richmond’s Community Collaborative Table (CCT). The CCT and Resilience BC is helping to push forward progress in our community in recommending anti-racism and anti-discrimination protocols to local decision makers. Alan Hill says, ‘the recent launch of the Richmond Community Protocol has led to some very interesting developments at Richmond City Council.’ See the Richmond News article and the City’s YouTube channel.

-> Preview of Seniors Week June 6-12 (Thanks to Tanya Fitzpatrick)

Just wanted to let you know that the City of Richmond and Community Partners are celebrating Seniors Week from June 6-12, with fun, free and low-cost activities, events, and informational opportunities – online or in-person! We would really appreciate it if you could help us spread the word so we can celebrate as many seniors as possible in our community. This year’s theme is Communities of Strength – Powered by Age. Click for the full brochure.

May 2

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 18th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Spotlight on the Richmond Family Place Thrift Store (Thanks to Ruth Taverner)

The Richmond Family Place (RFP) Thrift Store is a social enterprise that generates income directly for RFP programs and operations. Through the store, they can serve Richmond families by providing low-cost clothing, toys, books, jewellery, and other small household items.

Open 6 days a week between 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM, our store is run almost entirely by dedicated volunteers—who work approximately 60 hours per week! Drop by and check out the special shopping days and discounts. 30% off on certain items Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Purchase a whole bag of clothes for $10 on Thursday (adults) and Saturday (students and RFP members)! Some exclusions apply. Richmond Family Place is at 8660 Ash Street off Francis.

-> Richmond Mental Health Consumer & Friends Society – RCFC (Thanks to Cory Tymich)

The Richmond Mental Health Consumer and Friends’ Society (RCFC) is a member of the RPRC and is a self-governing peer-run mental health organization. We provide peer support and a full calendar of exciting and diverse activities to adult mental health consumers living in Richmond, B.C. RCFC is looking for a Therapeutic Recreation Coordinator. The job is responsible for the Therapeutic Recreation Program’s overall management. Other responsibilities include maintaining a caring and welcoming environment for adult mental health consumers.

-> Unite Here – Local 40 workers mark one year anniversary of strike in Richmond (Thanks to Stephanie Fung)

A Rally will take place on Thursday May 12th at 5 pm at Pacific Gateway Hotel, 3500 Cessna Drive, to mark Unite Here member/ hotel workers one-year strike with Pacific Gateway Hotel. In May 2021, the hotel terminated 143 long-term workers, mostly women, during the pandemic. The firings came after the federal government took over the hotel as a quarantine site and brought in contractors. The feds left the hotel earlier this year, but Pacific Gateway workers continue to fight back against mass firings and economic rollbacks. RSVP to attend this historic event.

-> Fighting racism added to Richmond RCMP priorities (Thanks to Richmond News)

In a 2021 RCMP report, statistics were noted that sixty-one per cent of hate crimes and incidents in Richmond were against Asians, while 19 per cent were against Blacks.
Richmond city council voted unanimously to have the RCMP add fighting racism to its list of priorities this year. The RCMP’s suggested work plan for 2022/23 included prioritizing property crime, organized crime, road safety and vulnerable persons, but Coun. Chak Au pointed out statistics show a rise in hate crimes and incidents in Richmond and suggested this be added as a priority. Acting officer in charge, Supt. Julie Drotar, noted statistics from 2021 show 61 per cent of the 46 racially motivated hate crimes and incidents in Richmond were against Asians, 19 per cent were against Blacks and 13 per cent were against South Asians and Middle Easterners. Read more.

-> BC’s Mental Health Act Will Be Overhauled (Thanks to The Tyee)

Attorney General David Eby says ‘dated’ legislation will get a ‘significant modernization.’ The province introduced amendments to the legislation Thursday to create an independent service to advise people detained involuntarily about their rights. That same day, an all-party legislative committee examining the Police Act recommended a “broad review” of the Mental Health Act, echoing calls from the B.C. Office of the Ombudsperson and legal advocacy organizations. “Anytime that the government is stepping in, and essentially taking over control of some aspect of some person’s life, we’re doing a review of those processes and that legislation because it’s very dated,” said Eby, noting the review will include public guardianship laws for seniors and adults, too. See the article.

-> City of Richmond Child Care Needs Assessment and Strategy – Update 2021 (Thanks to Dorothy Jo)

The City of Richmond’s 2017–2022 Child Care Needs Assessment and Strategy, which was adopted by City Council on July 24, 2017, outlines short- and long-term actions to support the development of a comprehensive childcare system in Richmond. In the 2021 Update, the City continues to implement the actions outlined in the Strategy and has seen a 33% increase in licensed childcare spaces in Richmond over the past five years since the Strategy was developed. Despite these significant gains, the demand for childcare in Richmond continues to exceed the supply. If you have questions or would like additional information on the 2017–2022 Richmond Child Care Needs Assessment and Strategy – 2021 Update please contact Chris Duggan, Program Manager, Child Care and Youth at 604-204-8621.

->Ask City of Richmond about Capital Projects 2022 (Thanks to Let’s Talk Richmond)

Flood protection, various transportation initiatives, critical building, park upgrades, and even some public art, are just a few of the interesting projects you can click through and learn about with the City of Richmond’s Capital Projects Highlights 2022. From any digital device, visit LetsTalkRichmond.ca to learn more. Ask questions online until Sunday, May 29, 2022.

->City of Richmond Virtual Diversity Symposium (Thanks to Dorothy Jo)

The City of Richmond is seeking presentation proposals for the 2022 Virtual Diversity Symposium which will be held from October 24 to 28, 2022. We are looking for proposals that focus on emerging issues and trends, best practices and innovative ideas, or thought-provoking dialogues around the practice of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Given the virtual format of the conference, applicants must be comfortable and proficient with giving virtual presentations and engaging audiences in an online setting. Deadline for submission is Monday June 6th at 5.00 pm.

->Victoria Council fast tracks affordable housing approvals (Thanks to City of Victoria newsletter)

Victoria City Council has unanimously passed new legislation to accelerate construction of new affordable housing in the City, following a public hearing this evening. Projects by non-profit, government or co-op housing organizations will no longer require rezonings or public hearings when they are consistent with the City’s Official Community Plan and related design guidelines. “The change we made tonight will get more affordable homes built more quickly for families, workers and people who need it the most,” said Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps. “Council is taking a bold step to remove the uncertainly around affordable housing decisions and cut red tape. It’s the first of hopefully many tectonic shifts in how Victoria is improving the housing development process.” Victoria is the first municipality in B.C. to approve a city-wide accelerated process for qualifying affordable housing projects.

April 25

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 17th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

There’s a variety of news this week on food security, housing, income equity, safety, and childcare. Thanks to our contributors!

->Richmond Presbyterian Church needs community meal volunteers (Thanks to Vic Beltran)

Richmond Presbyterian Church is a member of the RPRC and is located at 7111 No 2 Road (at Granville). The church prepares and serves free hot meals to the Richmond community every Monday night from 4.30- 6.00 pm. They need people to do volunteer clean up and dishwashing. Anyone looking for a good way to give back to the community, please contact Vic at vbeltran@belcas.com.

->FSGV Money Skills Workshops in May (Thanks to Murray Baker)

Family Services is offering a series of Money Skills workshops for financial empowerment for individuals and families on low incomes. This program is to point out to Richmond residents the many benefits offered by the provincial and federal governments that people do not apply for. Zoom workshops in May include “Federal and Provincial Benefit Plans, Budgeting and goal Setting, and Registered Saving & Investment Plans.” If interested please contact Murray at mbaker@fsgv.ca.

->Richmond Advocacy & Support Committee (RASC) Project (Thanks to Athena Estremadura)

The RPRC’s exciting new project is entitled “Improving Pedestrian Safety in Richmond” and we are looking for self-identified Richmond residents on low incomes who want to learn job-ready skills as a Project Assistant. Participants will earn a certificate and a modest honorarium. The real bonus is learning on the job! If you know anyone who fits the bill, let them know about the project by sharing the poster or email info@richmondprc.org for more information.

->Tension at City Hall (Thanks to Richmond News)

What are public hearings on real estate developments for and should we continue holding them? There were some testy exchanges at Richmond City Hall this week and one member of the public felt it was “insulting” at a suggestion city council doesn’t really need to hold some public hearings. In response to Cllr. Alexa Loo’s comments about people outside of a development proposal’s neighbourhood at a public hearing on April 18th, Richmond resident Laura Gillanders said, “Don’t have a public hearing if you’re going to say ‘you know, public, we didn’t really need to hear from you, we’re granting you this opportunity, but it means nothing. It should mean something.” See story.

-> Two solitudes of housing in Richmond (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thanks to the Richmond News for publishing a letter to the Editor from yours truly. This was in response to two letters posted side-by-side the previous week. The RPRC regularly advocates for truly affordable housing for the large percentage of our population who are on low incomes. “I enjoyed your substitute editorial on April 14! I read both letters about housing in Richmond with great interest. I know both writers and consider them friends and colleagues. One is a well-respected housing developer, who regularly appears before city council to speak on local housing proposals. I also know many of his housing developments include LEMR (low end market rental) units. The other is a retired outreach worker who says she has tried on several occasions to secure LEMR units for her clients but has never found one.”

-> How a massive expansion of rental homes can literally pay for itself (Thanks to Canadian Centre for policy Alternatives)

In the face of a mounting housing crisis, what if BC could massively increase public investment in below-market rental housing—and if that upfront investment could literally pay for itself, with no increase to taxpayer-supported debt? While this might sound too good to be true, it simply follows from the basic logic of rental housing development. When building new rental housing, the upfront costs of construction are offset by the stream of rental income the project generates over time. This is, of course, the premise on which private-sector rental housing developers base their business models. For them, building new housing is not a “cost”, but rather a way to generate substantial profits. More here.

->Richmond Permanent Urgent and Primary Care Centre (Thanks to Deb Turner)

Richmond’s new urgent and primary care centre (UPCC) is opening on April 25, 2022, at its permanent location at #110 – 4671 No. 3 Road. Urgent care will be available Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Statutory holidays will follow the same service hours. If you need a family doctor you can register on the website.

->Vancouver Status of Women Grant Opportunity (Thanks to Clare Yow)

This comes via a Richmond Women’s Resource Centre member. The Women’s Centre is also a member of the RPRC. Vancouver Status of Women is pleased to welcome applications from self-identifying Indigenous, Black, and/or racialized women and gender diverse people in the Lower Mainland to for our Community Action Grants program. This grant is specifically designed for grassroots projects, small businesses, and community organizations led by individuals or small groups that are underserved by mainstream grants and wealth distribution.

-> Childcare spaces being built on school grounds (Thanks to Richmond News)

More good news on childcare in Richmond! Joint federal-provincial funding through ChildCareBC, will pay for three new childcare centres in Richmond. The standalone modular buildings are expected to be installed by summer 2023 and will add 140 new childcare spots in Richmond. Manoah Steves elementary and Maple Lane elementary will each get 50 new childcare spaces in a building located on school grounds. The new childcare centre at the Richmond Jewish Day School will have 40 spots. Read the article.

>Traffic Safety around schools is paramount (Thanks to Richmond News)

This report is in line with the RPRC’s current project on Pedestrian Safety. City Councillors on Monday April 25th will hear that City staff will be consulting with the city’s Traffic Safety Advisory Committee while developing a plan to make sure traffic safety at all Richmond schools is consistent. The plan includes making sure safety measures are in place for students walking to and from school, reducing vehicle speeds and managing congestion around student pick-up and drop-off areas.

April 18

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our ​16th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Laid-off workers appeal to Richmond city councillors (Thanks to Richmond News)

The RPRC is a long-time supporter of Unite Here Local 40, the union representing workers at the Pacific Gateway Hotel. Pacific Gateway Hotel is looking to add two more hotels to its Cessna Drive property. At the same time, they have laid off 143 workers who have been on strike since May 2021. Richmond City Council expressed sympathy for locked-out Pacific Gateway Hotel workers, and they asked staff to look in​to how the City could support their job action. The hotel workers asked City Council to boycott the hotel, pointing out in the past the city had held up to 100 events in a year there. Treva Martell, representing the union, said hotel staff have been highly involved in the community, taking part in many charitable events, and now it’s time for the community to back them. See the article.

-> Another letter about affordable housing (Thanks to Richmond News)

Keep those letters coming in! This one is sure to prompt more. Thanks to writer Dana Westermark for his letter in response to last week’s letter from writer Donna Colpitts. He says Richmond’s LEMR program is one of the most aggressive programs in the Lower Mainland. Westermark states, “I feel it is necessary to correct the outrageous errors in Ms. Colpitts’ letter. First, Richmond is far from the last in the provision of rental housing. The CMHC study she refers to looks at a very narrow window to rank municipalities on the number of units they constructed during that specific time. If one takes a wider view, Richmond fares very well in comparison to our neighbours.

The City of Richmond’s Low End of Market Rental (LEMR) program has been increased from five per cent of units to 10 per cent and even more, to 15 per cent in the City Centre. This is by far the most aggressive program in the Lower Mainland to create affordable rental.”

-> A Wicked problem – David Eby on Housing Fixes and Frustrations (Thanks to The Tyee)

What’s up with David Eby? The B.C. housing minister is full of fighting words these days. He blasted a recent report that claimed local governments were building enough homes as being “disconnected from lived reality.” He then went on CKNW to say that this attitude “flabbergasted” him, and told the Canadian Press that the “status quo is not acceptable.” And to all those skeptical about the need for more supply? His reply in the Globe and Mail, “I’ll be sure to mention that to all the people sleeping in their cars, and lining up to find rental units; that we are going to study the problem more.” Click here.

-> Victoria’s Tiny Town: How a collection of shipping containers became a community (Thanks to The Tyee and Victoria Times Colonist)

A possible solution to housing our homeless residents? A shipping-container ­village for those without homes prepares to celebrate its one-year anniversary in May. For a community that allows no visitors, the Victoria Tiny Homes Village looks welcoming on the outside, with colourful murals adorning the sides of shipping containers arranged in a square, which also serve as the perimeter. But the entrance to the compound adjacent to Royal Athletic Park is more businesslike, with a controlled door bereft of ornamentation and a security guard keeping an eye on who is coming in. Visitors enter a courtyard where a pair of picnic tables is arranged under a shelter, interspersed with raised planters and deck chairs. This is the de-facto gathering place for the village’s 30 residents. Except for three women, the ­community is made up entirely of men, ranging in age from 22 to 70. Read the story.

-> News from the Richmond Arts Coalition (Thanks to Andrew Wade)

The RPRC is a member of the Richmond Arts Coalition (RAC). They are currently hard at work prepping for our Annual General Meeting, the Richmond Arts Awards, and the Richmond Maritime Festival; grappling with a malicious hack to our webhosting; advocating for the arts to different levels of government; and writing grant applications to hopefully bring in funding to support local artists. And some exciting news! Arts and Culture Centre Funding – The biggest news of the week is the City of Richmond receiving 2.23 million dollars in joint Federal and Provincial funding to repurpose the former Minoru Seniors Centre into an Arts Annex! This will provide much needed space for arts programming.

More on this from the Richmond News and Richmond Sentinel.

-> Global Access & Inclusion Foundation (GAIF) request for books and school supplies (Thanks to Kwaku Yeboah)

GAIT www.access-inclusion.org is a friend of the RPRC and member of the Food Aid Delivery Coalition. GAIT needs school supplies for kids from K-12. Most of the families and communities we support are struggling with literacy, especially for the children due to lack of these resources. We are hoping to inspire our communities to read and be interested in school as we get closer to the summer months. We are committed to accepting all donations and can drive to you for pick up. Just call or email to arrange time and place. Please call Kwaku at 604.250.5171 or email kwaku@access-inclusion.org to help out.

-> Draft Seniors Strategy 2022-2032 Public Engagement (Thanks to Tanya Fitspatrick and the City of Richmond)

By 2036, close to 40 per cent of Richmond’s population will be 55 years or older. Richmond seniors represent the fastest growing demographic in the city and are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. To meet the needs of this rapidly evolving population, the City is developing a new Seniors Strategy 2022–2032 and would like your input. Engagement runs April 5-24. The Strategy’s intent is to guide the City and stakeholders in supporting seniors in Richmond to age well consisting of five strategic directions with recommended actions to be completed over a 10-year period. We would love to hear your feedback and ask that you share your thoughts on this draft Strategy in a short 10 to 15 minute survey, which will be available until Sunday, April 24.

April 11

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 15th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Support for striking Pacific Gateway Hotel (PGH) workers tonight at City Hall!

The RPRC have been long-time supporters of Unite Here Local 40 and their workers, first at YVR (food services) and now the hotel workers at PGH who were fired in May 2021. Unite Here will be at City Council tonight at 7.00 pm to ask City Council to boycott the hotel until the labour dispute is over. Join us!

-> Family Service of Greater Vancouver – FSGV Financial Empowerment workshops (Thanks to Murray Baker)

The RPRC is promoting FSGV’s new Financial Empowerment ‘Money Skills’ project. Their first workshops are on Tax Preparedness. You must register for these two Tax workshops. Please see links below:

*Tax Workshop-April 20, 2022 (in Cantonese) from 10.30am to 12.30pm. This workshop is offer by FSGV Financial Empowerment Program.. If you want to learn about tax basics and how to file your tax on line, please join us on Zoom.

*Tax Workshop-April 27, 2022 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm (in English). This workshop is offered by FSGV Financial Empowerment Program.

-> RPRC commences a new project “Improving Pedestrian Safety in Richmond” (Thanks to VCH and Vision Zero)

The RPRC received a generous grant from Vision Zero and Vancouver Coastal Health to support a pedestrian safety survey, designed and executed by our network of low-income Richmond residents who regularly walk and roll to get on with their daily lives. This project is inviting people with lived experience of low-income to be a part of the network and to learn and practice job-ready skills as they participate in the project team. See attached media release. For more information and to find out how to apply for a team position, contact info@richmondprc.org.

-> Federal government Budget 2022 highlights (Thanks to CBC News)

There is some good news for low-income families and individuals in the 2022 budget. Some highlights of the federal budget include funding for affordable housing including co-ops; home buying help; and phased-in dental care for children, seniors, and low-income families. See CBC article here.

-> City Council blind to Richmond residents’ housing needs (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thanks to writer Donna Colpitts for keeping affordable housing in the news. She wrote a letter to the Editor, Richmond News saying, “With the exception of a few, our current city council appears to be turning a blind eye to the housing crisis in Richmond. Or even worse, they are aware of it and choose to ignore it in favour of catering to
large developers. Richmond’s record of rental units vs condos is appalling. Condo developers continue to reap huge profits while tens of thousands of Richmond residents struggle to find proper housing. The City cites their LEMR program as their solution to this problem, but these units have not been accessible to the general public – if they are built and offered at all.”

-> Parm Bains MP and Wilson Miao MP concerned about affordability in Richmond (Thanks to Richmond Sentinel)

The Sentinel asked: What were you most concerned about in terms of your riding and Richmond as a whole? Bains: I’ve been passionate about a few things and affordable housing has been a big one. Affordability in general is something that we need to tackle. One of the biggest pieces of constituency work is often immigration cases.
Miao: Affordability of housing and (the) labour shortage are definitely the biggest issues in both of our ridings right now. Also, I think many seniors and youth in our community (need attention). The pandemic brought challenging times and it’s important for us to create more awareness for our constituents to know where to seek assistance to access programs and grants for individuals, families, and organizations.

-> Richmond Centre for Disability – RCD Calendar – April to June (Thanks to Ella Huang)

Activity Calendar for April-June 2022 are available on RCD Website. Some select activities: IN-PERSON: Creative Arts (Starts Apr. 25, Mon 10-11:30am) and iPad Class (Start Apr 26, Tue 1-2pm); HYBRID CLASSES: Relaxation (On-going, Wed 11am-12pm) and Social Games Club (on-going, Tue 2:20-3:30pm); ZOOM: In Motion & Momentum + (Pre-employment Discovery) (Start Apr. 27, Wed 1-2pm) and Tom Talks (On-going, Mon 3-4pm).

-> Urban Bounty has community garden plots for non-profits (Thanks to Grace at Urban Bounty)

Urban Bounty is offering small plots (6 x 4 feet) free of charge to non-profit community organizations to use for their clients and members. These plots are in the Garden City Lands and represent Urban Bounty’s 12th community garden! The gardening plots, the soil, tools, and water are provided, and all you need to do is bring seeds, gloves, and a hat! The community garden has a unique design that differs from other community gardens around Richmond, we encourage you to visit the site to assess if the layout design meets the needs of your program. If your organization is interested in participating please complete the application by April 30, 2022 (see attached) or contact Grace at grace@urbanbounty.ca.

April 4

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 14th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

This week we have a variety of items on food security, housing, childcare, anti-racism, and workshops. Enjoy!

This just in!

-> Federal government to announce high-speed internet for low-income families (Thanks to CBC News)

An announcement is expected today for $20/ month internet access for hundreds of thousands of low-income seniors and families who will soon benefit from $20-per-month high-speed internet. This is a partnership between the federal government and more than a dozen internet service providers. Families receiving the maximum amount under the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) and seniors receiving the maximum under the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) will be eligible for internet with speeds of up to 50 megabits-per-second (Mbps) and 10 Mbps upload, or the fastest available speed in their region. The move, part of the government’s Connecting Families Initiative, has been branded Connecting Families 2.0. It both upgrades and expands what the government previously offered with Connecting Families 1.0. Under that plan, announced in 2017, families receiving the CCB could get access to internet for $10 a month. Learn more.

-> Richmond Food Bank starts a new program for clients aged 70+ (Thank to Alex Atkinson)

In February 2022, we had nearly 75 new households sign up for grocery assistance. In anticipation of longer wait times due to the growing need for our services, we are excited to pilot our “70+ Years Only Mornings” on Mondays and Wednesdays starting on April 4. The first half hour of our Monday and Wednesday distribution (11:00am-11:30am) will be reserved for clients who are 70 years of age or older. Clients who qualify are welcome to come at 10:30am to line up. We will have the number draw at 10:40 and open the doors to begin food pickups at 11:00am. Any clients who are not 70+ years old can join the line after 11:30. Please also see attached to this email, an RFB leaflet with food distribution hours.

-> Richmond Family Place invites new members (Thanks to Ruth Taverner)

Did you know that Richmond Family Place is a membership-based organization? Membership fees support our work by keeping our building open, providing quality early childhood materials, and supporting families in Richmond. We ask all participants to become members. Membership also has advantages: members will receive a discount at our Thrift Store, can register to attend our special events, and can attend our Annual General Meeting. We strive to make sure every family that wishes to become a member of Family Place can be. Membership fees are $25 a year per family. If that is a challenge for you, then we invite you to ‘pay what you can’ or talk to one of our Family Support Workers to find the best option for your family. We don’t want anyone to miss out! We value each and every one of you.

-> Parenting workshops presented in partnership with Learning Disabilities Society (Thanks to Richmond Public Library)

The Richmond Public Library and the Learning Disabilities Society are offering a series of parenting workshops from April through June, that may be of interest to you and your clients. Please feel free to share with your networks. Please see flyer attached.

-> The Public calls for equitable access to affordable LEMR rentals (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thanks to speakers Kathyrn McCreary, David Yang, and Mark Lee for their presentations at City Council’s meeting Monday March 28th asking for “equitable” access to affordable rentals in Richmond.They argued waitlists and a centralized registry could help manage low-end market rentals (LEMR) units fairly – LEMR units are built into new developments and are often managed by the owner. The idea was first brought forward by Kathryn McCreary at Monday’s city council meeting in regards to a housing agreement for a 134-unit development at 8131 Westminster Hwy. that was on the meeting agenda. McCreary noted the housing agreement, as currently written, allows the owners’ relatives to occupy a LEMR unit. “I think it would be appropriate that they too would have to go through a waiting list process so that they aren’t getting first dibs and safeguard the equitable distribution of these units in the community,” said McCreary.

LEMR units have controlled rents and the income of occupants have to be between certain minimums and maximums, depending on the unit size. McCreary added a waitlist for all LEMR units and a centralized registry, managed by the city, would allow for more “fair, equitable and inclusive” access to affordable housing. Also, the waitlist would benefit property managers and owners to easily draw tenants from the eligible list so rental units could be allocated on a “first-come first-serve basis,” she added. Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie said staff would take McCreary’s concerns “under advisement when drafting future housing agreements.” See the article.

-> City of Burnaby is eager to build, but stymied by funding gap (Thanks to BC ACORN newsletter)

Like Richmond Council, Burnaby City Council would like the other levels of government to show them the money. The city has five city-owned properties “shovel ready” for affordable housing development, but a shortfall of senior government funding means the properties are still sitting vacant. Now, the city and its non-profit partners are attempting to find creative new ways to get the properties developed without the funding that they’d been hoping for. In the meantime, however, they have heard David Eby, B.C. attorney general and minister responsible for housing, publicly say that municipal approvals are tying up the delivery of housing amid an affordability crisis. More info here.

-> Atmosphere project seeks creditor protection (Thanks to Richmond News)

The owner of the yet-to-be built Atmosphere complex on No. 3 Road – an 800-unit housing development – has applied for creditor protection to restructure its business, and is reassuring presale owners their deposits are being held in trust. The project was halted more than a year ago after which its building permits expired, leaving a hole in the ground across the road from Lansdowne Shopping Centre. The owner, Alderbridge Way LP applied on Friday to the Supreme Court of B.C. for protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, which would allow for restructuring of its business affairs, rather than having to declare bankruptcy. Under court supervision, the owner would then either figure out a way to move forward with the project or find a buyer.

The RPRC notes, this development has 824 units of housing, of which 112 will be market rentals and 38 ‘secured’ LEMR units. When or ‘if’ they will be built is in a deep hole. Keep reading.

-> Community Collaborative Table (CCT) Your Voice Matters (Thanks to Alan Hill and RMCS)

The RPRC is a member of the CCT in Richmond. The table sent us this important survey. The Government of Canada’s Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat is launching a consultation process on their National Action Plan on Combating Hate.

The Government of Canada is taking necessary actions to address the troubling rise of hate crimes and hate groups, not just because of the devastating consequences they have on the victims and their families, but also because they can divide our country and increase insecurity nationwide. That’s why, the government is launching consultations for the first ever National Action Plan on Combatting Hate. They want to ensure that people across Canada, particularly those with lived experience of hate, have their say in defining how this action plan will deliver tangible change. They are inviting to complete the online questionnaire by April 30, 2022

-> Richmond’s Connections Community Services Society launches a new Indigenous program (Thanks to Richmond News and Connections)

Connections Community Society is filling a big gap in services for the Indigenous community, starting this month. The Indigenous Voice and Vision program, which has been on hold for two years due to the pandemic, will roll out a series of workshops and drop-in sessions this spring for participants to choose from, including hand drum sessions, powwow dance and storytelling workshops. The new program will create a “holistic, strength-based approach to healing and education for Indigenous families, youth and children, and people of all ages are welcome to attend.

Meanwhile, for Indigenous people seeking support in areas such as mental health, addictions and life skills assessment, the program will also offer psychosocial rehabilitation services (PSR). The new program coordinator is Jack Horne, from the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation on Vancouver Island. For more information about the program, please contact Horne at 604-218-5592 or drop by at Richmond’s office at 5751 Cedarbridge Way from Tuesday to Saturday.

-> Atira Property Management staff response to The Tyee’s stories on Atira’s SRO’s (Thanks to Atira Dirctors’ staff)

This Atira’s Directors’ statement supports the difficult work that Atira SRO housing staff must do under harrowing circumstances. The statement says, “Over the last 12 months Jen St. Denis, a Tyee Reporter, has written a number of stories about Atira Property Management Inc (APMI) focused on perceived failures of APMI employees including front-line staff, managers, directors and leadership but without ever touching on the material issues. While her intent may be noble and while she and her editors may believe they are making a positive contribution to the discourse around the profoundly complex and seemingly intractable issues that create the Downtown Eastside, we maintain she and The Tyee are in fact causing harm. We have watched our co- workers and tenants beaten down by negativity about their work and housing, develop increased stress and anxiety in anticipation of what will be written next, and when speaking up online to offer a counter story they have experienced racism, sexism and classism, which are always part of any story, but in communities like the DTES especially.”

March 28

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 13th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

This week’s Roundup is about Housing, Health and Childcare, with a special memorial post for Marnie Plant.

-> Now it’s OK to attend and/ or speak in person at City Council meetings and committees! (Thanks to David Yang)

You will recall in last week’s Roundup #12, Richmond City Hall appeared to be setting a confusing precedent – that people would no longer be allowed in person at Council meetings or at Council committee meetings. David Yang (who was refused the right to speak on Mar 14th) will be at City Council tonight Mon Mar 28th. We would encourage you to come to the Council meeting, to support David’s right to speak, to speak yourself, or to just be there. Meetings start at 7.00 pm exactly. You can also view the action at the City’s You Tube channel online. You may also subscribe to the RSS Feed Icon Council Meetings Podcast.

-> Richmond Family Place call for monthly giving (Thanks to Valerie Allen)

There is still time for you to sign up and help Richmond Family Place get a $20 bonus! Monthly giving is one of the most efficient ways to donate. You don’t have to worry about remembering to give every year, and it’s a great way to make a big impact. Plus, for a limited time, we can help increase the impact of your gift. Throughout March, create a new monthly gift of $20 or more in support of our charity through CanadaHelps, and CanadaHelps will make a one-time extra $20 donation to our charity!* You read more about the full terms and conditions here. Please consider creating a new monthly gift of $20 or more through CanadaHelps to support our charity.

-> BC government considering intervention when cities reject affordable housing projects ( Thanks to CBC News and Cory Tymich)

A lack of housing availability and affordability has the province looking into how it can intervene when municipalities refuse to build more homes. Last week, Housing Minister David Eby said there is a “huge amount of pressure” for B.C. to create more housing as migration from other parts of the country is at a 30-year high and vacancy rates are at an all-time low. He said his government is looking at legislation that would allow the province to override municipalities’ decisions not to approve affordable housing projects. B.C. is looking at other countries such as New Zealand, which has banned single-family home zoning in its major cities. “I feel a huge sense of urgency to get as much housing approved and built, especially rental housing as we can,” Eby said. See the article.

FYI, late last year, the RPRC made a submission on the BC Budget 2022 and recommended to the provincial government that they,”mandate that municipal governments prioritize the building of non-market housing until this type of housing stock meets the need of low-income residents, and municipalities provide targets and timelines on how this will be accomplished.” The RPRC is hopeful that our recommendation will be acted on.

-> Councillor Andy Hobbs claims UBCM housing report doesn’t give the whole picture (Thanks to Richmond News)

A Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) report claims housing supply in the province is actually keeping up with population growth – but one city councillor said this report doesn’t reflect decades of slow housing growth. Canada – including B.C. and Richmond – is far behind on building housing, but this problem goes back decades when the federal and provincial governments significantly slowed down construction of rental and affordable housing, said Richmond city Coun. Andy Hobbs.

The short window that UBCM used in its study doesn’t address the fact housing hasn’t kept up with population growth for decades, he added. The report noted housing supply, “as best can be determined based on the data available, has kept pace with population growth in British Columbia over the past five years” and that more housing has been built in B.C. in the past three years “than in any three years in the past 20 years.” More here.

-> Richmond City Council decides to build condos mostly for sale to investors. (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thanks to letter writer John Roston,who says Richmond should look to Burnaby as an example of how to increase affordable rental properties. “In 2018, the B.C. government gave Council the power to zone land for rental-only housing. That increases its value from its current zoning for single-family housing or low-rise commercial.
The alternative chosen by Council is to instead zone it for strata condos. That increases the land value even higher beyond what is profitable for rental housing. From 2018 to 2021, Richmond built 13 % rental and 87 % condos. Shameful! Surrey built 46 % rental, Vancouver 32 %. Of neighbouring cities, only Burnaby built less rental. Burnaby has now turned this around with 10,000 rental units in the pipeline, leaving Richmond at the bottom of the rental housing construction list. Some Richmond investors are choosing to speculate in real estate by buying strata condos creating artificial demand. They have a vote for Richmond council. Potential renters who work in Richmond can’t afford to live here and don’t have a vote.”

-> Priced Out: Some middle-class families losing ground giving the rising living costs (Thanks to Richmond News)

By all accounts, Nancy Li has done everything right. Li (not her real name) worked hard at a full-time job, rarely taking a sick day and working weekends when needed. Her husband’s the same, and together they’ve lived a comfortable middle-class life, putting what they’ve earned into their mortgage and raising two daughters. So she, more than anyone, was more shocked and appalled to find herself standing in a line-up outside the Richmond Food Bank earlier this week. She said it was the first time in her life she has asked for charity, and it wasn’t easy. “Saving face is very important in Asian culture,” Li told a Richmond News reporter, who accompanied her on that dreaded trip to the food bank.

She said she had tried to avoid what she believed to be the humiliation of turning to charity. “However, if I didn’t go, I might end up losing my home. So I don’t care about losing face anymore,” said Li. Li knows that some may say she’s to blame for her situation — that she and her husband don’t work hard enough, they spend beyond their means, or don’t know how to budget. Keep reading.

-> $10-a-day Childcare coming to Richmond! (Thanks to Richmond News)

Three Richmond facilities are offering the government’s $10-a-day childcare program, for a total of 124 child care spots. The spaces are up for grabs at three Richmond facilities, as part of the B.C. government’s $10 a day ChildCareBC program. West Cambie Children’s Centre, Cook Road Children’s Centre and Seasong Child Care Centre will have a total of 124 spaces, with fees capped at a maximum of $200 a month per child. The number of $10 a day spaces has increased across the province from 2,500 when the program began in 2018 to more than 6,500 spaces.

The government claims that the number of $10 a day spaces in the province will double again to 12,500 by this December, with financial help from Ottawa. According to the government, by the end of this year, the “average rate of child care will be reduced by 50 per cent from 2019 levels for children five and younger.” Full story.

-> Translink fares to increase by 2.3 % effective July 1st (Thanks to Daily Hive)

When other large cities in Canada are reducing fares to get people back on transit, BC Trans Link says they need the extra dough right now. So the cost of taking transit will climb again on July 1st. Monthly regular passes will go up between $2.15 and $4.15 / month and concession monthly passes go up $1.30/ month, as well as other fares. Thanks to the provincial ‘All on Board’ campaign, Kids 12 and under are free when accompanied by an adult. The RPRC and other poverty reduction coalitions continue to advocate for a sliding scale for low-income adults.

-> Historic Federal supply and confidence agreement will bring in dental care for low-income folks (Thanks to CBC News)

​Tooth issues can cause life-threatening conditions, advocates say, as Feds more on dental care. 1% of annual emergency room visits are made by patients with dental care needs. If the Liberal-NDP agreement to create a national dental care program for low-income Canadians becomes a reality in years ahead, advocates and health-care works say it could help prevent dental health issues from spiralling into life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks and strokes, and keep more people from resorting to hospital emergency rooms.

-> Storeys Cafe staff and patrons mourn the loss of Marnie Plant (Thanks to Richmond News)

Marnie Plant, the driving force behind Richmond’s Storeys Cafe has passed away, aged 64. Her sister, Brenda Plant, who had been working with her over the years at the café and at the Turning Point Recovery Society, told the Richmond News that much-loved Marnie “never complained, she was always positive and filled with hope. “And I think those are qualities that she tried to instill around people.” Storeys Café, on Anderson Road near Richmond City Hall, has been serving as a hub since 2017, offering job training to those living in the Storeys building, which houses people from the vulnerable community, such as those on a low-income and people battling addictions, mental health issues and abuse.

-> Covid update – People aged 18and up can get free Covid-19 rapid test (Thanks to Richmond News)

People age 18 and over can now get free rapid antigen test kits at B.C. pharmacies. Effective Wednesday (March 23), eligible individuals can pick up one kit of
five tests every 28 days from participating pharmacies at no cost.To pick up a kit, they must present their personal health number. If someone is picking up a kit on their behalf, they must supply the name, personal health number, and date of birth. Test kits should not be picked up when you have symptoms of COVID-19; they should be picked up to use at a future time when you show symptoms of the virus.

March 14

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 11th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

Volunteer Are Stars (Thanks to Richmond Cares Richmond Gives and Sydney Kuo)

RPRC is a member of this long-standing local organization. Sydney says, don’t forget to nominate your awesome individual/group volunteers for a Volunteers Are Stars Award. Nominations are super easy to fill out online, and the deadline is Friday, March 18, so you still have time. This is a very special recognition, and we hope you will use this opportunity to recognize stars on your team 🙂

-> Technology will speed up housing processes (Thanks to Richmond News)

Developers might complain Richmond City Hall is slow to approve new housing projects, but Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie thinks it’s a two-way street. Developers are often equally slow to respond to requests from city staff during the process, he told the Richmond News. But what would help both sides is if senior levels of government funded technology to expedite the process, he added. “We’ll constantly go back and forth whether it’s the development community, the applicants, or the city staff that are holding up the process, but we can make the process itself more efficient and technology will help us do that.”

The RPRC Housing committee has some questions for Council. It seems some projects are approved in short order, while others are held up in City processes. Richmond Centre Mall redevelopment approval by Council (2200 + condos) took all of three weeks, whereas the Brighouse United Church redevelopment proposal (100% rentals – 168 affordable units) has been ‘in process’ for over eight years. And, according to the City’s own Housing Needs report 94 % of all housing starts since 1990 have been condos. Why does it seem that condos are fast tracked while truly affordable rentals are left in the dust? Will technology help the processes become more efficient? And for whom?

-> Notice that big hole in the ground at No 3 and Alderbridge? (Thanks to Richmond News)

The Atmosphere development was supposed to have more than 800 housing units, but its construction has been stalled for a year. The development plan includes an office tower and six residential towers with 824 units of housing, of which 112 will be market rentals and 38 affordable rental units. Note these are condo and rental units City Council counts as ‘approved,’ but that obviously doesn’t mean they are built.

No calls or emails have been returned to a presale buyer of a yet-to-be-built condo at this stalled development in Richmond City Centre. The project’s building permit from the City of Richmond expired last September after six months of inactivity. Simon Zheng is wondering what’s happening with the development where he has purchased an 800-square-foot unit in 2019. Despite trying to contact the developer via his realtor and other phone numbers and emails, he has heard nothing. Read the whole article.

-> Waitlist closed before new Richmond child care centre opens (Thanks to Richmond News)

Seedlings Child Care Centre, operated by the Richmond Society for Community Living (RSCL) will be opening within a few weeks at the new Paramount building adjacent to the Brighouse Canada Line Station. The high level of interest for their upcoming child-care services speaks to the high cost of living in Richmond and the need for two parents to work, explained Shannon Crofton, RSCL chief executive director. What is needed in the city is “reliable childcare that families know they can rely on and trust,” she added. While fees for full-time child care are more than $1,000 per month, they are subsidized by the society. Helping to keep parent fees lower is the fact the City leased the space to RSCL for a nominal $1 a year.

-> NDP Budget isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be (Thanks to The Tyee)
Respected author and journalist Crawford Killian writes, “the NDP’s economic strategy is big on buzzwords. But it falls well short of what the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) demands. The language of the ‘Stronger Together’ economic plan is also orthodox neoliberalism, in which the government presents itself as just another corporation greenwashing its image. The giveaway term is “investing,” as in: “Investing in people and families to make life more affordable.” The article makes for interesting reading, comparing needs for people with needs for the climate crisis.

-> The Fifth Estate “Priced Out” (Thanks to CBC and Deb Turner)

There has been a lot of info recently on CBC about housing. This first one on March 10th deals with the issue across Canada. This next one was on CBC radio on March 11th and is Richmond-specific and has a few sound bites from our own DW. This is the web link and can also be found on the CBC Listen app. And then there’s The Early Edition with Stephen Quinn – March 11, 2022: Priced Out: Latest housing data on Richmond and some of the difficulties people are facing to find housing

-> COVID-19 Update – Rapid Tests for Seniors (Thanks to the BC Seniors Advocate and Susan Johnsen)

COVID-19 rapid antigen tests are now being distributed to people aged 60+ at B.C. pharmacies. Seniors in this age group can pick up 5 tests every 28 days free of charge. Eligible seniors will need to provide their Personal Health Number, full name, and date of birth. Learn more.

-> Masks not mandatory as of Fri Mar 11th (Thanks to Richmond News and Dr. Bonny)

There is no need to wear masks indoors according to Dr. Bonny Henry’s latest directive. This includes in grocery stores and on transit. But from the looks of it, most people are keeping them on for now. You are still required to wear masks in medical settings and care homes, where there may be people who are more vulnerable to infections. Many employers are also asking their staff to continue wearing masks to keep them safe.

March 7

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

March 8th is International Women’s Day, a time dedicated to reflecting on the incredible contributions that women from all over the world have made. It is an opportunity for us to celebrate women that inspire us, to take the time to acknowledge those who have been driving a more equitable world forward.

This is our 10th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> IWD 2022 with the Richmond Women’s Resource Centre (Thanks to Tammy Belfer)

An RPRC organization member, the RWRC held their annual fundraiser and celebration of IWD 2022 virtually on Saturday March 5th. The RWRC also honoured Marielle Demorest as the recipient of the 2nd annual RWRC/International Women’s Day – Leadership Achievement Award. Congratulations to Marielle, one of the founders of the RWRC and an active advocate for women’s rights in Richmond since 1976!

-> Richmond Family Place programs for March (Thanks to Ruth Taverner)

Ruth reports, as the Provincial Health Orders are relaxed, we are working to navigate how the changes will impact our programming. Some of our partner sites can relax their guidelines and we will be providing programming in libraries and community centres. Please note, we will be continuing to adhere to any City guidelines at partner sites, including proof of vaccine status. Here at Main Site (Ash Street), we remain open for all our drop-in programs. Masks are required for everyone 5-years-old and up. Visit the website for to see all the Family Place programs.

->NOBODY’S PERFECT – A FREE program (Thanks to Family Service of Greater Vancouver)

This program is for parents/grandparents and your child (0 to school age – childminding provided). To register, call 604 279 7100 or email Bilquis Hirani at bhirani@fsgv.ca or richceds@fsgv.ca. Mondays, March 28 – May 2, 2022 from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm at Richmond Caring Place #250-7000 Minoru Blvd. (*Note No class on April 18). See poster attached to this email. At the Nobody’s Perfect program you will:
MEET with other parents of young children
SHARE questions, concerns and ideas about being a parent
LEARN about child development, safety, health and behaviour
DISCUSS real-life parenting situations
DISCOVER positive ways of parenting

-> BC Budget 2022 freezes income assistance and disability rates despite rising inflation (Thanks to The Tyee)

The RPRC has vigorously advocated for increases to income assistance and persons with disabilities (IA and PWD) so incomes could at least come close to poverty line. In response to the RPRC and numerous other poverty reduction advocacy groups, the NDP government has raised assistance rates three times since taking office in 2017.

But despite annual inflation of more than four per cent, last week’s budget didn’t include an increase in the rates. Asked about the decision to freeze the rates, Finance Minister Selina Robinson said the government had provided “the largest increase to disability rates in the history of this province” in 2021. The government had temporarily increased rates by $300 a month earlier in the COVID-19 pandemic, then cancelled that and replaced it with a smaller permanent increase of $175 per month.

Total amounts of assistance vary depending on family size and which benefits people qualify for. Read quotes from RPRC allies Homeless Services Association of BC Stephen DeSouza and Raise the Rates Bill Hopwood. Hopwood, a long-time advocate for higher rates living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, said Robinson and other cabinet ministers must be aware that $375 for shelter is too little. “You can’t get a dog kennel for that,” Hopwood said, adding that even for housing providers who want to charge the government’s shelter rate it’s not enough to cover maintenance. “They need to raise the shelter rates to a realistic level. Read the whole article here.

-> Dialogues around Mobility Pricing in Metro Vancouver (Thanks to City staff Melanie Burner)

SFU is hosting a dialogue session around mobility pricing across Metro Vancouver. You must register now to participate in the Mar 9th session. ‘Mobility pricing’ essentially means the user pays to move around. The longer the distance the more you should pay. For instance, in Richmond we pay for two-three zones to get into Vancouver by skytrain. Whereas a rider going a long distance from Burnaby to Vancouver pays for only one zone. Mobility pricing also applies to drivers. Current tax schemes use gas taxes for transit, but EV drivers do not contribute even though they are using the same roads. This dialogue session is to hear your ideas and concerns about this notion that is new to BC but not new around the world.

On March 9th, there is an event for residents from Richmond, South Delta and Tsawwassen. The are currently recruiting participants for the event, and are providing honorariums for individuals who face financial barriers to participation. An honorarium of up to $120 is available to those in need, no questions asked.Up to $60 is also available to reimburse for child/eldercare for the duration of the event. See attached poster ‘Local Dialogues’ for details on how to register and participate.

-> BC COVID-19 pandemic update (Thanks to CEAN Network)

As of March 2, 2022, 90.6% (4,517,602) of eligible people five and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 86.3% (4,302,285) have received their second dose. Since December 2020, the Province has administered 11,350,297 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer Pediatric COVID-19 vaccines.

-> BC Budget 2022 projects for Richmond (Thanks to MLA Aman Singh)

Richmond Hospital Redevelopment and Acute care tower: People will have better access to health care and reduced surgery wait times through a new, nine-story Acute Care Tower replacement to improve inpatient medical, perioperative, medical imaging, emergency and support services through 113 new beds. Total project cost amounts to $860.8 million, with $790.8 million in provincial capital funding. Expected completion in 2031.

George Massey Tunnel Replacement :A new, toll-free eight-laned immersed tube tunnel will replace the existing George Massey Tunney on Highway 99 will reduce traffic congestion and expand active transportation opportunities across the Fraser River.

February 28

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 9th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Mental Health: You Tube videos highlight living with disabilities (Thanks to RCD and Richmond News)

RPRC member Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD) is sharing their members’ mental-health experiences and even offering suggestions to others on a YouTube channel launched by a local not-for-profit. RCD rolled out a weekly show called “ShareNet,” discussing chronic illnesses and underlying mental health concerns. The video isn’t just limited to helping people understand chronic illnesses but also finding out the positive aspects for people living with disabilities, according to Dave Thomson. RCD peer support and community outreach coordinator.Thompson said ‘RCD didn’t want to create the show just from a doctor’s perspective since the last thing many people living with disabilities want to see is another doctor.’ See story.

-> Richmond looks at intersection traffic light, crash data (Thanks to Richmond News)

The RPRC is ahead of the curve yet again! Our project ‘Improving Pedestrian Safety using Vision Zero Goals’ segues perfectly with the City Richmond’s recent investigation into two trouble-prone intersections. Our project team will be surveying residents who walk, roll and ride and find out what improvements they would recommend to make their travels safer. The City of Richmond’s Transportation department is on board and will share information with us. The RPRC in turn will share our report and recommendations with the City and with funders.

The Richmond News story (link below) states City staff have looked into two intersections, at No. 1 and Francis roads and No. 2 Road and Steveston Highway, after a resident spoke to council about traffic safety concerns at these locations. In a report to council’s public works and transportation committee this week, city staff outlined the number of crashes and how the lights — particularly left turns — work. The Steveston Highway intersection isn’t considered a high priority for improvement, but the Francis Road one is in the top-20 for road safety improvements. More here.

-> BC Budget 2022 (Thanks to Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

With COVID centre stage for the past two years, Budget 2022 marked a shift back to normal. The budget narrative is framed around childcare, climate change and investments in people. Childcare is perhaps the biggest winner with spending increasing from $800 million in 2021/22 to $1.2 billion in 2022/23 and $1.56 billion the year after. Average costs for parents will also drop to about $20 per day, with the government still committed to the goal of $10 per day childcare. These investments are largely due to new federal funding on the table with only a modest bump in BC government funding. (Hat tip to the Coalition of Child Care Advocates who deserve special credit after decades of advocacy.)

-> BC Budget 2022 (Thanks to BC Non-Profit Housing Association — Housing Central)

Housing Central reports the Budget 2022 falls short on urgent need for more funding for affordable housing. “The good news in Budget 2022 is the $633-million expansion of critical supports for people experiencing homelessness,” said Jill Atkey, CEO of BC Non-Profit Housing Association. The added support for youth housing is particularly important; the 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver found 29% of respondents experiencing homelessness first become homeless before they were 19, and 32% had been previously or were at the time of the homeless count in foster care, in a youth group home, or on an Independent Living Agreement.

-> CMHC data says NO Richmond Rentals in last three years (Thanks to Richmond News)

The City of Richmond is disputing rental data put out by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), which claimed no rental units were built in Richmond in the last three years. According to city spokesperson Clay Adams, 344 affordable rental units were built and occupied between 2018 and 2021, of which 214 were low-end market rentals (LEMR). A total of 761 affordable units were approved over this time period. On top of that, 568 market rentals were approved between 2018 and 2021, however, none of these have come on the market yet. Adams said many will be ready to be occupied this year.

The RPRC Housing Committee is investigating both claims. Our initial view is when the City talks about ‘approvals’ this is only part of the story. ‘Affordable Unit Approvals’ are on paper, but are not actually built/ occupied. A more realistic measurement may be to look at ‘Housing Starts.’ At least then you know the shovel is in the ground! Something else to ponder: the City’s own report ‘Housing Needs 2021‘ states that over the past thirty years, 94% of housing units have been condos or fee simple. Only 6% have been rental. The City has a lot of catching up to do.

-> City of Richmond Official Community Plan to be reviewed (Thanks to Richmond News)

Housing affordability, social equity, environmental protection and climate mitigation are some of themes being proposed in a review of Richmond’s Official Community Plan (OCP). Richmond city staff are launching a comprehensive review of the OCP that guides planning and development throughout the municipality. The OCP review report states that, instead of a conventional approach, city staff want a “comprehensive rethink of traditional approaches to improve housing affordability.” The report, presented to the City’s Planning committee last week, goes on to say the city is looking for “bold solutions and new tools” to tackle the housing affordability crisis. Good timing Richmond! Read the article.

-> Predatory Lenders to be licenced and regulated – Consumers given more protection (Thanks to BC Acorn)

Thanks to BC Acorn’s Fair Banking campaign, financially vulnerable British Columbians who use high-cost financial services to make ends meet will soon have enhanced protections and access to more education resources. “The pandemic has heightened financial pressures for many British Columbians, and we want to be there to help protect people from predatory lending practices,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “This new framework will provide regulatory oversight of the alternative financial services industry – before consumers borrow or sign up for a high-cost credit loan they need to know the risks, so they are able to make an informed decision that is right for them.” Coming into force on May 1, 2022, companies that offer or facilitate high-interest instalment loans and lines of credit above 32% interest, will require annual licensing and regulation by Consumer Protection BC. This is part of 2019 amendments to the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act.

->Free Seniors Tax Clinic (Thanks to Richmond Cares Richmond Gives)

The RPRC is a member of RCRG. They are pleased to announce that, beginning in March, they’ll once again be offering a free income tax service for Richmond residents who are low-income and aged 55+. Filing taxes might seem like a chore, but it’s also an important step in accessing government benefits, especially for older adults. Keeping your tax returns up to date ensures you won’t miss out on programs like Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement. Seniors can sign up for our tax filing service on their own, or have a family member or caregiver do so on their behalf. For more information, contact our front desk at 604-279-7020 or info@rcrg.org.

February 21

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

Happy Family Day! This is our 8th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> COVID-19 Protocols are loosening up (Thanks to New Release – Office of the Premier)

As of Feb 17th, the following changes will take place. Please note events and activities must include a COVID-19 Safety Plan, proof of vaccination and masks. See and post the poster attached, available in 5 languages. If you have any questions please email: vco.stakeholders@gov.bc.ca.

No restrictions on indoor and outdoor personal gatherings

  • Full capacity for indoor and outdoor organized events, indoor events at venues, exercise and fitness, adult sports activities, tournaments and swimming polls
  • Full capacity and fewer restrictions in restaurants, bars, pubs, and nightclubs, no limits on table size, normal liquor service hours, customers don’t have to remain seated, dancing is allowed when wearing a mask indoors

The following restrictions are not changing:

  • Masks required in all indoor public settings, proof of vaccination requirements, business COVID-19 safety plans, restrictions on visitors to long-term care and assisted living facilities, current restrictions on worship services. These will be reviewed on March 15, restrictions on child and youth overnight camps, K to 12 and child care safety guidelines

You can also find the posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

-> Extreme Weather Response (EWR) Shelter is OPEN (Thanks to Sherrie Mogg)

The EWR for homeless folks is open tonight Feb. 21st, and Tues. 22nd, and Wed. 23rd. from 7pm – 7am. It is located at the South Arm pool, just east of the South Arm Community Centre. Mats and food are provided by the Salvation Army-Richmond office.

->Richmond Centre for Disability (Thanks to Ella Huang)

RPRC member Richmond Centre for Disablity has Great News! The Hybrid format is back for some activities, effective March. Hybrid format are activities offered on Zoom and participants have the option of joining in-person at the RCD. Call 604-232-2404 to register. Click here to view RCD In-Person Activities Attendance Protocol. Activity Calendar for March 2022 has been revised and is available on the RCD Website.
Hybrid classes:

  • Social Games Club on Tuesdays 2:30pm-3:30pm
  • Relaxation on Wednesdays 11am-2pm
  • FUN Skills Exercise on Fridays 1pm-2pm

Some In-Person activities are BACK

  • Public Speaking on Thursdays 3pm-4:30pm
  • Mom’s Dance Club on Fridays 9am-10am

-> Food Safe Level 1 course Mar 5th (Thanks to St. Albans and Union Gospel Mission)

Spaces still available! FOODSAFE (Level 1) is a food handling and work safety course for food service workers, such as cooks, servers & dishwashers. The course covers important food safety information including foodborne illness, storing, preparing, serving, cleaning & sanitizing. Instructor: Alvin Cong, Director of Community Development, The Salvation Army Belkin House Date and Time Sat, Mar 5, 2022 from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm at St. Alban’s Church 7260 St. Albans Rd (at Bennett). Please note:

  • Space is limited to 25 people/class
  • Cost is $70 but subsidies are available for students, seniors, others
  • Food Safe certificates are valid for 5 years
  • Coffee & tea provided – please bring a lunch, or find one at a nearby café
  • Questions: Karen (kgiesbrecht@ugm.ca)

-> Richmond parent calls for a National School Lunch program (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thanks to Richmond parent Chaslynn Gillanders, who is appealing to Richmond city council and the Board of education to push for a national school lunch program. ‘Not only is it hard for kids to learn and succeed when they’re hungry, it’s stigmatizing to be part of a program set up for students in need,’ she said, adding, ‘having a program for school lunches for all students would take away from the stigma.’ Because of the high cost of living in Richmond and elsewhere, families are putting a lot of their money just into shelter and transportation, leaving less for food. Several non-profits in Canada have called for a national school food program, saying Canada is the only G7 country that doesn’t have one. Some point out Canada has a “patchwork” system of providing school lunches. More here.

-> Rents cannot be increased more than 1.5 % in 2022 (Thanks to Richmond News)

Here is a stark reminder that landlords sometimes increase rents more than is allowed under the law. Take heed renters! If you think you have been unfairly treated you have the right to dispute a rent increase or other rent issue, and can apply online for dispute resolution.

The story: A Richmond renter claims his landlord tried raising his rent more than is legally allowed and now is threatening to evict him and his family. The renter was told by his landlord his rent would increase by $400, from $2,100 to $2,500 on March 1st. This was after the rent was already increased by $100 on Jan. 1st. The provincial government has set 2022 rental increases at 1.5 %, which would mean the unit’s $2,000 rent on Jan. 1st should have increased by $30, not $500! Read the whole article.

-> Racist and homophobic attack caught on video in Broadmoor Mall (Thanks to Richmond News)

The RPRC recently completed an anti racism anti-discrimination project where we reported ‘those who participated, saw sexual orientation as a non-issue.’ However, this Richmond News report shows us there is still more work to be done. ‘Two young Richmond women were left shaken and crying after being on the wrong end of a shameful racist and homophobic road rage rant.The couple – who don’t want to be identified for fear of reprisals – were subjected by another young woman to a couple of minutes of threats and disgusting verbal abuse in a shopping centre parking lot Thursday evening.’

-> Richmond Arts Coalition Richmond Arts Awards (Thanks to Andrew Wade)

The RPRC is a member of the Richmond Arts Coalition (RAC). Every year the RAC teams up with the City of Richmond to produce the Richmond Arts Awards, honouring and celebrating local individuals and organizations in the arts community. Those being nominated could be volunteers, businesses, cultural leaders, educators, youth, chefs, or more. The deadline for sending in nominations is March 7th, and they are looking for more nominations! The event cannot happen without you. If you know of anyone who deserves a nomination, visit the website.

-> The Richmond Arts Coalition (RAC) “Let’s Celebrate Together!” (Thanks to Richmond News and Andrew Wade)

The RAC has launched part two of its “Let’s Celebrate Together” show to celebrate the various art forms in the city. RAC, a volunteer-led organization in Richmond, recorded and published the first part of its “Let’s Celebrate Together” show on YouTube in January. The second part of the show was recorded at the Steveston Martial Arts Centre and features local artists Tanaz Roudgar, Marc Rivest, Cora Kiesman, Hannah Black and Jiliang Yao. See the video.

-> Applications Open for 2022 Ethel Tibbits Scholarship (thanks to Richmond Cares Richmond Gives)

The Richmond Community Foundation is accepting applications for this year’s Ethel Tibbits Scholarship, which is awarded annually to Richmond women who are seeking to further their education and broaden their career opportunities, so they can better support their families. Note this is NOT a scholarship for high school students. Originally established by the Richmond Review, the scholarship honours the life and legacy of Ethel Tibbits, a pioneering newspaper editor and owner, and a passionate advocate for women’s rights.

Applicants must have lived in Richmond for at least one year, and demonstrate financial need. They can be entering a training program, or attending classes to upgrade their skills or credentials. The $750 scholarship can help cover tuition fees and course materials. You can apply via an online application also available on the RCF website. The final day for submissions is April 8.

February 14

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

Happy Valentine’s Day! This is our 7th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government. If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Family Services of Greater Vancouver – Richmond office (Thanks to Biquis Hirani)

FSGV Nobody’s Perfect Virtual program starts on Monday February 14th. There is still time to join! It is a free program for parents and grandparents of children ages 0 to school age. To register call 604.279.7100 or email bhirani@fsgv.ca. See attached poster.

-> Black History Month Activities continue (Thanks to Richmond Public Library and Kelly Thoreson)

Each One, Teach One Book Club: On Thursday, February 24, 10:30am-12pm via Zoom (register) marks the launch of a new book club focusing on Black Canadian authors. For February, we will be reading the historical adventure Washington Black by Esi Edugyan. Copies are available to borrow from the library.

-RPRC completes Anti-Racism project (Thanks to Ella, Stephanie, Jessica, Angela, and Theresa!)

The RPRC members submitted their final report concerning their thoughts on anti-racism/ anti-discrimination data collection. This mini project engaged numerous low-income Richmond residents through conversation circles. It was funded in full by the ministry of Attorney General. Special thanks to Richmond Centre for Disability for co-leading the project with the RPRC leadership.

->Feb 22nd Public Hearing on Rental-Only Zoning (Thanks to Richmond News)
The public is invited to comment on rezoning 60 Richmond properties are rental-only at a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 22 at 7.00 pm. The properties are already rentals, and city staff told city council that putting the zoning in place would be a stronger tool than just the current policy to keep them rental that’s in the Official Community Plan (OCP). At a city council meeting in January, the zoning changes were supported unanimously.

There was considerable opposition from several developers, The bylaw closes a loophole that has allowed rental properties to be converted into strata condos. This was possible if a property owner built the same-sized building, which doesn’t require a rezoning application, and then stratified the units and sold them as condos. Read the whole article.

-> 2021 Child Poverty Report Card Webinar Feb 23rd at 9.30 am (Thanks to First Call Child & Youth Advocacy Society)

Please join First Call for a deeper look at their 2021 BC Child Poverty Report Card and what we can learn about child and family poverty across the province. Led by the report’s co-author and First Call’s Executive Director, Adrienne Montani, this webinar will explore provincial and regional data, stories illustrating the impact of family poverty, and recommendations to all three levels of government on how to reduce child poverty. February 23, 2022 | 9:30am -11:00am Via Zoom. Please RSVP to info@firstcallbc.org and we will send you the Zoom link.

-> Brain injury endemic among homeless population – Vancouver research (Thanks to CTV News and Cory Tymich with RCFC)

Traumatic brain injury is so common among the homeless that prevention should be prioritized for people facing multiple challenges and worse outcomes compared with “affluent populations,” says Tiffany O’Connor. This points out the need for health-care professionals and service providers to have standardized training to screen for symptoms of even mild injury involving people often struggling with challenges like mental illness and cognitive impairment.

Vancouver Coastal Health supports for children receiving COVID-19 vaccine ( Thanks to CEAN newsletter)

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) COVID-19 vaccination clinics are offering dedicated supports to children five to 11 years of age. When parents book their child’s appointment through the Get Vaccinated system, they can choose from a number of options based on their child’s specific care needs. VCH began children’s clinics in December 2021 and these additional supports will ensure children, parents and guardians have a child-centred experience while getting vaccinated. Here is some additional information.

-> BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner Survey into Hate (Thanks to Lynne Fader of the Kehila Society)

Take the Survey! More than 1 in 4 British Columbians have witnessed hate incidents during the pandemic — including 50% of youth aged 18-24. If you have experienced or witnessed a hate incident during the pandemic, you can take a stand against hate by sharing your experiences in a survey on the rise in hate during the pandemic. Learn more about the Office of the Human Rights Commission and the hate inquiry here.

February 7

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 6th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government.
If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> The Right to Housing (Thanks to The Homeless Hub

In 2019, the Government of Canada passed its first right to adequate housing legislation, entitled the National Housing Strategy Act (NHSA). It invokes Canada’s commitment to the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. This link is a paper commissioned by the National Housing Council to review relevant research on the right to adequate housing, with particular attention paid to implementation and avenues to progressively realize this right within the Canadian context.

-> More Housing Letters! “Richmond condos not built for us” (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thanks to Mary Phillips for another letter to the Richmond News about housing, in response to a letter last week. Keep those letters coming in! It reads in part: “I do not think anyone is saying individuals should not buy a condo and rent it out, especially if the rent is reasonable for the average income earner. Unfortunately, as housing prices are inflated in Richmond, so are rents. The workers in the service industries such as retail and hospitality in Richmond cannot afford the rents so they have to commute from Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster, Surrey, Langley or Coquitlam.”

-> NewToBC invites you to Community Dialogues Emergence, Adaptation and Resilience (Thanks to Kelly Thoreson Richmond Public Library)

Accessing and delivering services in a changing environment. Join libraries, newcomers and settlement & service providers in your community to explore issues related to newcomers and service provision in an ongoing COVID context. Each session is two hours long with an additional 30 minutes for networking after the session. In Richmond the session is on March 10th 1.30- 3.30 pm. To register, see poster attached to this email.

-> BC Seniors Guide now available in Tagalog and Hindi (Thanks to George Pope)

“The BC Seniors’ Guide is a valuable resource as it links older adults to information they need to help make important decisions as they age,” said Mable Elmore,
Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors’ Services & Long-Term Care.“That is why in July we translated the guide into six languages, and now, we are adding translations in
Tagalog and Hindi for the approximately 15,270 B.C. seniors who speak these languages.” To access the BC Seniors’ Guide in all nine languages, visit the website. To order free print copies, call (toll-free): 1 877 952-3181 Or in Greater Victoria: 250 952-3181

-> COVID Info (Thanks to Community Engagement Network – CEAN)

As of Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2022, 89.9% (4,481,509) of eligible people five and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 84% (4,187,417) have received their second dose. Since December 2020, the Province has administered 10,779,487 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer Pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. Click here to see the full update.

-> Ukelele Lending Library! (Thanks to Richmond News and the Richmond Public Library)

Richmond Public Library (RPL) has launched its ukulele collection in memory of local community member Linda Perron. Perron was well-known in Richmond for her dedication to family and friends as well as her volunteerism and passion for music-making grassroots, according to RPL. Library cardholders can rent ukuleles for free
from the Linda Perron Ukulele Lending Library Collection, starting Feb. 2, which coincides with World Play Your Ukulele Day.

January 31

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 5th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government.
If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

February is Black History Month (Thanks to Richmond Public Library)

Join the Richmond Public Library for a number of virtual Black History Month events including a presentation on Eleanor Collins, Canada’s first lady of Jazz and the launch of a new book club focusing on Black Canadian authors. For a complete list and to register please visit the website.

->RPRC completes Anti-racism project (Thanks to Project leaders Ella, Theresa, Angela, Jessica, and Stephanie!)

The RPRC is pleased to report we completed a project funded by the ministry of Attorney General. We conducted four conversation circles with members and/ or clients of the RPRC membership and allies, asking them about the BC government’s interest in collecting and using race-based data. The government’s aim is to remove biases from government programs, services, policies, and processes. The outcome of this BC wide community engagement will be the government drafting legislation to ensure an anti-racism/ anti-discrimination ‘lens’ is applied to everything they do. Stay tuned for our final report!

-> Housing Minister Eby’s wrong turn on housing (Thanks to The Tyee)

Interesting article by Patrick Condon (noted UBC professor, urban planner) about supply versus the ‘right’ supply. “BC’s Housing Minister David Eby has experienced a remarkable conversion in his approach to the housing crisis. Two years ago, in his ongoing role as attorney general, he was very much on the side of those who blamed excess “demand” for rapidly elevating B.C. home prices, particularly the illicit demand generated by money launderers.”

-> Reader comes to the defence of developers (Thanks to Richmond News)

Thanks to Julie Halfnights who wrote into the News saying Cllr. Carol Day’s letter last week on the Polygon Talisman development was erroneous. “First, (her letter) assumes that buyers of the project are all speculators who will leave that residence empty. Apart from those who buy to live in it, there will be buyers who rent out the suites they purchase, thus increasing rental stocks. The second issue is the assumption that investors are the enemy of the people or renters.” We hope Ms. Halfnights is right and all the 1,341 condos will be tenanted by owners or by renters who can afford them. Time will tell, let’s check back in five years. Read the full story.

->Youth Housing grant opportunity (Thanks to Homeless Hub and City staff Val Watson)

Homeless Hub announces an open call for proposals for “Making the Shift.” They are seeking proposals from researchers and community organizations for one-time grants in one of seven research streams. These streams aim to fill crucial evidence gaps in the types of policies and service enhancements we need to prevent youth homelessness in Canada Application deadline is Feb 28th at 5.00 pm EST. Apply now.

Richmond community builder releases new book to discuss family story (Thanks to Richmond News)

RPRC members will recall Alan Hill’s time as the coordinator for the RPRC’s ‘Art for Social Change’ RASC project. Under Alan’s leadership, our project members wrote and performed poetry, skits, plays, songs, and spoken word for their public forums on housing, homelessness, food security, transportation, and belonging. Alan is now continuing his community engagement work with Richmond Multicultural Community Society (RMCS). And in addition, he recently launched a new book, titled “In the Blood: Poems” featuring all his poetry over the past 15 years, and said poetry helps him find a way to release his feelings and heal. His book is available through Chapters Indigo. Learn more about Alan’s story here.

-> Let’s Ride BC petition for public transportation Canada-wide (Thanks to Eric Doherty)

The RPRC signed onto the Let’s Ride Open Letter along with another 20 organizations. Let’s Ride reports, ‘We’re well on our way to getting this important issue heard in the House of Commons! All we need are more signatures to let the Federal Government know we want them to start building an affordable, sustainable, safe, public national bus network NOW! Please share this and sign the petition, which is organized by Let’s Ride: Public Transit BC Wide and sponsored by Skeena-Bulkley Valley MP Taylor Bachrach. #connectCanada

-> Uber drivers get union representation in Canada (Thanks to Richmond News)

The RPRC applauds Uber ‘Gig’ workers for their win! A few months after Uber drivers in Richmond filed a labour relations complaint, their head office in Canada has reached an agreement with a union which will provide representation to the app’s drivers and couriers. The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Canada, says the agreement is “a huge step forward in gig worker rights,” and will advance worker safety, pay transparency and access to benefits.

“For too long, gig work has been a race to the bottom for these workers, who have endured lower wages, unsafe working conditions, and arbitrary firings,” said UFCW president Kim Novak, in a statement. “Today’s agreement means that we can set a new, higher standard for worker rights in the app-based work world.” See the article.

Week of January 24

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 4th Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government.
If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Online Forum for Non-profit Executive Directors (Thanks to Cory Tymich)

FYI, All, the January meeting of RPRC members included a discussion on struggles of non-profits (pivoting during Covid, keeping up with programs, not being funded or valued in comparison with businesses – gyms, etc). Cory thought it would be a good idea to share the opportunity of Vantage Point’s monthly ED Unplugged. It is a free meeting for ED of non-profits across the country to connect and share. Sessions include a non-profit leader’s presentation and interesting discussion and networking. Register online for the series of monthly meetings.

-> RPRC advocates for Extended Rent Freeze

The RPRC membership in January agreed to advocate to the provincial government to extend the BC government rent freeze until the pandemic is over. Many low-income tenants have had relief from rising rents since the province enacted the rent freeze at the beginning of the pandemic. The deadline was up Jan 1, 2022 but landlords cannot enact an increase until April 2022. Stay tuned!

-> RPRC Campaign for Affordable Rental Housing!

At our Jan 2022 meeting, RPRC members endorsed a recommendation from the RPRC Housing Committee to engage in a campaign advocating for truly affordable, accessible and adequate housing for the 20% of our residents living in poverty and struggling to find rental housing. If you would like to join the campaign, please email info@richmondprc.org for more information.

-> Even more Market Condos coming to Richmond (Thank you Richmond News)

The rezoning public hearing for the Polygon Talisman development (Cambie at Garden City) resulted in approval with three Councillors opposed (Cllr’s Au, Wolfe, and Day). The development will have 1,341 condo units. Only 171 of these will be market rental units and 156 will be low-end market rental (LEMR) units.

This is in the face of the City’s own Housing Needs report 2021 that states the dire need is for non-market housing. Non-market rentals are needed for Richmond residents on low incomes, such as seniors, single parents, people with disabilities, newcomers, and people on government assistance. To the RPRC, it appears City Council accepts staff reports then ignores them. Read the article.

-> More Letters to the Editor Richmond News on Rental Housing! (Thank you Richmond News)

Keep those letters coming in! Thanks to Cllr Carol Day for her letter telling us why she voted to oppose the Polygon Talisman rezoning. She says, ‘The 2021 Housing Needs report states, Richmond had 26 per cent renter households in 2016 and is slowly approaching Metro Vancouver’s distribution of 36 per cent (page 8 of the report).”

“This Talisman project could have been a rental hub working with groups like the Canadian Pension Plan who have a history of investing in long-term, multi-family projects.We have a housing crisis and we need bold new steps to address the issue.” More here.

Steveston resident Michelle Li also spoke at the public hearing and sent in a letter to the Richmond News. Li said, in reply to a previous speaker, ‘not everyone can afford to buy a condo for their children and it just emphasized the need for more rental housing to address the current housing crisis. No one should have to struggle in their life so they can make sure their children can live in the same city. As a teacher, she said she sees many families struggling to find housing in Richmond, in situations that are truly heartbreaking. Housing is not a commodity, housing is a human right.’

-> FREE Soccer program – partnership with Richmond Food Bank and COHO Richmond (Thanks to Richard Harvey)

Richmond FC is excited to launch the COHO Soccer Program this upcoming weekend. This program, in partnership with the Richmond Food Bank and Coho Commissary, will provide free soccer and a hot meal to low income families in Richmond. The program is open to current players and their families who may already receive support from the Richmond Food Bank, Richmond Kidsport, Canadian Tire Jumpstart or Athletics4Kids.

The COHO soccer program is scheduled to run Sundays, January 23-February 27 (and Free March spring break camp, March 14-18). Sundays 11am-12:00pm at Boyd and Whiteside. Ages U5-U16 (2017-2006) are welcome to join and players will be divided up by age.

Included in the free registration are: Uniforms. (jersey, shorts, socks), soccer games, coaching, COHO Commissary free meal at the field for families and players after the session each Sunday. Players will need to have their own appropriate footwear – this could be soccer cleats or good tread running shoes. Contact admin@richmondfc.ca for more information. All inquiries are confidential. Visit the website to register.

-> Let’s Ride petition for Public Transportation (Thanks to Eric Doherty)

Let’s Ride is a BC based campaign to encourage public transportation across Canada. The petition will be read in the House of Commons in March. Please sign and forward. They need as many signatures as possible!

Week of January 17

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 3rd Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government.
If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> Family Services of Greater Vancouver- Richmond office (Thanks to Valerie Allen)

Family Services is currently hiring for several new positions, including Counsellor. Richmond Counselling Program. Visit our Careers page to learn more and apply today!

-> The Kehila Society of Richmond (Thanks to Lynne Fader)

The Bayit in partnership with The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, Kehila Society of Richmond and Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver wish to formally invite you to the 3rd annual proclamation of International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the City of Richmond, BC on Thursday January 27th at 7.00 pm.

Please join us (virtually) as we welcome his Worship Mayor Malcolm Brodie as he proclaims January 27th, Holocaust Remembrance Day in the city of Richmond.
Featuring Miriam Dattel, Holocaust Survivor Speaker, Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre. To attend this virtual event please contact Lynne Fader at lfader@kehilasociety.org or rabbi@thebayit.ca to register.

-> Polygon rezoning going to Public Hearing on Jan 17th 7 pm (Thanks to Richmond News)

The public is invited to comment on a 1,300 unit development proposal in the Capstan Station area. The properties require rezoning in order to proceed with redevelopment. The development proposal would include condos with some market rentals and some LEMR (low end market rental) units. But it would not contain any truly affordable units. According to City Staff, building truly affordable, accessible, and adequate housing would require the funding assistance of both provincial and federal governments.

This rezoning proposal also includes the last urban forest in the area and a large farmed field. The public can speak at the public hearing at 7.00 pm on Monday January 17th in Council Chambers and/or they can send in a letter to cityclerk@richmond.ca. The story is posted here.

The Kehila Society of Richmond (Thanks to Lynne Fader and Courtney Cohen)

Hello everyone, it’s that time of year again for us to start preparing for our annual Roses Angels Project. Please find attached to the Weekly Roundup, a letter of information on how you can assist and participate in this amazing program. Any questions please just give us a call at 604 241 9270.

-> Covid 19 News (Thanks to The Sun newspaper)

The BC Health-care system is under tremendous strain due to staffing shortages, Nurses have been saying this for years, but now with Covid the problem is only worse. Nurses are burning out, working 18 hour days, getting sick themselves. But is there light at the end of the tunnel? B.C. modelling shows virus transmission is trending down. Read the article.

-> Another barrier smashed – Gender X accepted on BC ID cards (Thanks to Richmond News)

The BC government has announced that medical confirmation is no longer required to change gender on ID cards. The change allows two-spirit, transgender and gender-diverse BBC residents to self-declare their gender identity on ID documents. The RPRC agrees this has been an equity issue for some time. Having no access to a doctor, or having to pay for a confirmation letter, created barriers for people who wanted to change their gender identity on IDs. Learn more.

-> Let’s Ride! Make Public Transit BC Wide (Thanks to Eric Doherty)

Correction to this post. The petition will be presented in the House of Commons in March 2022. In any case we are sending this out again in the hopes readers will sign and forward the petition, which will be raised in the House of Commons, to all their friends, clubs, and organizations they belong to. The RPRC supports the need for public transit that is inexpensive and connects us to all the services we need. Let’s Ride is a BC volunteer initiative that states, “Public transit advocates across the country are pushing for a National Transit System that would connect all our communities. The more signatures we get, the better!”

Week of January 10

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

This is our 2nd Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government.
If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org<mailto:info@richmondprc.org> and we will endeavour to spread the word among our members and associates.

-> RPRC 2022 memberships are due (Thanks to Deb Turner)

RPRC Membership Director Deb Turner is reminding members to renew for 2022, as our memberships run from Jan-Dec each year. Memberships are only $5 for an individual or $25 for an organization. If any reader would like to join, please go to www.richmondprc.org/contact for the form.

-> Richmond Centre for Disability (Thanks to Ella Huang)

The RCD is back to normal opening hours in the new year – Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Accessing Parking Permit service is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). The RCD has made some changes to the activities starting in January 2022 and may impact the coming 2 months. Stay tuned for more updates!

  1. English Classes, Job Club, Mom Language Club, Life Skill classes are switched to Zoom platform. Start dates and schedules remains the same.
  2. All hybrid activities would keep the Zoom format only and cancel the in-person component.
  3. Other in-person activities will have the start date postponed for 2 weeks, starting the week of Feb 7, including Creative Arts, iPad, MS Word, Public Speaking, Table Tennis, Mom’s Dance. If restrictions persist, in-person activities may be canceled. All Zoom activities remain unchanged.

Activity Calendars for 2022 January Term have been revised and are available on the RCD Website. We are accepting registration for the Zoom activities starting in January.

-> Students return to school Jan 10th (Thanks to Richmond News)

Richmond students will be returning to in-class learning on Monday, after the province pushed the start date back amid concerns over the Omicron COVID-19 variant.

Sandra Nixon, chair of the Richmond Board of Education, said the delayed restart gave district staff time to develop safety plans and protocols, including continuity of learning plans in case of a health-related or functional school closure. In this piece, she said the goal is to minimize disruption and offer support and stability to students as safely as possible.

-> Richmond’s most expensive property valued at $13 Mill (Thanks to Richmond News)

This property on No. 2 Road between Steveston Hwy and Moncton, was valued at ‘only’ $8 Mill in 2020. The increase rang the alarm bells for Richmond-based FarmWatch, which cautioned that, one by one, farms were being taken out of production and that such mansions, despite being built on farmland, were clearly not being built for farming. Check out the full story.

-> Housing Report by Paul Kershaw and Generation Squeeze (Thanks to The Tyee)

‘Generation Squeeze’ received funding from the National Housing Strategy’s Solutions Labs Program, via the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)*, to take action on one of three pillars in our comprehensive housing solutions framework — the need to break our country’s Addiction to High and Rising Home Values. Read more of the article, and download the full report.

-> 143 pedestrians killed in Metro Vancouver in five years (Thanks to Vancouver Sun )

Across the Lower Mainland, drivers injure or kill over 1,500 pedestrians a year in vehicle collisions. Academics and road safety experts say these aren’t tragic accidents — they’re entirely preventable. And the strategies to reduce or eliminate them are well-understood and often affordable. At the intersection of No. 3 Road and Granville, 16 pedestrians were killed in the last five years. Learn more.

-> Let’s Ride! Make Public Transit BC Wide (Thanks to Eric Doherty)

We are sending this out again in the hopes readers will sign and forward the petition to all their friends, clubs, and organizations they belong to. The RPRC supports the need for public transit that is inexpensive and connects us to all the services we need. Let’s Ride is a BC volunteer initiative that states, “Public transit advocates across the country are pushing for a National Transit System that would connect all our communities. Please sign this petition that will be raised in the House of Commons this month! The more signatures we get, the better!”

Week of January 3

Greetings to members and friends of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC):

Directors and staff of the RPRC wish you all a Happy New Year! Let’s hope it is better than 2021. This is our 1st Weekly Roundup for 2022, with information from our RPRC organization members and allies, local news, and all levels of government.

If you have some news, just send it to info@richmondprc.org and we will endeavour to spread the word amongst our members and associates.

Thanks to the Richmond News for providing great coverage and a continuing source of stories about the overall housing picture in Richmond!

-> Richmond Family Place (Thanks to Ruth Taverner)
Happy New Year! We wanted you to know that, in addition to our ongoing Play & Learn programs at Hamilton Community Centre on Monday and Thursday mornings from 10.00 am-12 noon, our new programs include:

  • Thursday 4.30-6.30 pm Play & Learn Drop-In at City Centre Community Centre
  • Friday 1.00-2.30 pm Sing & Play at Steveston Community Centre

As with all our partnership programs, we will be following the facilities’ COVID-19 protocols, which include pre-registration and proof of COVID vaccinations. You can find all the details below in our calendar. If you need any support to get registered or to get vaccinated, please contact us at 604-278-4336 or email fsw@richmondfamilyplace.ca.

-> More housing stories (Thanks to Richmond News)

Average single-family home prices in Richmond are almost at $2 million. City staff noted in their 2021 Housing Needs report that 95 per cent of Richmond residents couldn’t afford to buy a home in the city if they didn’t already have one. And 90 per cent couldn’t afford a townhouse in Richmond – the average townhouse price crept up almost $30,000 in the last quarter as well. The RPRC questions, what are people who want to work, live, and play in Richmond supposed to do? The full article is here.

-> BC’s rent freeze expires Jan 1, 2022 (Thanks to Richmond News)

The province enacted the rent freeze at the beginning of the pandemic to support British Columbians who were struggling financially. As of Jan. 1, 2022, B.C. landlords may increase rent by a maximum of 1.5 per cent, based on inflation, explains a news release. This increase cannot take effect prior to Jan. 1, 2022. If landlords choose to increase rent, they must provide a full three months’ notice to tenants using the correct notice of rent increase form. Maybe there is time for the RPRC to advocate to the government to extend the rent freeze? See more.

-> City of Richmond Rental-Only Zoning (Thanks to Richmond News)

The City of Richmond has identified 60 properties for possible rental-only zoning, prompting criticism from developers and business, saying rezoning would devalue the properties by 30%. Provincial rule changes allow municipalities to rezone properties as only allowing rentals, and those listed by city staff are currently 100 per cent rentals, some privately owned, others owned by BC Housing or Metro Vancouver. There are also 17 housing co-operatives included on this list. Read the story.

-> BC delays return to school for K-12 students (Thanks to Richmond News)

There will be a phased approach to the start of B.C. schools in the new year. Education Minister Jennifer Whiteside joined provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry in a press briefing Wednesday (Dec. 29) afternoon for the announcement of a phased restart for K-12 schools in B.C. over the coming weeks. For children of essential workers and those with special needs, all schools will open on either Jan. 3 or 4. There will be a full return to classes for all students on Jan. 10.

-> BC Government – Ministry of Health – Vaccines for children 5-11 years

COVID-19 vaccines are now available for children. Refer to the addendum to the Provincial COVID-19 Communicable Disease Guidelines.

-> Accessibility and the BC Building Code (Thanks to VCH newsletter)

The Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Housing and the Parliamentary Secretary for Accessibility are working to update the BC Building Code to make new buildings more accessible. The first step invites the public, including people with disabilities, accessibility experts and advocates, code users, Treaty Nations, Indigenous partners, local governments, building owners, construction industry representatives, professional associations, and education partners to provide feedback about barriers and priorities to enhance accessibility requirements in new buildings.

Please see the Backgrounder (PDF) document for more information about this project and provide feedback through our online survey. Feedback will be accepted until 4pm on January 13, 2022.

-> It’s the Law – Five paid sick days per year in BC!

Paid sick leave will be standard for workers in British Columbia beginning Jan. 1, 2022, with a minimum of five paid sick days each year. B.C. becomes the first province in Canada to legislate this level of paid time off for workers who fall ill.

-> When you don’t need the Emergency Room – Urgent and Primary Care Centres (Thanks to VCH newsletter)

Urgent and Primary Care Centres (UPCC) are for people with same-day, non-life-threatening injuries, and illnesses when you are unable to see a family doctor or health care provider. The Richmond UPCC is at 7671 Alderbridge Way, 3rd floor. Call 604.675.2768.

-> Let’s Ride! Make Public Transit BC Wide (Thanks to Eric Doherty)

The RPRC supports the need for public transit that is inexpensive and connects us to all the services we need. Let’s Ride is a BC volunteer initiative that states, “Public transit advocates across the country are pushing for a National Transit System that would connect all our communities. Please sign this petition that will be raised in the House of Commons. The more signatures we get, the better! Thanks for your continued support and Happy New Year!”

-> ACORN and Raise The Rates

ACORN Canada is an independent organization of low- and moderate-income people with 140,000 members in 20+ neighbourhood chapters across nine cities. BC ACORN has a letter-writing campaign on the go to ask the BC government to:

  • Raise income assistance rates to $1,700/ month and persons with disabilities to $2,000/ month, both indexed to inflation
  • End clawbacks on IA and PWD cheques,
  • End discriminatory policies that prevent people from getting married or holding jobs, and
  • Engage in a full review of the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act.

Please send an email to demand the BC NDP Raise the Rates.