Richmond federal election candidates voice views on social justice

person voting silhouette

On behalf of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC), Richmond Centre for Disability (RCD), the Kehila Society, and the Jewish Seniors Alliance we are pleased to report the results of our online Richmond federal election all candidates meeting.

We collaborated on 14 questions around the issues of social justice on the federal stage and sent our questions directly to the candidates for the two federal risings in Richmond: Richmond Centre and Steveston Richmond East.

For your information, the 10 federal candidates are: Parm Bains, Kenny Chiu (incumbent), Laura Gillanders, James Hinton, Wilson Miao, Sandra Nixon, Francoise Raunet, Jennifer Singh, Jack Trovato, and Alice Wong (incumbent). Please note, we did not receive responses from all candidates.

Our team added every response to the RCD website and here is the link for you to access all the candidates’ responses:

We wanted to ensure everyone can view the responses before the opening of advance polls on Sept. 10. All responses will be accessible through the links from Sept. 8 to 20, 2021. We hope our members and associates will read each candidate’s views on this important subject in order to make an informed decision on voting day.

Please forward — let’s get these responses out to every voter in Richmond!