RPRC supports Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond

richmond city hall fountains

The Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond was presented to Richmond City Council during a Planning Committee meeting on Nov. 30, which is available for viewing online. The RPRC has written a letter, below, in support of the plan:

Mayor & Councillors

Re: 2021-2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty Report

This letter is sent on behalf of the Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition (RPRC) to support the above noted report on a poverty reduction and prevention action plan for Richmond.

The RPRC is non-profit society established in 2020, and is comprised of  “a coalition of Richmond residents and agencies working together to reduce poverty and the impacts of poverty with research, projects and public education.”

In particular, the RPRC supports these priority actions and recommends they be acted on immediately.

    • creating a poverty reduction and prevention table including community groups and people with lived experience,
    • providing adequate staffing resources to undertake the work,
    • developing and implementing a poverty lens to support City strategies and policies,
    • actively seeking funding opportunities to advance this work.

For your interest, members of the RPRC include Richmond Centre for Disability, Richmond Women’s Resource Centre, Richmond Mental Health Consumer & Friends Society, Richmond Food Bank, Family Services of Greater Vancouver, Richmond Family Place, Richmond Addictions Services, Heart of Richmond AIDS, Richmond Presbyterian Church, and the Kehila Society, among others.


Deirdre Whalen
President, Richmond Poverty Reduction Coalition