Join the BC Thanksgiving Food Drive (BCTFD) this September 17. The event delivers food and financial support to local food banks in B.C. — volunteers will be collecting food in more than fifty communities across the province.
Last year, over 440,000 pounds of food was collected by more than 5,000 volunteers, valued at approximately $1,100,000, and was sorted and delivered to community food banks. The goal this year is to collect over 600,000 pounds. Even more volunteer participants are anticipated from dozens of partnering businesses, churches and volunteer organizations who will visit some 250,000 addresses.
The BCTFD is a non-denominational project and is open to all interested individuals, community groups, religious organizations, businesses or others who wish to join in helping attend to the needs of the hungry in our province. Volunteers are always needed to help with planning and organizing events or completing collection routes. Organizations whose members are willing to participate en masse as volunteers are also welcome, as are sponsors who will contribute to the BCTFD operational fund and directed donation programs.
Please contact Richmond coordinator Frank Deyell at 778-709-9740 if interested, or visit